Informacije iz članka BDS Update: Buttressing an Independent Palestine od 22. rujna 2011. koji u cijelosti na engleskom možete pročitati na linku.
Ujedinjena crkva Kanade pokrenula je ovog ljeta kampanju bojkota, dezivestiranja i sankcija kojom će pokušati uvjeriti 6 kompanija koje djeluju u Kanadi - Caterpillar, Motorola, Ahava, Veolia, Elbit Systems i Chapters/Indigo – da prestanu podupirati izraelsku okupaciju. Sličnu su kampanju prije nekog vremena pokrenule 2 protestantske crkve u SAD-u.
Kongres britanskih sindikata odlučio je razmotriti svoje odnose s izraelskim nacionalnim sindikalnim savezom Histadrut i potvrdio svoju politiku ohrabrivanja svojih članova, poslodavaca i mirovinskih fondova da dezinvestiraju iz i bojkotiraju robu tvrtki koje profitiraju od ilegalnih kolonističkih naselja, okupacije i izgradnje Zida.
Londonski kulturni djelatnici okupljeni u skupinu „Beethovians for Boycotting Israel“ 1. su rujna svojom verzijom Ode radosti tijekom koncerta Izraelske filharmonije u londonskom Royal Albert Hallu natjerali BBC da obustavi prijenos koncerta.
Južnoafrički studenti podržali su nacionalni bojkot Izraela.
Košarkaš NBA lige Kareem Abdul-Jabbar odbio je nastupiti u Izraelu zbog nasilja na obljetnicu obilježavanja Nakbe.
Najveći izraelski poljoprivredni izvoznik, Agrexco, koji prodaje proizvode iz ilegalnih kolonističkih naselja kao „izraelske proizvode“, ovo je ljeto, suočen s intenzivnom kampanjom bojkota diljem Europe, otišao u stečaj.
Francuska multinacionalna kompanija Veolia je od početka palestinske kampanje 2005. godine izgubila ugovore u vrijednosti većoj od 14 milijardi američkih dolara. Veolia prekida svoje aktivnosti u više od 40 zemalja, ali ne i zemlji koja je glavni uzrok njenih financijskih poteškoća – Izraelu. Veolia je uključena u pružanje usluga prijevoza lakom željeznicom između zapadnog Jeruzalema i ilegalnih kolonističkih naselja u okupiranom istočnom Jeruzalemu i njegovoj okolici na Zapadnoj obali.
Švedski trgovački lanac Coop najavio je da prekida kupnju svih proizvoda izraelske tvrtke Sodastream, čiji se glavni proizvodni pogoni nalaze u izraelskom kolonističkom naselju Mishor Adumim na okupiranoj Zapadnoj obali. Kampanja protiv tvrtke Sodastream proširila se i u druge zemlje, uključujući SAD.
Unilever je u srpnju najavio da najerava svoju tvornicu pereca Bagel and Bagel preseliti s okupiranog područja na izraelsku stranu Zelene linije.
U Australiji je u srpnju nenasilne BDS aktiviste napala policija, a 19 aktivista iz Melbourna prijete novčane kazne od 32 000 američkih dolara. Trenutno su protiv stotina propalestinskih aktivista u SAD-u, Francuskoj i Grčkoj podignute kaznene prijave zbog nenasilnog zauzimanja za palestinska ljudska prava.
Norveška je ovog ljeta odlučila iz svog naftnog fonda vrijednog 450 milijardi eura isključiti 2 izraelske tvrtke - Africa Israel Investments i njenu podružnicu Danya Cebus - zbog njihovog poslovanja u kolonističkim naseljima.
Egipatski prosvjednici protjerali su izraelskog veleposlanika, a izraelski veleposlanik u Jordanu je također pobjegao iz straha da bi se u toj zemlji mogli dogoditi slični prosvjedi.
