Link na peticiju: Free Abdulhadi Al Khawaja, Bahraini Human Rights Activist
Oko 600 nenasilnih prosvjednika i aktivista za ljudska prava nalazi se u pritvoru u Bahreinu zbog sudjelovanja u prodemokratskim prosvjedima. U protekla 2 mjeseca vlasti su u Bahreinu brutalnom silom gušile prodemokratske prosvjede građana. Uhićene se stotine ljudi, a sigurnosne snage i vojska iz susjednih država, Saudijske Arabije i Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata, pobile su na desetke osoba.
Peticijom bahreinskom kralju Hamadu ibn Isi Al Khalifi tražimo prekid nasilja i oslobađanje bahreinskih aktivista za ljudska prava i nenasilnih prosvjednika.
Izvor i link na peticiju: Free Abdulhadi Al Khawaja, Bahraini Human Rights Activist
Staying Human
Arrigoni suggests that consumers look for barcodes whose first three numbers are 729, meaning it is a product of Israel. By refusing to purchase Israeli products consumers can express their opposition to the Occupation of Palestine. Gaza: Stay Human is a searing first-hand account of life for people under siege and fire in the open air prison called Gaza. It conveys the danger, raw emotions, and gore that Palestinians face. Arrigoni urges people to stay human; but when Israelis disrespect Palestinian life, they strike at themselves and their own humanity. When people in the international community stand by, it renders so many of us culpable and less human.