(11. siječanj 2010.)
Izraelski su vojnici oko 3 sata u noći 11. siječnja 2010. upali u dom Eve Novákove u blizini trga Manara u Ramalli na Zapadnoj obali i uhitili je. Eva je bila medijski koordinator ISM-a (Međunarodnog pokreta solidarnosti) u Ramalli tijekom protekla 3 tjedna.
Evu su uhitili izraelski vojnici i pripadnici policijske jedinice za imigrante „Oz“. Tijekom operacije uhićenja vojska je zauzela nekoliko krovova kuća u susjedstvu sjedišta palestinske policije u Ramalli. Izraelske su vlasti Novákovu stavile u pritvorni centar Givon i zatim je 12. siječnja ujutro deportirale u Češku.
I u ovom su napadu izraelske snage ponovo ušle u tzv. „Zonu A“ na Zapadnoj obali koju trebaju kontrolirati palestinske snage, a odvjetnik aktivistice je upozorio i da izraelska policija za imigrante, koja djeluje u sklopu izraelskog ministarstva unutarnjih poslova, nema nadležnost na okupiranom palestinskom području i da je stoga uhićenje češke aktivistice još jedan primjer stalne i protuzakonite uporabe policije za imigrante protiv nenasilnih aktivista, koji su meta izraelskih vlasti iz političkih razloga.
Ovo je uhićenje uslijedilo nakon vala uhićenja u kojima su mete bili nenasilni aktivisti i organizatori na Zapadnoj obali. Takva su uhićenja provedena u selima Bil'in (gdje je u proteklih 6 mjeseci uhićeno 32 mještana), Ni'lin (gdje je u proteklih 18 mjeseci uhićeno 94 mještana), gradovima Nablusu i Ramalli, te u Istočnom Jeruzalemu. U protekla 3 tjedna izraelske su snage izvršile racije u bivšim bazama ISM-a u Bil'inu i Ni'linu.
Među uhićenima u ovoj politički motiviranoj kampanji izraelskih vlasti protiv nenasilnih aktivista uhićena su 5 članova bil'inskog Narodnog odbora, uključujući Adeeba Abu Rahmaha, koji je u pritvoru već gotovo 6 mjeseci i koordinatora bil'inskog Narodnog odbora Abdallaha Abu Rahmaha. Istaknuti aktivist iz Nablusa Wael al-Faqeeh, Jamal Juma iz Istočnog Jeruzalema i Mohammed Othman iz sela Jayyous, koji su članovi nevladine udruge Stop the Wall i koji su aktivni u nenasilnoj kampanji protiv ilegalnog izraelskog Zida i kampanji za bojkot Izraela, također su nedavno uhićeni. Sva trojica se nalaze u zatvoru na temelju tajnih dokaza i nisu ni za što optuženi.
Izvor: ISM: Israel stages night-time Ramallah raid to arrest an international solidarity activist
Nekoliko linkova o konvoju VIVA PALESTINA:
Galloway right to relish Egypt expulsion
I, like many others around the world, have been disgusted by the way Egyptian authorities have dealt with this aid convoy. I have found Galloway courageous enough to stand up to both Israel and Egyptian authorities. It is a shame that no other British MPs or politicians have shown even an ounce of courage in the same way. Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, has never been a friend of freedom-loving people. He has never supported just causes and of course he has never signed up to democratic reform in Egypt. No civilised person should have any word of support for this dictator nor should we have any economic or political relationship with the regime. People of Egypt have been strangled by this regime and if I ever support regime change, this regime would be at top of my list. Unfortunately, the British and American governments have sustained such illegitimate regimes for too long.
George Galloway: Tinpot tyrant ain't seen nothing yet
Five hundred foreigners from 17 different nationalities with 200 vehicles were crammed into a compound without water, food or toilet facilities. They included 10 Turkish MPs one of whom was the chairman of Turkey's foreign relations committee. We captured on film from a third floor office the thugs of the Mukhabarat (Intelligence) piling stones and sharpening their sticks behind the backs of several ranks of riot police with helmets, batons and shields. Then mayhem.
George Galloway: Run of Mill diplomacy is failing us
Viva Palestina have kept a log of everything they asked the British Embassy in Cairo to do. At the time of writing, the convoy still has Brits in detention at Cairo airport without access to basic facilities. I'd complain to their boss, foreign secretary David Milliband, but what's the point? He met the Egyptian foreign minister the day before my arrest and gave the Egyptians the green light to go ahead.
A victory for Viva Palestina
We had 55 injured, mostly by rocks and broken bricks that the plainclothes men threw and tear gas fired at us by the riot police. Four suffered fractures, and 10 were hospitalized with fairly serious head wounds, one particularly serious. All 10 required sutures. They also arrested six people and held them overnight. The plainclothes threw sand at people with cameras to sow confusion, and then the police opened up with tear gas and some sort of acidic liquid from what looked like a fire engine. It was entirely premeditated. They had made themselves an arsenal of rocks and bricks, and then opened up on us.
Ostali linkovi:
Battle in Seattle
Igrani film o antiglobalističkim prosvjedima protiv WTO-a u Seattleu 1999.