utorak, 15. lipnja 2010.

Javni linč, prijetnje smrću i napadi na palestinsku knessetsku zastupnicu u Izraelu

Haneen Zoubi

Informacije iz apela An Appeal to Parliamentarians Worldwide for MK Haneen Zoubi (Apel parlamentarcima iz cijelog svijeta za zastupnicu u izraelskom Knessetu Haneen Zoubi) koji je 9. lipnja parlamentarcima diljem svijeta uputila njena parlamentarna izraelska stranka Balad i koji u cijelosti na engleskom možete pročitati na linku.

Knessetski je odbor 7. lipnja 2010. odlučio Knessetu preporučiti da ukine zastupničke povlastice zastupnice Haneen Zoubi iz stranke Balad, koja je u Gazu u sklopu humanitarne flotile putovala na brodu Mavi Marmara. Odbor je preporučio da joj se ukinu 3 povlastice: poništila bi joj se diplomatska putovnica, smanjile povlastice vezano uz putovanja u inozemstvo, a njene pravne troškove vezano uz obavljanje njene funkcije više ne bi snosio Knesset.

O ukidanju povlastica zastupnice Zoubi konačnu će odluku donijeti Knesset, koji je tijekom nekoliko prethodnih dana bio poprište burnih rasprava u kojima su drugi zastupnici zastupnicu Zoubi optuživali da je „teroristkinja“ i „izdajica“, te joj upućivali takve rasističke i seksističke uvrede da su neke morale biti izbrisane iz zapisnika. U takvoj se atmosferi može očekivati da će Knesset izglasati ukidanje spomenutih povlastica zastupnici Haneen Zoubi.

Zahvaljujući svom zastupničkom imunitetu zastupnica Zoubi je među prvima bila oslobođena iz pritvora nakon napada izraelske vojske na humanitarnu flotilu. Ona je nakon toga svijetu ponudila svjedočanstvo iz prve ruke o onome što se događalo tijekom i poslije napada i tako proturječila glasnogovornicima izraelske vojske i naljutila izraelsku javnost jer se suprotstavila službenoj izraelskoj verziji događaja.

Izraelski su ministri i knessetski zastupnici nakon toga počeli javno pozivati na ukidanje njenog zastupničkog imuniteta i članstva u Knessetu, te na njen kazneni progon. Izraelski ministar unutarnjih poslova optužio je Zoubi za „izdaju“ i zatražio od državnog odvjetnika da joj oduzme izraelsko državljanstvo. Neki su knessetski zastupnici 2. lipnja Zoubi osim verbalno napali i fizički. Snimke pokušaja govora zastupnice Zoubi pred Knessetom i uvreda, te ostalih pomahnitalih reakcija izraelskih parlamentaraca koji ne mogu podnijeti da čuju istinu o izraelskom napadu na humanitarnu flotilu i o ilegalnoj blokadi Gaze pogledajte ovdje
i ovdje.

Zastupnici su svojim reakcijama potaknuli pokretanje kampanja u javnosti u kojima se poziva na pogubljenje zastupnice Zoubi. Od svog putovanja u Gazu na Mavi Marmari zastupnica Zoubi primila je više od 50 prijetnji smrću. Zbog nasilnih prijetnji (uključujući od strane drugih zastupnika u Knessetu) Knesset joj je morao dodijeliti osobne tjelohranitelje. Do sada niti jedan izabrani dužnosnik stranaka vladajuće koalicije (niti iz Laburističke stranke, niti iz Kadime, ni iz Likuda) nije stao u obranu njenog prava na život i slobodu.

Na linku
možete pronaći više informacija na engleskom i kontaktne podatke izraelskih dužnosnika kojima se možete obratiti prosvjedujući zbog ovakvog postupanja prema i napada na Haneen Zoubi. Od zastupnika u Knessetu i izraelske vlade tražite da poštuju pravo zastupnice Zoubi da bez zlostavljanja, prijetnji, zastrašivanja, kažnjavanja ili cenzure obavlja svoje zastupničke dužnosti u ime palestinskih građana Izraela koje predstavlja i njihovih židovskih političkih saveznika.

