četvrtak, 7. siječnja 2010.

„Palestine Think Tank“ – antisemitski i antipalestinski site

aktivisti Gaza Freedom Marcha u Kairu

Drage i dragi moji,

Dužna sam svima jednu ispriku i upozorenje: Ispričavam se što sam povremeno (doduše vrlo rijetko, jer sam brzo postala svjesna loše kvalitete, antisemitizma i notorne gluposti u mnogim tekstovima koji se tamo objavljuju, a naročito kod nekih od njihovih autora – i taj site nikad nije dobio mjesto među izdvojenim linkovima sa strane na blogu upravo iz tog razloga) linkala na poneki članak objavljen na portalu „Palestine Think Tank“.

„Palestine Think Tank“ je antisemitski portal koji pokušava diskreditirati globalni pokret solidarnosti s Palestincima, na način da objavljuje tekstove i druge radove nekih od istaknutih vođa i pristaša tog pokreta, rame uz rame s ispraznim i nekvalitetnim, ali zato antisemitskim tekstovima koje piše klika antisemitskih bezveznjaka (ili prikrivenih cionističkih bezveznjaka-plaćenika koji otvoreno podupiru i pokazuju svoj antisemitizam istovremeno se pretvarajući da imaju neke veze s pravednom borbom palestinskog naroda za slobodu i ravnopravnost) koja se okupila na tom portalu, odnosno osnovala ga. Njihov cilj je zaglupiti i dezinformirati čitatelje, ali i sabotirati borbu Palestinaca za pravedan mir i slobodu.

Posljednji biseri s „Palestine Think Tanka“, u kojima se napadaju aktivisti Gaza Freedom Marcha i Viva Palestine, a brani egipatska policijska država (čak se pozivaju Gaza Freedom March i Viva Palestina da se ispričaju Egiptu), konačno dokazuju da se ne radi samo o antisemitskom siteu (što je samo po sebi dovoljno da ga svatko normalan, a naročito oni čiji je cilj doista pomoći Palestincima, odbaci i osudi), već o siteu čiji je cilj diskreditirati i sabotirati globalni pokret solidarnosti s Palestincima.

Zato svim dobronamjernim prijateljima Palestinaca, ljudskih prava, ravnopravnosti i pravednog mira u Palestini/Izraelu, ali i šire preporučam da u širokom luku zaobilaze taj portal (kao i svaki drugi antisemitski, rasistički i slične portale mržnje) i ne nasjedaju njihovoj sabotaži. Bez obzira na naziv, radi se zapravo o antisemitskom i antipalestinskom siteu. (Cenzuriraju i komentare čitatelja, tako da većinom ispada kao da se svi s njima slažu. Istina je pak da komentare koji ih kritiziraju ne objavljuju, iako u drugim prilikama neki od njih gorljivo „podržavaju“ „slobodu govora“ fašista i antisemita.)

Na ovom se linku
može pročitati odlična analiza jednog od njihovih nedavnih nebuloznih napada na aktiviste koji su u Kairu prosvjedovali protiv ilegalne blokade Pojasa Gaze i na VIVA PALESTINA konvoj, koji je izanalizirao Tony Greenstein, anticionistički britanski aktivist za mir i pravdu u Palestini/Izraelu i ljudska prava Palestinaca:
Mary Rizzo's 'Palestine Think Tank' Supports the Egyptian Regime's Attack on Gaza

Osim što je sam po sebi, baš kao i svaki drugi rasizam, neprihvatljiv, antisemitizam je naročito štetan za one koji žele pomoći Palestincima u postizanju njihovih prava. Na linku
možete pročitati još jedan članak o štetnosti antisemitizma za pokret solidarnosti s Palestincima koji je također napisao Tony Greenstein (a u kojem se također prokazuju neki od aktualnih antisemitskih samoprozvanih „podržavatelja“ (čitaj: cionističkih saboterskih agenata) Palestinaca i njihove borbe za oslobođenje, ljudska prava i ravnopravnost:
Why Palestinian Solidarity Activists Must Reject Anti-Semitism

Nekoliko dodatnih linkova o Gazi, Gaza Freedom Marchu, Viva Palestini:

