Informacije iz kratkog B'Tselemovog izvještaja B'Tselem: Attacks on Israeli civilians by Palestinians: Rocket and mortar fire into Israel o palestinskim raketnim i minobacačkim napadima na Izrael koji u cijelosti možete pročitati na engleskom na linku.
Palestinske organizacije koje na Izrael ispaljuju rakete i minobacačke projektile otvoreno izjavljuju da im je namjera, između ostalih meta, pogoditi i izraelske civile. Ciljanje civila je nemoralno i protuzakonito, a namjerno ubijanje civila je teška povreda Četvrte ženevske konvencije i ratni zločin za koji nema opravdanja ni u kojim okolnostima.
Rakete i minobacački projektili su protuzakonito oružje čak i kad se njima gađaju vojni objekti, jer su vrlo neprecizne i ugrožavaju civile koji se nalaze na području s kojeg se takvi projektili ispaljuju, kao i civile na području na koje su ispaljeni, čime su prekršena 2 temeljna načela ratnog prava: razlikovanje vojnih i civilnih ciljeva i proporcionalnost.
U znatnom broju slučajeva Palestinci su rakete i granate ispalili iz područja nastanjenih civilima. Međunarodno humanitarno pravo zabranjuje napade iz domova civila ili njihove blizine i korištenje civila kao ljudskih štitova. Palestinske organizacije koje svoje napade na zajednice u Izraelu izvode iz naseljenih područja ili njihove blizine, krše ovo pravilo i na taj način ne pokazuju samo svoju namjeru da naude izraelskim civilima, već i ravnodušnost prema životima palestinskih civila.
B'Tselemovo je istraživanje pokazalo da je u razdoblju između lipnja 2004. i 22. kolovoza 2011. u palestinskim raketiranjima i granatiranjima ubijeno 19 izraelskih civila (uključujući 4 maloljetnika) i 2 strana državljana. Osim njih, ubijena su i 3 vojnika, 1 u Izraelu i 2 u Pojasu Gaze. Jedan izraelski civil i 2 strana državljana ubijeni su raketama Qassam ispaljenim na kolonistička naselja u Pojasu Gaze prije njihove evakuacije. U palestinskim je raketiranjima također ubijeno 6 Palestinaca (uključujući 3 maloljetnika). Jedan izraelski civil (maloljetnik u Izraelu) i 1 vojnik (u Pojasu Gaze) ubijeni su protutenkovskim projektilom. Ukupno je raketama i minobacačkim projektilima ubijena 31 osoba, a 2 su osobe ubijene protutenkovskim projektilima.
Prema podacima iz izvještaja Izraelske sigurnosne agencije, palestinske su organizacije 2011. godine (do 31. srpnja) iz Pojasa Gaze na jug Izraela ispalile 173 rakete i 192 minobacačke granate. Za čitavu 2010. godinu taj je broj iznosio 146 raketa i 211 minobacačkih granata. 2009. ispaljeno je 566 raketa i 287 minobacačkih granata; 2008. 2048 raketa i 1672 minobacačke granate; 2007. 1276 raketa i 1531 minobacačka granata; 2006. 1722 rakete i 55 minobacačkih granata; 2005. 401 raketa i 858 minobacačkih granata.
Izvor: B'Tselem: Attacks on Israeli civilians by Palestinians: Rocket and mortar fire into Israel
The soldier is a human being, isn't he?
Izraelski okupatorski vojnici su u zoru u ponedjeljak 1. kolovoza 2011, na prvi dan ramazana, ubili 2 palestinska civila, a trećeg teško ranili u izbjegličkom logoru Qalandiya na Zapadnoj obali.
The soldiers didn't know his real address. So they entered more than one house. And in every house they broke stuff. That's what I heard. And it's normal for them to break stuff. They don't know any other way. First they break the doors with their special machines that they bring. They don't knock. Only this way, without saying a word, they place the device on the door and press a button and - pow - it opens the door. Always. Not once or twice. Like they did at our home, remember? People replace doors a lot in our camp (chuckling). In short, they came to the camp, and didn't find the boy. They didn't find the boy. So if you don't find the boy, you raise such hell? Right, Tammi? You don't find the boy so you go ahead and kill two people? And then what did they do? What they did was to pick up his cousin. 22-years old. They didn't find Wajih so they took his cousin, and said that they were taking him until the kid's father would turn him in.”
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Not Over Yet
Those who opposed the Nato intervention in Libya on legal or moral grounds can be thankful, as can the Libyans, that it was not much worse. On the plus side, a vicious and absurd dictator (who combined Idi Amin's brutality with Silvio Berlusconi's buffoonery) is out of power. His equally ruthless sons will not succeed him. However, many of his henchmen will. Even Abdul Salam Jalloud, the country's poisonous enforcer when Libya paid for the murder of British hostages in Lebanon and shot PC Yvonne Fletcher in London, joined the rebel cause. The commitment of other Gaddafi security and political personnel to freedom and democracy must be measured against the crimes they committed until they scented power coming from another direction. Most of the TNC's military hierarchy served Gaddafi in suppressing previous rebellions and in pushing his mini-imperial ambitions in Chad. The word 'opportunist' comes to mind, and it remains to be seen whether young idealists (including jihadists) prevail over the men of sense who dealt for Gaddafi and now serve as interlocutors for the West. An Arab journalist who interviewed the TNC chief Mustafa Abdul Jalil told me he refused to answer questions he thought insufficiently deferential and had an autocratic personality reminiscent of Gaddafi's.