Izraelska je vojska u proteklih 10 dana u Pojasu Gaze ubila više od 530 ljudi. Ranjeno ih je više od 2500. Ubijeno je najmanje 107 djece. Pogođeni su tržnica, škole, džamije, bolnice, civilni domovi. Izrael namjerno gađa civile. Ovo je rat protiv civila koji su zatvoreni u kavezu tvrdi norveški liječnik Mads Gilbert koji je u Gazu ušao 01. 01. 2009. Pogledajte snimku i poslušajte što Izrael doista radi u Gazi: Doctor Decries Israeli Attacks
Samo jučer ubijeno je najmanje 46 Palestinaca, uključujući 17 djece i 7 žena. Ubijanje civila u zatvorenom Pojasu Gaze se nastavlja iz sata u sat, u Pojasu Gaze događa se genocid, ali naši mediji i političari o tome šute jer su zločinci njihovi saveznici. To za njih nije ništa neobično jer ionako već godinama šute o etničkom čišćenju, aparthejdu i kolektivnom kažnjavanju u Palestini/Izraelu, pa zašto ne bi i o genocidu, jasno pod uvjetom da su žrtve palestinske.
Više od 3/4 stanovnika Pojasa Gaze su palestinske izbjeglice etnički očišćene s područja na kojem je danas Izrael i njihovi potomci kojima Izrael ne želi dopustiti da se vrate u svoju domovinu. Oni za cioniste „predstavljaju“ tzv. „demografsku prijetnju“. Zato (i zato što od svog prava na povratak ne žele odustati) ih Izrael izgladnjuje, psihički i fizički uništava, zatvara i izolira od svijeta, uskraćuje im pravo na liječenje i obrazovanje, pitku vodu i na bezbrojne ih druge načine maltretira i život im čini nepodnošljivim, a sada ih i oružjem sakati i ubija u stotinama. Više od 50% njih su djeca.
Dr. Mads Gilbert in Gaza: ‘We’re wading in death, blood and amputees. Pass it on – shout it out’
“We are wading in death, blood, and amputees. Many children. A pregnant woman. I have never experienced anything so terrible. Now we hear tanks. Pass it on, send it around, shout it out. Anything. DO SOMETHING! DO MORE! We are living in a history book now, all of us.” It was signed Mads Gilbert, one of two Norwegian doctors toiling relentlessly alongside exhausted Palestinian medics.
Blogovi članova ISM-a koji su u Gazi i prate kola hitne pomoći i medicinske ekipe koje pokušavaju doći do ranjenih i pružiti im pomoć.
Tales to Tell
In Gaza
Jabalia 4 Jan 6pm - 5 Jan 5pm
We have also had reports that in the Zaytoun area two days ago, Israeli soliders rounded up a group of people into two houses; women and children into one, men into the other, where they were kept for two days. Then this morning at 11am Israeli forces shelled the houses. We have heard the number of deaths as between 7 and 20. One was a seven year old boy whose father was interviewed on TV while holding his body. We are trying to find out further details. It is getting very hard to keep up with this insanity. We asked the Jabalia Red Crescent admin person how much of the emergency calls Israel is not letting them go to. These are in areas where co-ordination must be made with the invading forces via the Red Cross to enter. He said they are not being allowed to attend to about 80% of the calls from the north, covering the Beit Lahia, Beit Hanoun, and Jabalia area. Shall I repeat that? 80%. Eight of ten people calling for help are being prevented from receiving it.
Mosque shelled in Beit Lahiya, killing 14; Rafah airstrike leaves four dead
Ubijaju civile dok mole u džamijama.
URGENT! Report from Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza - Bomb Blows Hole in Hospital Wall; No Electricity, No Water, Streets Covered in Blood
"The situation is terrible. The injured are in their homes and unable to get to the hospital and the International Red Cross can't reach them. Gaza is now divided into three areas. 20% of the staff including 2 doctors are now unable to get to the hospital. Unfortunately a bomb went off in Jerusalem Square, right outside the hospital, only 30 meters away and it blew a hole in the hospital wall. One of the aide's husbands was unable to reach his children. Later he discovered that 1 child died and other members are all injured because a bomb destroyed a neighboring building. The 19-year-old son of one of the surgeons volunteered to work in the government ambulance. He was killed when his ambulance was hit by a missile. Three ambulances have been hit by Israeli missiles, five have died. There is no electricity and no water.
Israeli jets level elite American-style school in Gaza
Izraelska vojska je 03. siječnja bombardirala američku privatnu međunarodnu školu u Beit Lahiyi u Pojasu Gaze.
The American International School in Gaza (AISG) in Beit Lahiya was founded by Americans in 2001. An elite private institution, AISG stressed teaching English as a second language and instilling progressive, enlightened values in its students using an American curriculum.
Genocid u logoru Gaza
AI USA: akcija za zaštitu civila u Gazi i Izraelu
Svježe informacije, vijesti, izvještaji, analize, članci:
Gaza Siege
Ma'an News Agency
Electronic Intifada
Free Gaza Movement
International Solidarity Movement
Angry Arab News Service
i ostalim LINKOVIMA sa strane...
Global BDS Movement
Boycott Apartheid Israel
Boycott committee: "Stop the massacre in Gaza - boycott Israel now!"
Roseanne Barr kritizira Izrael na svom blogu
I said Israel will attack any boat carrying doctors and medical supplies--they have turned away the red cross already and all medical and food assistance. Israel is a NAZI state. The Jewish Soul is being tortured in Israel. The destruction of the jews in Israel has been assured with this inhuman attack on civilians in gaza. Hamas is the street gangs---this is equivilent to los angeles attacking and launching war on the people of watts to attempt to kill the bloods and the crips.