Jedna od loših vijesti je da je Velika Britanija prošli tjedan izmijenila zakon koji je, zahvaljujući univerzalnoj jurisdikciji, omogućavao izdavanje britanskih naloga za uhićenje izraelskih političara i vojnih dužnosnika osumnjičenih za teške ratne zločine.
Izvor i više informacija: BDS Update: Buttressing an Independent Palestine
Obama: America's 'first Jewish president'?
He spoke of historical "facts" that have long been repudiated by Israeli historians, and of truths that are nothing more than one sided interpretations of a political situation. Obama claimed that the Arabs launched wars against Israel. But, in actual fact, Israel is the aggressor, launching or instigating wars in: 1956, 1967, 1982, 2006 and 2008. Only the 1973 war was launched by Arabs, but only to recuperate occupied territories after the US and Israel rejected Anwar Sadat's peace overtures. He underlined the work of Israelis in forging a successful state in their "historic homeland". But most of the world, and certainly the Arab world, saw Israel's inception as a colonial project with theological pretexts. Serbia also believes that Kosovo is the birth place of its nation; should they be allowed to forge a successful state of their own, an exclusively Serbian state in that territory? Should each and every occupied people search from accommodation with their occupiers without interference from the international community? Is that how African and Middle Eastern nations gained their independence from European colonial powers? Should a whole people go on living under occupation until their occupier is satisfied with the conditions for surrender?
Bill Clinton: Rick Perry's like Israeli 'militants'
“There's an enormous reservoir of support for Israel in the Christian evangelical community, and a lot of them believe — as some of the more militant subgroups do — that God meant for all Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] to be in the hands of Israel. … I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands of people that have never missed church on Sunday in Texas who believe it.” Clinton also said Perry and Republicans in Congress are willing to capitulate to Israel on too many issues. The former president summed up his views on the GOP perspective as, “'You guys [Israel] do whatever you want — keep the West Bank. We're coming back, we'll have the White House and Congress, and we'll let you do whatever you want.'”
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Gideon Levy: Netanyahu Proved Israel Doesn't Want Peace
Netanyahu, peddler of emotions, did not shrink from or forget anything, save reality. Abraham the patriarch, Hezekiah, Isaiah, pogroms, the Holocaust, 9/11, the children, the grandchildren and, of course, Gilad Shalit - all fodder for the tear wringer that assuredly didn't bring forth a single tear anywhere on the planet, with the possible exception of a few Jewish nursing homes in Boca Raton, Florida. There, perhaps, people were still moved by this kitschy death speech. Netanyahu needed thousands of years of history to obscure reality, but Abbas' sense of history proved to be much more developed: He had no need to call up distant memories to elicit sympathy; all he needed was to soberly depict current events in order to attempt to shape a new history. The world and the auditorium cheered for Abbas because he spoke like a 21st-century statesman, not like a co-opted archaeologist of centuries past. Abraham or Ibrahim, Hezekiah or Netanyahu, Benjamin or Jacob-Israel, Jew or Judea - our prime minister's Bible and Holocaust stories should have made Israelis sitting down to their Friday night dinner feel awkward and uncomfortable. Is that all we have to sell to the world? Is that all we have to say? Is that what is being said on our behalf? Is that what we look like? The faces said it all. Sitting around the table of Netanyahu's cheerleading squad (all of them Ashkenazi men, of course ) were two kippa-wearers, two generals, two former Russians, three current beard-wearers - a depressing and threatening group portrait of Israel's extreme right, class of 2011. The table of the Israeli delegation, even more than Netanyahu himself, revealed the true face of the most denounced country in the world today, with the exception of Iran and North Korea.
Obama Throws Palestine Under the Bus
Not once did he refer to Jewish "settlements" on Palestinian lands; nor did he even use the word "occupied" - or any declension of that word - to describe those lands and their people in an address that was largely, if ironically, devoted to celebrating this year's Arab struggles to end autocratic rule in their region. ... "He presented a double standard when he disassociated the Arabs' fight for their freedom in the region from the Palestinian freedom fighters, who deal with the occupation for 63 years," she said. ... Given his fading approval ratings and an economy that shows no signs of substantial improvement any time soon, the White House and Democrats on Capitol Hill appear increasingly panicked over their re- election prospects in November 2012. They will do nothing that risks alienating key constituencies, particularly Jewish voters in a couple of key "swing states", but most especially Jewish donors who account for an estimated between 40 and 50 percent of all contributions to national Democratic campaigns.
