Part 1: Lubna Masarwa, Survivor of the Mavi Marmara Massacre Speaks Out
Part 2: Lubna Masarwa, Survivor of the Mavi Marmara Massacre Speaks Out
Gaza Freedom Flotilla - The Shocking Truth Emerges
Izjave preživjelih aktivista o nasilju, ponižavanju, okrutnosti, premlaćivanju i zlostavljanju koje su doživjeli od strane izraelskih okupacijskih snaga nakon napada na humanitarne brodove. Opisali su kako su vidjeli ranjavanje svojih prijatelja, molili izraelske vojnike da pomognu ranjenima. Neki su bili korišteni kao ljudski štitovi, a drugi su pokušavali pse izraelske vojske spriječiti da grizu mrtve. Na jednom manjem brodu flotile izraelska je vojska na nenaoružane putnike, koji su većinom bile žene, ispaljivala gumene metke, upotrijebila puške za omamljivanje i prisiljavala žene da leže s licima okrenutim prema podu na kojem je sve bilo puno razbijenog stakla.
(Ovdje se u izjavama svjedoka u više navrata spominju Makedonci tako da se može zaključiti da su u flotili osim građana Srbije s područja bivše Jugoslavije sudjelovali također i građani Makedonije.)
Unedited Footage from Mavi Marmara of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla
Sat vremena materijala snimateljice i aktivistice za ljudska prava Iare Lee snimljenog prije i za vrijeme izraelskog napada na Mavi Marmaru može se pogledati na
Suddenly, "lift the siege" becomes "ease the siege"
Security remains Israel's main priority and this stance is endorsed by Mr. Blair, who told Haaretz newspaper, "When it comes to security, I'm 100 percent on Israel's side. Israel has the right to inspect what goes into Gaza." Beatrice Megevand-Roggo disagrees. The ICRC head of operations for the Middle East said, "Israel's right to deal with its legitimate security concerns must be balanced against the Palestinians' right to live normal, dignified lives." The ex-prime minister's views on the right of the Palestinians of Gaza to be secure and inspect what arms and military hardware enter Israel are not known. Tony Blair believes that progress is difficult "when Hamas are still prepared to say 'we don't give up the use of violence ...'." It thus appears to have escaped his notice that it is Israel which has been killing Palestinians and their supporters, notably during the hijacking of the aid flotilla and during the invasion of Gaza in January 2009 when more than 1,400 Palestinians were killed by Israel, one-third of them children. ... While there are, of course, pressing humanitarian reasons why aid should be allowed into Gaza without restriction, and with haste, aid agencies worried about the devastation of Gaza's economy are warning that their help can only ever be a temporary solution and more must be done to revive the economy to wean Palestinians off a dependency culture. According to Oxfam's policy director, Phil Bloomer, quoted in the Guardian, "Without a full lifting of the blockade [Gaza's economy] will continue on a downward spiral."
Gaza convoy activists claim Israeli soldiers using debit cards stolen in raid
Neki aktivisti iz flotile prijavljuju da su njihove kreditne kartice i mobiteli koje su im zaplijenile izraelske vlasti tijekom napada na flotilu kasnije bili korišteni. Izrael još uvijek svim aktivistima nije vratio putovnice, niti opremu i imovinu ukradenu tijekom napada.
Sea Battle Fear As Iran Sends Flotilla to Gaza
Iranski Crveni polumjesec je najavio da namjerava poslati 2 broda s humanitarnom pomoći u hrani i lijekovima, te 70 humanitarnih radnika u Pojas Gaze. Također je najavljena i mogućnost slanja 3. broda s operacijskom salom. Iranski predsjednik Ahmadinejad je zaprijetio da će brodove od izraelskog napada štititi „dobrovoljci marinci“. U Crvenom polumjesecu tvrde da će putovanje iranskih humanitarnih brodova u Pojas Gaze biti organizirano u suradnji s turskom vladom, a Ahmadinejad je na sastanku s turskim čelnicima u Istambulu rekao da brodovi neće prezati od izravnog sukoba s izraelskom vojskom.