The boy in the rubble and Gaza's Tour of Horror

Hours after I saw him, I still feel the stare of the boy on the rubble – the boy who is not playful with us because he's angry, he's tired and he's homeless. His stare haunts me because I know that he knows. He knows the reason he won't have a home by next winter is because the international community has allowed the siege of Gaza, an illegal and morally reprehensible blockade to continue with barely a comment from our political leaders. UN Human Rights Rapporteur for Palestine, Richard Falk says that because there has been no meaningful international pressure coming from Governments it is up to civil society, you and me, to step in. There are many reasons we should step in, because of the 288 children killed last year, the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe caused by the siege, the physical and mental trauma of the population, but also for the boy in the rubble. The boy in the rubble is waiting. Until he feels some hope he will maintain his defiant stance, his challenging stare. He wants to be playful again, but he's waiting for us to end the silence that has left his community in a state of constant struggle. This little boy from Gaza city, living in a tent surrounded by the rubble where his house used to be, folds his arms and stares in our direction because he is waiting for us to act. May his eyes haunt us until we do.

Viva Palestina Convoy Arrives in Gaza

Gaza and the path to accountability

In September 2009, the UN-mandated Goldstone report on Israel's invasion was released. Placing the treatment of civilian populations at the heart of the investigation, Judge Richard Goldstone, who was the Prosecutor for the International Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, found Israel's attack on Gaza (as well as specific actions by Palestinian groups, including Hamas) to amount to war crimes. The Israelis refused to cooperate with the Goldstone mission, unlike the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas. Public hearings were held in Gaza. The Goldstone report called for credible independent internal investigations of Israel's actions in Gaza which included: the deliberate bombing of civilian sites (including the Palestinian Legislative Council building, a Gaza prison, two hospitals, shelters and houses); the killing of civilian police forces; the use of mortars to hit "armed" Palestinian groups in the vicinity of large numbers of civilians; the destruction of food production factories, of water and sewage treatment facilities; and the direct killing of civilians. All were deemed violations of international law. In the absence of such independent investigations, the report called for the matter to proceed to the International Criminal Court. In light of Israel's refusal to cooperate with its mission, the Goldstone report unequivocally stated its "support for reliance on universal jurisdiction" as an avenue for further investigation and action on "grave breaches" of the 1949 Geneva Conventions and to "prevent immunity and promote international accountability." Israel rejected the report's findings, accusing Judge Goldstone -- a Zionist and strong supporter of Israel -- of anti-Israel bias. Other supporters of the report were likewise attacked as being anti-Semitic. The US ambassador to the UN, Dr. Susan Rice, admonished the report's authors, and the US House of Representatives voted 344 to 36 to call on the Obama Administration to reject it. The Obama Administration has maintained this position and also exerted immense pressure on the Palestinian Authority to withdraw the report from consideration at the General Assembly of the UN. Neither the UK nor Canada supported the Goldstone report.

Gaza Freedom March marches in Cairo against blockade

Late in the evening, hundreds of Gaza Freedom March delegates gathered once again in the open plaza in front of al-Mogama to hold a candlelight vigil to celebrate the new year. They held candles and arranged more candles on the pavement to create the luminous word "Gaza" within a circle. Individuals spontaneously began passing out sweets. The novelty of this action was immensely popular with Egyptian passersby who joined in the hundreds, swelling the crowd. Then plainclothes police moved in to filter out and sweep away all Egyptian nationals. A double-row contingent of the Central Security Force also moved in, until senior commanders were told to back off, removing the contingent to a distant corner of the plaza. The state itself held no official new year festivity, as if fearing that it would turn into a spontaneous protest for Gaza and against the policies of the Mubarak regime.

Unbreakable in Cairo

As I crossed the street to get to the mass of protesters and police, I saw the police building their barricade around protesters who were trying to stage a symbolic march to Gaza. A woman about 60 years old was resisting the police who were forcibly trying to barricade her. I saw Egyptian police forces drag and beat her in the street and at the time, my reflex was to photograph the abuse. While pressing up against the commotion and shooting countless pictures, I made eye contact with one of the officers. Immediately, four men jumped on me and held me down. One of the officers covered my eyes with his hands, while other officers beat me and pried my camera out of the cage I was creating around it with my body. They told me they were going to shatter my camera in the street and I started a desperate plea with the officers to return it to me and let me leave. As I tried to get up, my hair was pulled and I was back on the ground. The officers eventually returned my camera after taking my memory card and threw me on to a pile of protesters inside the barricades.