četvrtak, 22. rujna 2011.

Rušenje palestinskih domova u Jordanskoj dolini, ljeto 2011.

Informacije iz članka Summer of Demolitions Izraelskog odbora protiv rušenja kuća (ICAHD) objavljenog 7. rujna 2011. koji u cijelosti na engleskom možete pročitati na linku.

Ilegalna židovska kolonistička naselja i njihove plantaže datulja i vinogradi raštrkani su po cijeloj Jordanskoj dolini, dok se tamošnje palestinske zajednice bore za smještaj, pitku vodu i najosnovniju zdravstvenu zaštitu i obrazovanje.

Jordanska se dolina prostire duž Zapadne obale i obuhvaća gotovo 30% tog teritorija, ukupno 2400 četvornih kilometara. Prije 1967. kad je okupirana, u Jordanskoj je dolini živjelo oko 250 000 Palestinaca, no prema nedavno provedenom istraživanju Palestinskog središnjeg ureda za statistiku, danas ih je na tom području ostalo manje od 65 000.

Jordanska je dolina potpala pod potpunu izraelsku kontrolu, u skladu s prijelaznim izraelsko-palestinskim sporazumom iz 1995. godine, poznatim kao Sporazum iz Osla II, koji je svrstava u Zonu C. Prema sporazumima iz Osla, ovlasti i odgovornosti vezane uz prostorno zoniranje i planiranje u Zoni C trebale su biti prebačene pod palestinsku kontrolu, no to se nije dogodilo, a Izrael je jasno dao do znanja da namjerava protuzakonito anektirati to područje i riješiti se njegovih palestinskih stanovnika.

U usporedbi s prošlom godinom, u proteklih je 8 mjeseci broj rušenja kuća i prisilnih deložacija porastao za 5 puta. Ukupno je srušeno 184 objekata, uglavnom obiteljskih domova, raseljene su stotine ljudi i razdvojene zajednice.

Jedna od takvih zajednica je Fasayil al-Wusta gdje se ranije ovog ljeta dogodilo rušenje velikih razmjera u kojem je Izraelska civilna uprava srušila 21 objekt – 18 domova i 3 tora za životinje – zahvaljujući čemu je 103 ljudi, uključujući 64 djece, ostalo bez krova nad glavom, izloženo neprijateljskom pustinjskom okolišu. Tijekom rušenja, koje je osiguravalo 50 brutalnih pripadnika pogranične policije, jedan je stariji mještanin ozlijeđen. Mještanima čiji su domovi tom prilikom srušeni nije osigurano preseljenje na drugu lokaciju niti im je isplaćena ikakva odšteta.

U Fasayil al-Wusti živi palestinska beduinska zajednica čiji pripadnici potiču s betlehemskog područja. To je mjesto smješteno između kolonističkih naselja Tomer, Yaift i Patzael, čiji stanovnici priželjkuju zemlju koju obrađuju Palestinci za širenje svojih plantaža. Nakon rušenja domova, palestinska zajednica je rastjerana i kolonisti sada mogu zaposjesti njenu zemlju.

Sjeverno od Fasayila al-Wuste nalazi se kontrolna točka al-Hamra koja izolira Jordansku dolinu od ostatka Zapadne obale. 2006. godine Izrael je Palestincima koji u to vrijeme nisu prebivali u Jordanskoj dolini zabranio da slobodno putuju tim područjem. Ograničenje pristupa provodi se putem 18 prepreka, 6 jaraka i zemljanih nasipa ukupne duljine od 50 kilometara, te 4 poljoprivredna prijelaza, čija je navodna namjena omogućiti palestinskim zajednicama koje nisu priključene na vodovod da prevezu vodu do svojih polja i domova.

Mjerama koje koristi Izrael, u potpunoj suprotnosti s međunarodnim pravom ljudskih prava, palestinskim je zajednicama, koje sada u bijedi žive na nekad bogatom području, uskraćen pristup tisućama dunuma njihove zemlje.

Abu Saker, iz sela al-Jiftlik, opisuje kako nabavlja vodu za svoju obitelj: „Da bih kupio vodu, moram se traktorom 3 sata voziti u oba smjera, dok naš bunar smiju koristiti samo Židovi.“ Poljoprivredni prijelaz, službeno otvoren 3 dana u tjednu na samo 20 minuta u jutro i 20 minuta poslije podne, u stvarnosti je vrlo rijetko otvoren, a Palestinci moraju satima čekati u redu kako bi došli do vode, zdravstvene pomoći ili obrazovnih ustanova.

Ovakve se kaznene mjere primjenjuju na još jednu zajednicu na periferiji Jeruzalema, Khan al Ahmar, u kojem živi palestinska beduinska zajednica izbjeglica iz 1948. Ovim ljudima prijeti prisilno raseljavanje ukoliko izraelske vlasti u djelo provedu planove za rušenje njihovih domova i škole tijekom nadolazećih tjedana. Khan al Ahmar je jedna od 20 beduinskih zajednica na ovom području koje su postale žrtve etničkog čišćenja tijekom izraelskih nastojanja povezivanja judaiziranog istočnog Jeruzalema, kolonističkog naselja Ma'ale Adumim, u kojem živi 40 000 kolonista, u središnjem dijelu Zapadne obale, i kolonističkih naselja u Jordanskoj dolini.