Open Letter to Stephen Harper
In 2006, Israel launched a heinous war on Lebanon that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of civilians. You, Mr. Harper, described Israel's action as a “measured response”, and this implicit green light and tacit approval from Canada to Israel to continue the rampage of death and destruction killed eight Canadians within a couple of days. Following this, the cold-blooded Israeli murder of a Canadian peacekeeper and three of his colleagues at a UN station in Southern Lebanon resulted in your outrageous and absolutely despicable remark effectively blaming the victims and asking what they were doing there in the first place. On May 31st and in international waters, Israel attacked an unarmed humanitarian aid ship before the whole world, murdered nine civilians aboard and wounded dozens, and kidnapped the rest and detained them illegally. ... Once again, Canada did not condemn Israel's barbaric actions and refused to demand our release, with Peter Kent incredibly stating "Canada doesn't believe a lot of noise is required in this instance." It would be a gross understatement to say that we are appalled at the muted response of our government in general and with any politician who did not speak out against what took place. ... So why is it that the government has participated in an inhumane siege on 1.5 million people that we were trying to break with this flotilla? Hundreds of innocent men, women and children have died in the past few years as a result of this crippling blockade and lack of access to necessary medical care. Further, why has the government not called Israel out on this piracy and blatant violation of international law? Why didn't Ottawa summon the Israeli ambassador to express its outrage, or at the very least demand an explanation? Why didn't you rebuke Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu when he was meeting with you since you knew full well that the attack took place in international waters? Finally, why, at the very least didn't the Canadian government demand our release and try to protect its citizens? ... Our government's action –or rather inaction – is a disgrace. In assisting with the slow genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and falling silent before Israel's acts of piracy, murder and abduction, our government has not only tarnished the image of Canada and Canadians throughout the world, but has also shown its weakness and inability to stand up for those oppressed. Shame on us for keeping silent.
U.S., Israeli warships cross Suez Canal toward Red Sea
Američki i izraelski ratni brodovi prošli kod Sueski kanal prema Crvenom moru (19. lipanj 2010.)
Više od 12 američkih ratnih brodova i najmanje 1 izraelski brod prošli su u petak (18. lipnja) kroz Sueski kanal prema Crvenom moru. Egipatska je oporba kritizirala vladu zbog surađivanja s američkim i izraelskim snagama i dopuštanja brodovima da prođu kroz egipatske teritorijalne vode.
Lebanon flotilla organizers say ready to sail for Gaza 'very soon'
U pripremi su libanonski humanitarni brodovi za Gazu (21. lipanj 2010.)
Libanonski izvori bliski organizatorima objavili su da su pripreme za libanonsku humanitarnu flotilu još u tijeku, te da u Libanon pristižu aktivisti iz europskih zemalja koji žele sudjelovati u ovom novom pokušaju proboja izraelske blokade Pojasa Gaze. Među sudionicima iz različitih europskih zemalja je i nekoliko redovnica. Isplovljavanje brodova još uvijek nije dogovoreno s libanonskim vlastima, no organizatori se nadaju da im libanonske vlasti neće stvarati probleme i otežavati isplovljavanje, već da će od njih dobiti dozvolu za isplovljavanje bez da se i ta zemlja pokori pritisku Izraela i drugih zemalja. Prema libanonskom zakonu je zabranjeno prevoziti oružje morskim putem, a svaki brod koji želi isploviti iz libanonskih luka mora dobiti dozvolu libanonskih vlasti. Libanonski zakon također zabranjuje plovidbu za luke koje su pod izraelskom kontrolom (što uključuje Gazu koju Izrael ilegalno okupira), pa se predviđa da će brodovi tražiti dopuštenje za isplovljavanje prema Cipru ili Turskoj, a zatim naknadno promijeniti smjer putovanja prema Gazi.
Lebanon allows Gaza-bound ship to sail to Cyprus
Libanonske su vlasti dopustile brodu Julia s aktivistima i humanitarnom pomoći za Gazu da isplovi iz Libanona za Cipar. Libanonske vlasti navodno poriču da postoji još jedan brod – Miriam – koji su organizirale žene i koji također namjerava isploviti iz Libanona s humanitarnom pomoći za Gazu.
Mass Picket Blocks Unloading of Israeli Ship
Više od 800 prosvjednika blokiralo je pristanak izraelskog broda u Oaklandu u SAD-u.
Germany raps Israel for denying minister entry into Gaza
Izrael ministru njemačke vlade nije dopustio da uđe u Gazu kako bi razgledao humanitarni projekt koji u Gazi financira njemačka vlada.
Independent journalists dismantling Israel's hold on media narrative
According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), which cited statistics from the Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din, between 2000 and 2008, "Israeli soldiers in the Occupied Palestinian Territories killed more than 2,000 Palestinian civilians not involved in combat. Of 1,246 criminal investigations initiated during the same period into suspected offenses of all kinds by soldiers against Palestinian civilians, only 6 percent (78 cases) resulted in indictments. Only 13 of those indictments charged soldiers with killing civilians. As of September 2008, five soldiers had been convicted for the deaths of four civilians" ("Why No Justice in Gaza? Israel Is Different, and so ...," 1 October 2009). HRW found a similar pattern in cases stemming from Israel's infamous three-week attack on Gaza beginning on 27 December 2008. The invasion, which caused the deaths of more than 1,400 Palestinians, resulted in only one criminal conviction -- for the theft of a credit card belonging to a Palestinian family after soldiers looted their home.
(U flotili je sudjelovao i aktivist Free Gaza Movementa Paul Larudee kojeg su izraelske snage tako jako pretukle da je morao biti hospitaliziran.)
Gaza's deadly power shortage