Anonymous: nema nikakve veze s Wikileaksom!
Skupina Anonymous priopćava da je vlasnik domene Dean Golubić, magistar kriminalistike i bivši član HDZ-a te sadašnji predsjednik desne stranke Nacionalni Demokrati. On ne samo da koristi buku oko Wikileaksa za svoju samopromociju, već je jasno da nije sigurno mjesto za slanje bilo kakvih informacija, a osobito onih povjerljivih "zviždačkih" informacija, stoji u priopćenju Anonymous-a.
Was just informed about | Be aware that donations there do NOT go to #Wikileaks. They are an independent organization.
Attention!!! is a fake Wikileaks site, not a safe address to send any information to, let alone confidential "whistleblower" information:
How the Name of WikiLeaks is Abused in Croatia
Regarding his ambition, it is reasonable to suspect that he eventually realised he would not be able to collect enough signatures to become a presidential candidate, which leads us to conclusion that he assumed a more cunning tactics using the name of WikiLeaks, where he has been generously supported by some Croatian media who identified him with Julian Assange. Some news portals, i.e., go so far as to claim that he is approved by WikiLeaks itself, which is hard to believe, taking into consideration that the Facebook group of Mr Golubić abounds in national hatred and intolerance, which brings disgrace not only to the name of the famous whistle-blowing platform, but to the whole Croatian country. ... WikiLeaks Croatia is inviting people to send it "sensational" news, on its Facebook page it is keeping comments that incite violence against Serbs (sic!), discrediting itself with it. They put in jeopardy their potential sources as well, because they never warn them to protect their personal data. As much as such an initiative annoys any informed reader, its name might discredit the original WikiLeaks in the eyes of a less informed one. On the other hand, not only do Croatian media show an incredible disinterest regarding WikiLeaks developments, but their delay in covering important world news is also remarkable. While big news agencies are competing in covering latest developments in Tunisia, Yemen, Russia, Egypt etc., our newspapers report those events days later, often superficially, leaving an impression that it has nothing to do with us. They are confining us into our little world, which is consumed in political scandals, corruption and manipulation by the country's power structure. Media should connect the world, not nurture the general climate of desperation, so visible in today's Croatia. Hopefully those 1686 Croatia-related Cablegate documents will be released on the genuine WikiLeaks website before the election this year. Nobody will be able to marginalise that.
Kako se u Hrvatskoj zloupotrebljava ime WikiLeaks
S druge strane, hrvatski mediji ne samo da pokazuju neshvatljivu nezainteresiranost u pogledu na događanja u vezi s WL, nego je i njihovo kašnjenje u objavi važnih zbivanja iz svijeta nadasve upadljivo. Dok se velike svjetske novinske agencije natječu u pokrivanju najnovijih vijesti o turbulentnim događajima u Tunisu, Jemenu, Egiptu, Rusiji itd., naši te vijesti prenose sa zakašnjenjem, često površno, dajući dojam da se to nas ne tiče i tako nas zatvaraju u naš mali svijet izjedan aferama, korupcijom i manipulacijom moćnika. ... Nadajmo se da će onih 1686 dokumenata koji se odnose na našu zemlju biti objavljeni na pravoj stranici Wikileaks prije izbora ove godine. To nitko neće moći marginalizirati.