Mirovni aktivisti su izraelskim vojnicima uputili poziv da aktivno spriječe kršenja ženevskih konvencija, ratne zločine, zločine čovječnosti i genocid.
Vojnici su prema međunarodnom pravu obvezni ne samo „pasivno“ odbiti izvršenje zločina, nego i spriječiti ili sabotirati počinjenje ratnih zločina, masovnih ubojstava i drugih teških kršenja međunarodnog prava i to čak i u slučaju da zbog toga moraju prekršiti zakone vlastite države. Izraelski vojnici su također i prema izraelskom zakonu dužni odbiti naredbu i spriječiti zločin ukoliko se od njih traži da počine masovni pokolj nedužnih civila.
Više informacija o obvezama vojnika da aktivno spriječe ratne i zločine protiv čovječnosti u slijedećim postovima:
“Passive” refusal is not enough to prevent war crimes
"…Accordingly, soldiers in a position to prevent or disrupt war crimes are under the obligation to do so. For example, if they can access computers, communication systems, electricity or supplies and thus prevent a war crime, then the result of the above-mentioned analysis shows they are obliged to do so. By accessing the war crimes perpetrator'systems to prevent the commission of war crimes they are exercising their duty under international law norms to prevent mass killings or other grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention. As mentioned above, their action would also be mandated by Israeli jurisprudence."
Duty to Prevent the Commission of War Crimes
Certainly, the launching of primitive rockets by individual Palestinian militants against Israeli civilians is illegal and forbidden by international law and laws of war. But this does not give Israel a right, neither as an Occupying Power nor as a sovereign state, to violate international humanitarian law and commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. Richard Falk, United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, has stated that Israeli army actions represent severe and massive violations of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions, and violations of the laws of war. He has determined they constitute “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity.” These include, inter alia,
- the bombing of civilians, including women and children, in violation of Art. 147 and Art. 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (“the Convention”), and in violation of the law of nations.
- wanton destruction of property and infrastructure, in violation of Art. 147 of the Convention, including extensive destruction to infrastructure.
- the imposition of a siege over 1.5 million people in the Strip leading to starvation, malnutrition, and a shortage of medicines and medical supplies, in violation of Art. 33 and Art. 147 of the Convention.
- Willfully causing great suffering and serious injury to body or health, in violation of the Art. 147 of the Convention.
- Shelling civilian population with phosphorus shells, which are incendiary devices that burn the flesh of victims to the bone, in violation of the laws of wars and the Third Protocol to the Convention on Conventional Weapons.
Considering that these crimes of war and crimes against humanity are being committed against a defenseless Palestinian civilian population trapped under siege in an overcrowded strip of land with nowhere to go, these crimes may also constitute violations of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (see Art. 2(a), 2(b), 2(c) of the Genocide Convention).
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