U luci Al-Arish izbili su neredi između aktivista u humanitarnom konvoju VIVA PALESTINA i egipatske policije za suzbijanje nemira. Kasno poslije podne tijekom pregovora između konvoja VIVA PALESTINA i egipatskih vlasti, egipatski je pregovarač iz Kaira napustio sastanak i više se nije vratio. Egipatske su vlasti na aktiviste konvoja poslale više 2000 policajaca za suzbijanje nemira. Aktivisti konvoja blokirali su ulaz u luku i sada im prijeti napad egipatske policije i vodenih topova. Aktivisti su odlučni da obrane svoja vozila i humanitarnu pomoć.
VIVA PALESTINA moli sve prijatelje Palestine da prosvjeduju na sve moguće načine, najbolje osobno pred egipatskim veleposlanstvima, ali i kontaktirajući egipatske predstavnike, konzulate, dužnosnike, veleposlanstva i traže da konvoju u srijedu bude dopušten siguran prolaz u Gazu.
Primjer pisma za egipatske vlasti i veleposlanstva:
Subject: Please allow the safe passage of VIVA PALESTINA convoy to Gaza
Your Excellency,
I am writing to urge your assistance and to protest in the strongest terms about the treatment of the Viva Palestina humanitarian aid convoy in Al-Arish today. The convoy seeks to ensure that the people of Gaza receive the medical aid which British and European citizens have worked hard to provide for the Palestinian people suffering under Israeli siege in the Gaza Strip.
My understanding is that the Egyptian government is imposing conditions on the Viva Palestina/ Palestine Solidarity Convoy of 210 aid vehicles which make it impossible for all the vehicles and aid to be taken into Gaza through the Rafah Crossing. The aid includes medical aid, food and educational materials. The convoy has now been assaulted by 2,000 Egyptian government riot police and water cannon. This is completely unacceptable treatment of a humanitarian aid effort.
As you may be aware, Viva Palestina is a UK registered charity formed in 2009 to provide humanitarian relief for the people of Gaza. The two previous convoys, which entered Gaza via Eqypt in July and March 2009, successfully delivered hundreds of tonnes of desperately needed aid through the Rafah crossing.
Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur stated on 18.12.09 that 'two urgent priorities must be stressed on this dismal anniversary: first, Israel ’s allies must demand, with a commitment reinforced by a credible threat of economic sanctions, that Israel immediately end its illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip. Second, the Goldstone Report’s recommendations, having confirmed the commission of war crimes possibly amounting to Crimes Against Humanity, by Israel and Hamas, must be fully and swiftly implemented.'
Alas, the Egyptian government appears to be aiding Israel ’s blockade of Gaza.
Please convey my request to the Egyptian authorities that the convoy be allowed to travel to Gaza through Egypt and to the Rafah crossing without molestation and assault to show the Palestinian people that they are not forgotten by people of conscience across the world.
Yours sincerely,
[Vaše Ime i Prezime, Zemlja]
Adrese na koje treba poslati poruke:
Ambasador Arapske republike Egipat za Hrvatsku
For the attention of:
His Excellency, Mohamed Ashraf Gamal Eldin Rashed
Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Petrova 51B
10000 Zagreb
Tel. +385 1 23 10 781, 23 10 798
Fax. +385 1 23 10 619
Email: veleposlanstvo.egipat@zg.t-com.hr
Oslovljavanje: Your Excellency,
Ahmed Azzam u Odjelu za Palestinu egipatskog ministarstva vanjskih poslova
For the attention of:
Mr. Ahmed Azzam
Palestine Division
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tel +202-25749682
Email: ahmed.azzam@mfa.gov.eg
Oslovljavanje: Dear Mr. Azzam,
Veleposlanstvo Arapske Republike Egipat u Mađarskoj
For the attention of:
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
1124 Budapest, Istenhegyi ut 7/b
Phone: (+361) 225-2150
Fax: (+361) 225-8596
Email: egyemb@pronet.hu, eg.emb_budapest@mfa.gov.eg
Veleposlanstva Arapske Republike Egipat u drugim zemljama pronađite na linku.
Više informacija: VIVA PALESTINA