Izraelske vlasti beduinske zajednice poput Khan al Ahmara, koje zajedno broje više od 2300 ljudi, smatraju „smetnjom“ planiranom širenju Ma'ale Adumima, Kfar Adumima i drugih kolonističkih naselja, te izgradnji Zida na Zapadnoj obali.

Škola Jahalin u Khan al Ahmaru, koju je ustanovila lokalna zajednica, jedina je škola koja pruža osnovno obrazovanje djeci beduinskog plemena Arab al-Jahalina. Škola je izgrađena 2009, od potrošenih automobilskih guma i cigli od blata, i pohađa je više od 70 učenika. Izraelski je vrhovni sud nedavno odbio zahtjev kolonista iz Kfar Adumima da se škola zatvori, no još joj uvijek prijeti rušenje.

Jordanska dolina predstavlja ključnu zemljišnu površinu, poljoprivredno zaleđe i stratešku gospodarsku infrastrukturu za buduću održivu palestinsku državu. To područje također obuhvaća jedini kopneni ulaz u potencijalnu buduću državu.

Međutim, od njene okupacije 1967. Izrael priželjkuje Jordansku dolinu zbog njenog gospodarskog potencijala i strateške važnosti u onemogućavanju stvaranja održive palestinske države. Izrael opravdava svoju nazočnost na tom području tvrdeći da je ona nužna za sigurnost – u svom svibanjskom govoru pred američkim kongresom izraelski premijer Netanyahu je ustvrdio kako će, u sklopu konačnog dogovora koji bi mogao biti postignut s Palestincima, Izrael zadržati kontrolu nad Jordanskom dolinom.

I tako je proteklih desetljeća, a naročito tijekom proteklih 6 godina od kada se povukao iz Gaze, Izrael kolonizirao to područje, uspostavljajući ono što smatra nepovratnim „činjenicama na terenu“, pomoću kolonističkih naselja i vojnih baza.

Od 65 000 Palestinaca koji žive u Jordanskoj dolini, njih oko 25 000 živi u gradu Jerihonu, pretvorenom u zatvor na otvorenom, okružen kontrolnim točkama i preprekama sa svih strana. Ostali žive u ruralnim zajednicama gdje je njihovo nekad plodno i bogato zemljište isušeno, jer su gotovo svi izvori vode rezervirani isključivo za kolonistička naselja.

Pomoću 36 kolonističkih naselja u kojima živi više od 9000 kolonista, te proglašavanjem zemljišnih površina zatvorenim vojnim zonama i rezervatima prirode, Izrael danas kontrolira više od 90% Jordanske doline. Za to se vrijeme palestinske zajednice, suočene s rušenjem kuća, prisilnim deložacijama i konfiskacijom imovine, kolonističkim nasiljem i ekonomskim posljedicama ograničenja kretanja, bore za preživljavanje.

Palestinci u Jordanskoj dolini žive u stalnom strahu od raseljavanja i raspršivanja njihovih zajednica.

