Five medics killed by Israeli forces in Gaza
04. siječanj Pojas Gaze - Izrael teško krši ženevske konvencije napadajući kola hitne pomoći i liječničke ekipe, ubijajući medicinsko osoblje i sprječavajući ih u spašavanju ranjenika.
“In addition to the doctor and medic that the Israeli military murdered on the 31st of December, they have killed five more medics today. One was shot in Jabaliya, one in Al Sheikh Ejleen. Three have just been killed when a missile directly hit their ambulance in the Tal Hawye neighborhood in Gaza City. The medics are constantly in contact with the Red Cross for them to negotiate passage with the Israelis. The Israelis constantly refuse.”
Eleven children among 21 killed on sixth day of Israeli air assault
Nova godina u Gazi: 6. dan bombardiranja; najmanje 21 ubijeni Palestinac, uključujući 11 djece i 9 žena. U subotu je broj ubijenih Palestinaca porastao na 418, a broj ranjenih na 2100, oko 250 teško.
Izraelske mete: stambena zgrada - dom jednog višeg Hamasovog čelnika (ubijen je spomenuti čelnik i 13 članova njegove obitelji, zgrada je potpuno uništena); civilni domovi Hamasovih čelnika; 1 radionica u četvrti Sheikh Radwan; položaji s kojih se navodno ispaljuju rakete naoružanih palestinskih skupina zapadno od grada Gaze; granica s Egiptom u Rafahu, sjedište palestinskog parlamenta u gradu Gazi, ministarstva pravosuđa, obrazovanja i civilne obrane Hamasove vlade u Gazi; jedna školu na sjeveru Pojasa Gaze; 1 policijski automobil; tiskara u gradu Gazi; skupina naoružanih Palestinaca u izbjegličkom logoru Nusseirat. Palestinske skupine nastavile su ispaljivati rakete na izraelske gradove Kfar Azza, Aškelon, Beersheva i Sderot; nije bilo dojava o ranjenima, ali su napadi kod nekih izraelskih stanovnika prouzročili stanje šoka.
Ministrica Livni objašnjava kako treba lagati svjetskoj javnosti i kako Izrael ne želi mir
"In all of my discussions with world leaders, I reiterate my opposition to any narrative that equates us with Hamas. Hamas spreads terror, whereas we act out of self-defense.“ "We also strictly maintain the international isolation in which we placed Hamas since it took over the Gaza Strip. This is a war against a terrorist organization, not a war between states that mandates an agreement between them," she claimed, without mentioning the previous six-month negotiated ceasefire with Hamas. ... "The goals of this operation are military. We went in to strike at terrorism and to impair Hamas's capability and motivation. My position on the need to bring about, in the long run, the collapse of the Hamas regime is well known. Any arrangement must promote Israel's interests vis-à-vis Hamas," Livni said. However, the foreign minister rejected the possibility of an immediate ceasefire agreement or calm between the Jewish state and the Islamic movement, saying, "A diplomatic arrangement with Hamas contradicts the strategic goal and the diplomatic efforts that are concentrated on weakening Hamas."
At the same time as Ehud Barak was ordering the army to start the bloody ground offensive against Gaza, some ten thousand protesters from all over Israel marched in Tel-Aviv in a massive demonstration against the war. ... The ground invasion Will cause An additional disaster, A mutual massacre And even more Terrible war crimes! At the end of this war No general Will be able to set foot On European soil Without fear of being arrested For war crimes. We are told That there is no alternative. Not true!!! A cease-fire is possible even now, Yes, this very minute, If we agree to lift The murderous siege, If we allow the Gaza people To live in dignity, If we talk with Hamas.
Joseph Massad: The Gaza Ghetto Uprising
Meanwhile, the Palestinian people will resist the invading Israelis with all their might and against astronomical odds. The Palestinian people, like Zygielbojm before them, understand very well that Abbas, his clique, the Arab regimes, the US and Europe are all culpable in their slaughter as much as Israel is. In the case of Zygielbojm, he blamed world powers for their indifference and inaction, in the Palestinian case, world and regional powers are co-conspirators and active partners in crime.
Poziv na Prosvjed solidarnosti s Palestincima u Beogradu
Genocid u logoru Gaza
AI USA: akcija za zaštitu civila u Gazi i Izraelu
Global BDS Movement
Boycott Apartheid Israel
Boycott committee: "Stop the massacre in Gaza - boycott Israel now!"
Najnovije vijesti:
Gaza Siege
Ma'an News Agency
Electronic Intifada
Free Gaza Movement
International Solidarity Movement
Angry Arab News Service
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