ponedjeljak, 7. veljače 2011.

Još nekoliko linkova o narodnoj pobuni u Egiptu

slika s jednog od prosvjeda solidarnosti s egipatskim narodom u SAD-u

Amy Goodman: When Corporations Choose Despots Over Democracy

[...] the Mubarak regime, with the help of U.S. and European corporations, has shut down the Internet and curtailed cellular service, plunging Egypt into digital darkness. ... Mubarak's regime has received roughly $2 billion per year since coming to power, overwhelmingly for the military. Where has the money gone? Mostly to U.S. corporations. ... "It's a form of corporate welfare for companies like Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics, because it goes to Egypt, then it comes back for F-16 aircraft, for M-1 tanks, for aircraft engines, for all kinds of missiles, for guns, for tear-gas canisters [from] a company called Combined Systems International, which actually has its name on the side of the canisters that have been found on the streets there." Hartung just published a book, "Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex." He went on: "Lockheed Martin has been the leader in deals worth $3.8 billion over that period of the last 10 years; General Dynamics, $2.5 billion for tanks; Boeing, $1.7 billion for missiles, for helicopters; Raytheon for all manner of missiles for the armed forces. So, basically, this is a key element in propping up the regime, but a lot of the money is basically recycled. Taxpayers could just as easily be giving it directly to Lockheed Martin or General Dynamics." Likewise, Egypt's Internet and cell phone "kill switch" was enabled only through collaboration with corporations. U.K.-based Vodafone, a global cellular-phone giant (which owns 45 percent of Verizon Wireless in the U.S.) attempted to justify its actions in a press release: "It has been clear to us that there were no legal or practical options open to Vodafone ... but to comply with the demands of the authorities." Narus, a U.S. subsidiary of Boeing Corp., sold Egypt equipment to allow "deep packet inspection," according to Tim Karr of the media policy group Free Press. Karr said the Narus technology "allows the Egyptian telecommunications companies ... to look at texting via cell phones, and to identify the sort of dissident voices that are out there. ... It also gives them the technology to geographically locate them and track them down."

Targeted Attacks on Reporters in Cairo

Popis brojnih napada na strane novinare (te neke aktiviste za ljudska prava) organiziranih i provedenih od strane Mubarakovog režima tijekom nekoliko dana narodne pobune u Egiptu (uključujući jedan neprovjereni navod o bacanju jednog novinara s balkona).

On Khaled Said

(Upozorenje - uznemirujući sadržaj: preporučam osobama mlađim od 18 godina i onima slabijih živaca da ne otvaraju ovaj link, jer sadrži stravičnu sliku na smrt premlaćenog Khaleda Saida) 2 su egipatska policajca u srpnju 2010. na javnom mjestu pred očima brojnih svjedoka ovog 28-godišnjaka 20 minuta tukla, sve dok nije preminuo, a potom su njegovog tijelo odvezli u policijsku postaju gdje im je rečeno da tijelo izbace negdje van na ulicu i pozovu kola hitne pomoći kako bi kasnije mogli tvrditi da su tijelo pronašli na ulici i da je mladić preminuo od "gušenja". To je realnost s kojom se već 30 godina suočavaju obični Egipćani koji žive pod brutalnim i nečovječnim režimom Hosnija Mubaraka koji podržavaju i na vlasti održavaju u suprotnosti s voljom egipatskih građana SAD i njegovi satelitski saveznici (koji za sebe još uvijek imaju obraza tvrditi da promiču i njeguju demokratske vrijednosti), uključujući Hrvatsku. Iako su brojni svjedoci gledali kako policajci na ovakav krajnje brutalan način ubijaju mladića, nitko ništa nije poduzeo, jer su znali da će, ako se usprotive, i sami završiti kao i on.

He simply was sitting in a Cyber Cafe, when two policemen walked inside and demanded the ID's of everyone who was sitting there. When he refused to give it to them, they grabbed him, tied him up, dragged him out of the Cafe, took him to a nearby building where for 20 minutes they beat him to death, smashing his head on the handrail of the staircase, while he screamed and begged for his life, and as people around watched helplessly, knowing that if they did something, they would be accused of assaulting a police officer, which would pretty much guarantee them a similar fate. This went on for 20 minutes. Think about that. You are beaten to death, by those who swore to protect you, while the people in your neighborhood watched silently, and as your pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears. 28. Not yet married. Still having the rest of your life ahead of you. No More. After the police discovered he died, they took the dead body to the Police station, where the Police Officer ordered them to throw it back on the street and call an ambulance, in order not to be held responsible for him. ... When the story went out, and people saw the pictures, they were of course enraged. About a 1000 people gathered after the Friday prayers to protest in front of the police stations, and there are plans to do sit ins and demos this entire week, demanding that people take action, before they become the next Khaled. The Ministery of Interior swiftly responded, by stating that Khaled was a criminal and a womanizer and a drug dealer and responsible for 9/11, and that he died from Asphysxiation, and the picture is simply after his body was diagnosed by the Coroner. And that really, really, we should be glad that such a menace to society at large is not with us anymore. And of course no one will get punished. Egypt likes to refer to itself as the land of Security and Safety. Please note that we always put the word Security first. We like to think we are safe, that we are better than those evil western countries, where a woman is raped every 48 seconds or whatever, but we are not. We are not Safe. None of us is. Not in this country, not in this world. Any one of us could lose that spark of life at any minute, and the lucky ones get it quickly and painlessly. The unlucky ones suffer. The really unlucky ones end up like Khaled.