Izvor i više informacija: Summer of Demolitions

Europe Divided Over Palestinian State
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic are risking an open schism within the EU that would undermine the group's ability to decisively intervene in conflicting geopolitical issues.
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King Abdullah's Message to the USA 1947: "As the Arabs see the Jews"
This fascinating essay, written by King Hussein's grandfather King Abdullah, appeared in the United States six months before the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. In the article, King Abdullah disputes the mistaken view that Arab opposition to Zionism (and later the state of Israel) is because of longstanding religious or ethnic hatred. He notes that Jews and Muslims enjoyed a long history of peaceful coexistence in the Middle East, and that Jews have historically suffered far more at the hands of Christian Europe. Pointing to the tragedy of the holocaust that Jews suffered during World War II, the monarch asks why America and Europe are refusing to accept more than a token handful of Jewish immigrants and refugees. It is unfair, he argues, to make Palestine, which is innocent of anti-Semitism, pay for the crimes of Europe. King Abdullah also asks how Jews can claim a historic right to Palestine, when Arabs have been the overwhelming majority there for nearly 1300 uninterrupted years? The essay ends on an ominous note, warning of dire consequences if a peaceful solution cannot be found to protect the rights of the indigenous Arabs of Palestine.
The unimaginable persecution of the Jews was not done by the Arabs: it was done by a Christian nation in the West. The war which ruined Europe and made it almost impossible for these Jews to rehabilitate themselves was fought by the Christian nations of the West. The rich and empty portions of the earth belong, not to the Arabs, but to the Christian nations of the West. And yet, to ease their consciences, these Christian nations of the West are asking Palestine—a poor and tiny Moslem country of the East—to accept the entire burden. "We have hurt these people terribly," cries the West to the East. "Won't you please take care of them for us?" We find neither logic nor justice in this. Are we therefore "cruel and heartless nationalists"? We are a generous people: we are proud that "Arab hospitality" is a phrase famous throughout the world. We are a humane people: no one was shocked more than we by the Hitlerite terror. No one pities the present plight of the desperate European Jews more than we. But we say that Palestine has already sheltered 600,000 refugees. We believe that is enough to expect of us—even too much. We believe it is now the turn of the rest of the world to accept some of them. I will be entirely frank with you. There is one thing the Arab world simply cannot understand. Of all the nations of the earth, America is most insistent that something be done for these suffering Jews of Europe. This feeling does credit to the humanity for which America is famous, and to that glorious inscription on your Statue of Liberty. And yet this same America—the richest, greatest, most powerful nation the world has ever known—refuses to accept more than a token handful of these same Jews herself! I hope you will not think I am being bitter about this. I have tried hard to understand that mysterious paradox, and I confess I cannot. Nor can any other Arab. Perhaps you have been informed that "the Jews in Europe want to go to no other place except Palestine." This myth is one of the greatest propaganda triumphs of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the organisation which promotes with fanatic zeal the emigration to Palestine. It is a subtle half-truth, thus doubly dangerous. The astounding truth is that nobody on earth really knows where these unfortunate Jews really want to go! You would think that in so grave a problem, the American, British, and other authorities responsible for the European Jews would have made a very careful survey, probably by vote, to find out where each Jew actually wants to go. Amazingly enough this has never been done! The Jewish Agency has prevented it. Some time ago the American Military Governor in Germany was asked at a press conference how he was so certain that all Jews there wanted to go to Palestine. His answer was simple: "My Jewish advisors tell me so." He admitted no poll had ever been made. Preparations were indeed begun for one, but the Jewish Agency stepped in to stop it. The truth is that the Jews in German camps are now subjected to a Zionist pressure campaign which learned much from the Nazi terror. It is dangerous for a Jew to say that he would rather go to some other country, not Palestine. Such dissenters have been severely beaten, and worse. Not long ago, in Palestine, nearly 1,000 Austrian Jews informed the international refugee organisation that they would like to go back to Austria, and plans were made to repatriate them. The Jewish Agency heard of this, and exerted enough political pressure to stop it. It would be bad propaganda for Zionism if Jews began leaving Palestine. The nearly 1,000 Austrian are still there, against their will. The fact is that most of the European Jews are Western in culture and outlook, entirely urban in experience and habits. They cannot really have their hearts set on becoming pioneers in the barren, arid, cramped land which is Palestine. One thing, however, is undoubtedly true. As matters stand now, most refugee Jews in Europe would, indeed, vote for Palestine, simply because they know no other country will have them. If you or I were given a choice between a near-prison camp for the rest of our lives—or Palestine—we would both choose Palestine, too. But open up any other alternative to them—give them any other choice, and see what happens! No poll, however, will be worth anything unless the nations of the earth are willing to open their doors—just a little—to the Jews. In other words, if in such a poll a Jew says he wants to go to Sweden, Sweden must be willing to accept him. If he votes for America, you must let him come in. Any other kind of poll would be a farce.


Third day of violence leaves 12 dead in Yemen
Clashes intensified on Tuesday between forces loyal to Yemeni President Ali Abduallah Saleh and army defectors, leaving at least 12 people killed. Heavy gunfire and shelling hit the capital Sana'a in what has been described by activists as the fiercest attack yet against peaceful protesters, who since February have been calling for Saleh to step down from his 32-years of rule. More than 77 people have been killed since Sunday, when government forces began an attack on protesters, activists in Sana'a said. Clashes began early Tuesday in the capital Sana'a after government forces shelled protesters in a sit-in, leaving at least nine dead. One person was killed later after a shell hit al-Iman University in Sana'a. In the flashpoint city of Taiz, protesters staged a march that ended at the provincial council building. Government forces used heavy artillery and machine guns against protesters and residential areas in the southern city over night, leaving one person dead, activists said. Another person was reportedly killed in clashes with gunmen. Enraged with the fresh repression of protesters, demonstrators organized marches Tuesday in six Yemeni provinces denouncing the killings by Saleh forces and the regional and international silence. Protesters vowed to step up the uprising, chanting slogans such as 'we will not retreat' and 'we will topple the regime at whatever cost.'

Five killed in Syria as rebels struggle to organise
“Five residents, including a woman, were shot dead yesterday by security forces, who have been conducting a sweep in Houla since Sunday,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a statement. A 26-year-old man died of his wounds yesterday after being among a group of people whom security forces shot at the night before in the town of Irbin, near Damascus, the Britain-based activist group said earlier. Security forces also opened fire on hundreds of demonstrators in two other towns in Homs, and carried out arrests in the second city Aleppo, eastern Deir Ezzor and the coastal cities of Latakia and Banias, it said. According to UN estimates at least 2,600 people, most of them civilians, have been killed in the Damascus regime’s crackdown on pro-democracy protests since the movement was launched six months ago on March 15.