Link na peticiju: Freeze Mubarak's stolen fortune
Dok milijuni Egipćana preživljavaju s manje od 2 američka dolara dnevno, stručnjaci tvrde da je za vrijeme Mubarakovog režima korupcija Egipat godišnje stajala više od 6 milijardi američkih dolara. Mubarakova obitelj je tijekom 30 godina njegove vladavine obilno profitirala na mreži poslovnih ugovora, korumpiranih privatizacijskih planova i ulaganja za koja je jamčila država. Procjenjuje se da bi imovina koje se Hosni Mubarak tijekom svoje vladavine protuzakonito dočepao mogla iznositi do 70 milijardi američkih dolara, što je više od trećine vrijednosti ukupnog egipatskog gospodarstva.
Svjetske vlade trebale bi odmah zamrznuti Mubarakovu imovinu kako joj se trag ne bi izgubio po raznim skrivenim i tajnim bankovnim računima, kao što se to često puta u prošlosti događalo s ukradenom imovinom koju su prigrabili drugi diktatori. Egipatska privremena vojna vlada je od vlada zemalja EU zatražila zamrzavanje Mubarakove imovine, a 25 viših vladinih dužnosnika već su pod istragom zbog zgrtanja bogatstava većih od 1 milijardu američkih dolara za vrijeme dok su služili pod Mubrakovim režimom. Švicarska je već zamrznula sve njegove financije, a neki europski ministri ponudili su svoju pomoć.
Potpisivanjem ove peticije pozivamo čelnike svih država da osiguraju da će ukradeni novac biti vraćen egipatskom narodu. Ako se na vrijeme prikupi 500 000 potpisa, peticija će biti predana ministrima financija zemalja G20 koji će se ovog petka sastati u Parizu.
Tekst peticije koju možete potpisati na linku:
„Pozivamo Vas da odmah zamrznete svu imovinu bivšeg egipatskog predsjednika Hosnija Mubaraka, njegove obitelji i kruga njegovih prijatelja i savjetnika – kako bi je se moglo istražiti i vratiti egipatskom narodu; te da surađujete i pružite pomoć egipatskim vlastima u skladu s člankom 51. UN-ove Konvencije protiv korupcije.“
Link na peticiju: Freeze Mubarak's stolen fortune
Letter From Herzliya, Neocon Woodstock
As a result of the revolution in Egypt, a key theme that emerged at the conference was hostility to Arab democracy and the assumption that it would bring only chaos and danger for Israel—a mantra that also exposed a division between Israeli neoconservatives and some of their American comrades. “In the Arab world, there is no room for democracy,” Israeli Major General Amos Gilead told a nodding audience. “This is the truth. We prefer stability.” Former Israeli Ambassador to the US Zalman Shoval scoffed that George W. Bush’s freedom agenda’s “principle accomplishment seems to be the victory of Hamas in Gaza.” Boaz Ganor, the executive director of the IDC’s International Institute for Counter-Terrorism, warned, “When these people [Arabs] vote, they are voting for what Coca-Cola calls the real thing and that is fundamentalism.” Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies at the IDC’s Institute of Policy and Strategy, declared that the US had “become an agent of revolutionary change in the Middle East, at the expense of stability.” … Martin Kramer of Israel’s conservative Shalem Center began by mocking the Obama administration’s repeated assertions that the regional “status quo is unsustainable,” suggesting that it should be taken as the administration's motto. "In Israel, we are for the status quo," Kramer said. "Not only do we believe the status quo is sustainable, we think it's the job of the US to sustain it."
VIDEO: State-backed trade union thugs attack
Nasilnici iz Saveza sindikata koji kontrolira država napali radnike (14. veljače 2011.)
Skupina od oko 100 prosvjednika okupila se ispred egipatskog Saveza sindikata koji kontrolira država i zahtijevala ostavku njegovog čelnika Husseina El-Megawera, koji je ujedno i poduzetnik i član do pada Mubaraka vladajuće egipatske Nacionalne demokratske stranke. Radnici El-Megawera optužuju za korupciju. Nakon što su nenasilnim putem pokušali ući u predvorje zgrade Saveza sindikata radnici su bili napadnuti palicama, stolcima i aparatima za gašenje vatre od strane nasilnih članova tog saveza, nakon čega su izbili sukobi koji se vide na snimci. Članovi Saveza sindikata na radnike su bacali prazne boce s 5. kata zgrade, pri čemu je ozlijeđeno nekoliko osoba.