Page grab of Father Fawzi Khalil holding the Bible standing by an Imam holding the Quran at Meydan Tahrir today

U nedjelju (6. veljače 2011.) egipatski kršćani su održali misu na Trgu Tahrir u Kairu, a za to su ih vrijeme od Mubarakovih nasilnika čuvali muslimani (slično su u petak kršćani za vrijeme džume na istom trgu čuvali muslimane). Ovo je slika
s Trga Tahrir u Kairu na kojoj otac Fawzi Khalil u ruci drži Bibliju dok pored njega stoji jedan imam koji u ruci drži Kuran.

VIDEO: Egypt Burning

This film tells the story of five days in January 2011 when the people of Egypt broke through a barrier of fear they had known for a generation and rose in revolt against their president. Anger had long been brewing in Egypt - strikes, unemployment and sectarian tension were on the rise. Small networks of activists had been agitating against Hosni Mubarak's autocratic rule for years. But it was only when another Arab country, Tunisia, rose up against its tyrant that the Egyptian activists attracted mass support. People took to the streets across Egypt demanding political freedoms, an end to state corruption and a better quality of life for the impoverished population. Egypt Burning captures those critical moments as history unfolded through interviews with Al Jazeera correspondents on the ground.

U.S. defense contractors with the most at stake in Egypt

Na linku možete pročitati koji američki proizvođači oružja imaju najunosnije ugovore za isporuku oružja Mubarakovom diktatorskom režimu; ova do sada sigurna (a trenutno ugrožena i u budućnosti neizvjesna) zarada (kao i ona od daleko najveće isporuke oružja Izraelu, te drugim američkim saveznicima koji primaju američku vojnu "pomoć") je u cijelosti plaćena novcem američkih poreznih obveznika.

The Egyptian government receives about $2 billion a year from the United States, with most of that assistance going to its military. Last year the U.S. sent about $1.3 billion to Egypt's military compared to about $250 million in economic aid, and the Obama administration requested similar amounts for the 2011 fiscal year, as Britain's Telegraph reports. The U.S. has long made the case that its unconditional funding for Egypt strengthens relations between the countries and provides benefits for the U.S. such as expedited processing for U.S. Navy warships sailing through the Suez Canal. Indeed, one of the diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks noted that "President Mubarak and military leaders view our military assistance program as the cornerstone of our mil-mil relationship and consider the USD 1.3 billion annual FMS as 'untouchable compensation' for making and maintaining peace with Israel." Last week White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the Obama administration would be reviewing its assistance to the Egyptian government based on events over the coming days. Obviously any change in U.S. aid policy would have important ramifications for Egypt. But it could also have implications for the U.S. companies that contract with the Defense Department to provide good and services to the Egyptian military -- and for their workforces and communities. Facing South reviewed the Department of Defense contract database over the past two years to see what deals are already in place, and discovered many contracts with connections to the South. The following are the 10 biggest contracts involving aid to Egypt in that period.

VIDEO: Cairo Intifada

Saudi women protest, web activists call for reform

Aktivisti pozivaju na reforme u još jednoj zemlji koja kao nepokolebljivi američki saveznik (čitaj: poslušnik) prima ogromnu vojnu pomoć koju plaćaju američki porezni obveznici, također unatoč tome što se radi o krajnje represivnom i nelegitimnom režimu koji ljudska prava, naročito prava žena, krši na još gore načine nego onaj Hosnija Mubaraka u Egiptu.

In a rare sign of rising discontent in Saudi Arabia, a group of Saudi web activists also launched an online campaign calling for political reform in the world's biggest oil exporter. The Saudi campaign, which was launched on Facebook on Jan. 29 and has 264 members so far, called for a constitutional monarchy, an end to corruption, an even distribution of wealth, and a serious solution for unemployment, among other demands


First hand reports from an anarchist perspective from the Cairo uprising, in solidarity with the direct action of the people of Egypt against state repression. Drawing together grassroots and alternative media coverage from the Egyptian rebellion and creating a forum for calls to global solidarity.

US solidarity rundown

Solidarnost s Egiptom u SAD-u

Stotine ljudi prosvjedovale su u subotu (5. veljače) diljem SAD-a u znak solidarnosti s egipatskim narodom tražeći da Mubarak i ljudi njegovog režima odstupe s vlasti.

Solidarity with Egypt in Ramallah

Solidarnost s Egiptom u Ramalli

U subotu (5. veljače) se u solidarnosti s Egiptom prosvjedovalo diljem cijelog svijeta, pa tako i u Ramalli na okupiranoj Zapadnoj obali gdje su do tada snage Palestinske samouprave onemogućavale Palestincima da prosvjeduju u znak potpore egipatskoj pobuni protiv diktatora Mubaraka. Više od 2000 prosvjednika je u Ramalli prosvjedovalo solidarizirajući se s narodnim pobunama u Egiptu i Tunisu, te protiv represije u Palestini, kako od strane izraelske vlade tako i od strane Palestinske samouprave. Prosvjednici su tražili okončanje okupacije, kraj unutarnjih podjela među Palestincima, ukidanje svih ugnjetavačkih režima, te pozivali SAD i Zapad da prestanu biti suučesnici u izraelskom kolonijalizmu i štititi despotske arapske režime.