Ovaj je apel uputila izraelska parlamentarna stranka Balad (stranka izraelskih Palestinaca) čija je Zoubi zastupnica u Knessetu.

Dodatni linkovi o napadu na flotilu:


Col. Ann Wright (ret.), a former U.S. diplomat, Gaza Freedom March organizer, and a passenger aboard the recent Freedom Flotilla, stated that: "Nine aid workers were murdered by Israeli commandos, and more than fifty were wounded. I want to look Brad Sherman in the eye and see if he has any sense for the gravity of this situation. If Sherman wants to have us arrested - we'll be there." Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA) has publicly called for the arrest and prosecution of "any U.S. citizens who were aboard or involved with the Freedom Flotilla" under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. Rep. Sherman serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and chairs the subcommittee on terrorism and nonproliferation. According to Rep. Sherman: "[It's] absolutely illegal for any American to give food, money, school supplies, paper clips, concrete ...so I will be asking the Attorney General to prosecute any American involved in what was clearly an effort to give items of value to a terrorist organization.” Rep. Sherman also stated that he was planning on working with the Department of Homeland Security to make sure all non-U.S. citizens aboard the Flotilla would be permanently barred from entering the U.S. This list includes Nobel peace laureate Mairead Maguire, former UN assistant secretary general Denis Halliday, as well as a number of parliamentarians and government officials from Ireland, Britain, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, and Israel.

Phyllis Bennis: Israel's Flotilla Massacre: Made in the USA

Decades of uncritical U.S. support—including, most recently, the Bush-initiated and Obama-implemented commitment of $30 billion of U.S. tax money in military aid to Israel over a decade--has ensured that Israel's military power (nuclear and conventional) remains unchallengeable. A U.S. pattern of using UN Security Council vetoes to protect Israel from accountability for its crimes has ensured that Israel can do whatever it likes with those U.S.-provided weapons, regardless of which U.S. domestic or international laws may be broken. So U.S. complicity in the recent massacre at sea is beyond question. Israel has long relied on the numerous U.S.-made and U.S.-financed Apache and Blackhawk war helicopters in its arsenal. It's a good bet those were in use in the May 31 assault in international waters. Yet, use of U.S.-provided weapons--even to Israel--is severely limited by our own laws. The Arms Export Control Act (AECA) prohibits any recipient from using U.S. weapons except under very narrow circumstances--for security within its own borders, or for direct self-defense. And no amount of Israeli spin can make us believe that an attack by heavily armed commandos, jumping onto the decks of an unarmed civilian ship in international waters has anything to do with self-defense. (Especially for a flotilla whose leaders made sure to have every boat, passenger and package inspected by European port authorities before they set sail for Gaza to prove there were no weapons on board.)

The Images Israel Didn't Want Seen: Video and Photographs from the Gaza-Bound Aid Flotilla

Framing the Narrative: Israeli Commandos Seize Videotape and Equipment from Journalists After Deadly Raid

PAUL McGEOUGH: Well, before they came on the ship, we were able to do our jobs as our contracts require of us. We were filing regular reports. We had satellites. We had handheld sat phones. We had computers that linked into those satellite phones. We had Kate's very expensive cameras. Anywhere between $60,000 and $80,000 worth of equipment was confiscated from us, and we have not seen it. We were not given receipts for it. But the thing that—talking to people who were on all of the boats, while we were in detention, the systematic attempt and very deliberate first priority for the Israeli soldiers as they came on the ships was to shut down the story, to confiscate all cameras, to shut down satellites, to smash the CCTV cameras that were on the Mavi Marmara, to make sure that nothing was going out. They were hellbent on controlling the story.