Jonathan Cook: UN Bid Heralds Death of Palestine's Old Guard
The Palestinian application, handed to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon last week, has now disappeared from view -- for weeks, it seems -- while the United States and Israel devise a face-saving formula to kill it in the Security Council. Behind the scenes, the pair are strong-arming the Council's members to block Palestinian statehood without the need for the US to cast its threatened veto. Whether or not President Barack Obama wields the knife with his own hand, no one is under any illusion that Washington and Israel are responsible for the formal demise of the peace process. In revealing to the world its hypocrisy on the Middle East, the US has ensured both that the Arab publics are infuriated and that the Palestinians will jump ship on the two-state solution. But there was one significant victory at the UN for Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority, even if it was not the one he sought. He will not achieve statehood for his people at the world body, but he has fatally discredited the US as the arbiter of a Middle East peace. In telling the Palestinians there was “no shortcut” to statehood -- after they have already waited more than six decades for justice -- the US President revealed his country as incapable of offering moral leadership on the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ... we are entering a new phase of the conflict in which the US, Europe, and the UN will have only a marginal part to play. The Palestinian old guard are about to be challenged by a new generation that is tired of the formal structures of diplomacy that pander to Israel's interests only. The young new Palestinian leaders are familiar with social media, are better equipped to organise a popular mass movement, and refuse to be bound by the borders that encaged their parents and grandparents. Their assessment is that the PA – and even the Palestinians' unrepresentative supra-body, the PLO – are part of the problem, not the solution. Till now they have remained largely deferential to their elders, but that trust is fast waning. Educated and alienated, they are looking for new answers to an old problem. They will not be seeking them from the countries and institutions that have repeatedly confirmed their complicity in sustaining the Palestinian people's misery. The new leaders will appeal over the heads of the gatekeepers, turning to the court of global public opinion. Polls show that in Europe and the US, ordinary people are far more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause than their governments.
Syria: The revolution will be weaponised (video)
The overwhelming majority of the opposition is peaceful and unarmed. For some it is a question of principal or strategy; for many it is simply because they do not have access to weapons that would be useful against the powerful Syrian security forces. There are various different armed opposition actors in Syria. Together they have killed around 700 members of the Syrian security forces in various clashes and ambushes. The most organised and professional armed opposition members are those who are deserters from the army. However, it is important to point out they have not deserted with their weapons and it is not entire units that are deserting, currently just individuals. In much of the country young men arm themselves or are provided weapons by wealthier people to protect themselves from the onslaught of security forces. There are also local self-defence militias and armed civilians throughout various villages and slums. Though many are socially and religiously conservative, they do not appear to consider themselves mujahedin or otherwise fit the stereotype of Islamic extremists. Accordingly, individuals have told me that Islam does provide them with inspiration and strength but they do not fight for Islam and their goals are generally secular.
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Three Italian soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Three Italian soldiers were killed in a road accident in Afghanistan Friday raising Italy's death toll in Afghanistan to 44 since it joined the NATO-led mission in the Asian country in 2004. A fourth soldier was "seriously" wounded in the incident involving an Italian patrol in the western Afghan city of Herat, sources said. The 41st came on July 26 when Corporal Major David Tobini, 28, was shot dead in a firefight in the Bala Murghab Valley, also in western Afghanistan.
A Message from Occupied Wall Street (Day Nine) (video)
Like our brothers and sisters in Egypt, Greece, Spain, and Iceland, we plan to use the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic of mass occupation to restore democracy in America. We also encourage the use of nonviolence to achieve our ends and maximize the safety of all participants. … Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%.
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