HRW: Egypt: Free Detainees, Lift Emergency, End Torture
The military authorities should take these early measures to build confidence:
* 1. Immediately release all detainees still in military custody or charge them with a recognizable criminal offense under the regular criminal law, bring them immediately before an independent judge, and try them before a court meeting international fair trial standards;
* 2. Ensure an independent, thorough, and transparent investigation of all credible allegations of torture by the military police over the past two weeks, including six cases reported to Human Rights Watch;
* 3. Repeal the Emergency Law that gives the Interior Ministry broad powers to arrest and detain people arbitrarily and that limits the rights to freedom of association and peaceful assembly;
* 4. Ensure the right to freedom of assembly by allowing for peaceful public protests as well as the right of workers to organize independent trade unions and conduct peaceful strikes;
* 5. Publicly announce a policy of zero tolerance regarding torture or ill-treatment and enforced disappearance by State Security Investigations and other ministry of interior officers as well as military officers. Instruct all security forces and members of the armed forces to refuse to obey any order to carry out such abuse and warn that they will face criminal prosecution;
* 6. Instruct the Public Prosecutor to initiate investigations against ministry of interior officials, including senior officials, who have ordered, condoned, or carried out torture in the past, and in particular investigate State Security Investigations officers who allegedly "disappeared" detainees and subjected them to torture.
VIDEO: #Jan25 Egypt - Omar Offendum, The Narcicyst, Freeway, Ayah, Amir Sulaiman (Prod. by Sami Matar)
Army & military police forcefully disperse Tahrir Sq. Protest
Vojska i vojna policija silom rastjerali prosvjednike na Trgu Tahrir (13. veljače 2011.)
Do nedjelje ujutro na Trgu Tahrir u Kairu ostalo je oko 5000 prosvjednika koji su nastavili zahtijevati demokratske reforme i određivanje rokova u kojima se te reforme namjeravaju provesti. Oko 7 sati ujutro desetci vojnih policajaca raspoređeni su na Trgu Tahrir, a oko 9 sati ujutro počeli su uništavati i uklanjati šatore u kojima su prosvjednici kampirali. Prosvjednike koji su se opirali uklanjanju šatora vojnici su tukli i uhićivali. Također su uznemiravali novinare, te naročito fotografe. Jedan je japanski novinar zadobio ozljede glave jer je odbijao vojsci predati svoj fotoaparat. Vojnici su uništili šatore i transparente nenasilnih prosvjednika na Trgu Tahrir, a desetci su prosvjednika uhićeni.
Jordan: King's Bodyguards Shoot Protesters
Upon the King's arrival at the university, protesters from Bani Hassan tribe, one of the biggest tribes, gathered before the King's motorcade; they were protesting their living conditions and the fact that the government has been stripping them from their rural-land possessions. Members of the Royal Jordanian Guards accompanying the king opened fire on the protestors, injuring at least four according to several stories leaked to the Jordanian media. Official reports claim only two protesters were shot and nobody killed; nonetheless rumors circulated over several Jordanian website spoke of four dead young men. ... King Abdullah of Jordan has been facing extreme criticism lately also from Jordanian tribes other than Bani Hassan, which, although a minority in the predominately Palestinian population, have control of the army and security agencies, and therefore secure the Kingdom's stability as well as having upper hand over the Hasmite kingdom's resentful Palestinian majority. The King has also come under serious criticism from Jordanians of Palestinian origin for the discrimination and exclusion they have been facing for decades by the Jordanian monarchy.
Al Jazeera English: Live Stream
Prodemokratski narodni prosvjedi i demokratske revolucije u tijeku u raznim arapskim i muslimanskim zemljama – od Maroka do Irana – mogu se puno objektivnije, profesionalnije i informativnije (od načina na koji -- zbog zapadno-imperijalističkih interesa kojima služe, a koji bi najradije na vlasti zadržali ili postavili poslušne si diktatore -- i dalje tupoglavo prkoseći 21. stoljeću i internetu o njima neizvještavaju i dezinformiraju „naši“ i zapadni mediji) pratiti na Al Jazeeri. Za okončanje okupacije i aparthejda u Palestini i učinkovitu izolaciju i pritisak na aparthejdski Izrael ključne bi trebale biti demokratske promjene u Egiptu, Saudijskoj Arabiji i Jordanu, te među samim okupiranim Palestincima kojima SAD, Izrael i Zapad također nameću nedemokratske i nelegitimne „predstavnike“. No, naravno, prodemokratske promjene, slobodu i poštivanje svih ljudskih prava zaslužuju svi ljudi bez obzira koliko je njihova zemlja „važna“ ili „nevažna“ za vršenje učinkovitog pritiska na Izrael s ciljem što skorijeg uspješnog okončanja izraelske ilegalne okupacije i višedesetljetnog cionističkog etničkog čišćenja, te potpunog sloma aparthejda u Palestini/Izraelu.
Iran Uses Force Against Protests as Region Erupts
On Monday, the police in Bahrain fired rubber bullets and tear gas into crowds of peaceful protesters from the Shiite majority population. So much tear gas was fired that the officers themselves vomited. In Yemen, hundreds of student protesters clashed with pro-government forces in the fourth straight day of protests. In the central Iranian city of Isfahan, many demonstrators were arrested after security forces clashed with them, reports said, and sporadic messages from inside Iran indicated that there had also been protests in Shiraz, Mashhad and Rasht. Numbers were hard to assess, given government threats against journalists who tried to cover the protests. Aliakbar Mousavi Khoeini, a former member of Parliament now living in exile in the United States, said that 20,000 to 30,000 people had taken part across the country.