Khan Younis: Israeli tanks enter 200 meters into Gaza
Izraelski tenkovi ušli 200 metara u Pojas Gaze (27. travanj 2011.)
Izraelski tenkovi i buldožeri ušli su u srijedu ujutro 200 metara u Pojas Gaze, istočno od grada Khan Younisa. Vojnici su otvorili vatru, no nema dojava o ranjenima.
Jordan Valley school named after Vittorio
Nova škola u Jordanskoj dolini zvat će se po Vittoriju Arrigoniju (30. travanj 2011.)
U ponedjeljak, 25. travnja, je u nazočnosti talijanske komunističke parlamentarke Luise Morgantini, guvernera Jerihona i talijanskog izaslanstva od više od 50 ljudi, simbolično započeta gradnja nove škole u mjestu Ras Al Auja u Jordanskoj dolini na Zapadnoj obali. Protekla 2 tjedna, aktivisti su izrađivali cigle od blata za gradnju škole koju će pohađati 200 djece. Škola će se zvati „Vittorio Arrigoni“ po talijanskom aktivistu Međunarodnog pokreta solidarnosti koji je nedavno ubijen u Pojasu Gaze. Budući da se Ras Al Auja nalazi u „zoni C“, za njenu, kao i za gradnju bilo kojeg drugog objekta na tom dijelu okupiranog palestinskog područja, potrebna je izraelska dozvola na koju obično treba čekati godinama ili ona nikada na kraju ne bude ni izdana. Aktivisti su školu počeli graditi pjevajući pjesme Bella Ciao i Internacionala, a gradnju škole „Vittorio Arrigoni“ u „zoni C“ smatraju korakom dalje u pružanju otpora izraelskoj okupaciji.
Jericho names street in honor of slain activist
Grad Jerihon nazvao ulicu po ubijenom aktivistu Vittoriju Arrigoniju (29. travanj 2011.)
Gradske vlasti u Jerihonu na Zapadnoj obali su prošli utorak po ubijenom talijanskom aktivistu Vittoriju Arrigoniju nazvale jednu ulicu u tom gradu.
Paris court convicts Israeli doctor of slander
Pariški sud je osudio lažljivce -- izraelskog liječnika Yehudu Davida, te jednog novinara i urednika tjednika Jewish News Weekly -- koji su neistinito tvrdili da ozljede oca 12-godišnjeg Mohammada Ad-Durre, kojeg je 2000. godine ubila izraelska vojska, potiču iz razdoblja prije tog incidenta. Lažljivac David je ranije također neistinito tvrdio da Mohammada Ad-Durru nije ubila izraelska vojska, već da je snimka ubojstva montirana, a da su dječaka ubili Palestinci.
Gaza civilians wounded in Israeli attack
U izraelskom napadu na Gazu ranjeni civili (29. travanj 2011.)
Najmanje 4 osobe, uključujući 1 ženu i 2 djece, su lakše ranjene kad je jedan izraelski tenk u četvrtak otvorio vatru u središnjem dijelu Gaze, na području istočno od izbjegličkog logora Al-Bureij. Izraelska je vojska izjavila da je ciljala palestinske borce za koje tvrdi da su „postavljali eksploziv u blizini sigurnosne ograde na granici“. Izrael se protivi dogovoru o unutarnjem jedinstvu koji je nedavno postignut među zavađenim palestinskim političkim strankama. Nakon što je Hamas preuzeo odgovornost za napad na jedan izraelski školski autobus, u kojem je ubijen 1 izraelski tinejdžer, u izraelskim napadima u Gazi u travnju je ubijeno 19 Palestinaca.
Israel fails to prevent European participation in Freedom Flotilla 2
Izrael nije uspio spriječiti sudjelovanje europskih građana u Flotili slobode 2 (26. travanj 2011.)
Turska je Flotili slobode 2 dopustila da u svibnju ove godine tursku luku koristi za isplovljavanje prema Gazi i upozorila Izrael da ne ponavlja isti kobni napad kakav se odigrao prošle godine na brodu Mavi Marmara. Diplomatski napori izraelskog predsjednika Peresa koji je u Velikoj Britaniji, Francuskoj i Italiji pokušavao nagovoriti europske čelnike da zabrane isplovljavanje flotile neslavno su propali. Europski su čelnici Peresu poručili da je sudjelovanje u flotili „legalno i da se ne može spriječiti“. Turski ministar vanjskih poslova upozorio je na činjenicu da Ujedinjeni narodi izraelsku blokadu Pojasa Gaze smatraju kršenjem međunarodnog prava. U Flotili slobode 2 u Pojas Gaze će ovog svibnja ponovo ploviti i turski brod Mavi Marmara na kojem su prošle godine izraelski vojnici ubili 9, a ranili desetke nenaoružanih aktivista.
Turkey warns Israel over Freedom Flotilla II
Turska upozorava Izrael da ne ponavlja iste greške s Flotilom slobode 2 (27. travanj 2011.)
Turski ministar vanjskih poslova je izjavio da Izrael mora ukinuti blokadu Pojasa Gaze i podsjetio da se pokolj koji se prošle godine dogodio na Mavi Marmari odigrao u međunarodnim vodama, 116 kilometara od Gaze, te dodao da Sredozemno more nije vlasništvo niti jedne države. Turski brod Mavi Marmara pridružit će se 15 drugih brodova s humanitarnom pomoći koji će krajem svibnja u civilnoj međunarodnoj flotili isploviti za Pojas Gaze s ciljem probijanja ilegalne i nehumane izraelske blokade.
Egypt FM: Gaza border crossing to be permanently opened
Egipatski ministar vanjskih poslova najavljuje trajno otvaranje graničnog prijelaza s Gazom (28. travanj 2011.)
Egipatski ministar vanjskih poslova Nabil al-Arabi tvrdi da su pripreme za trajno otvaranje graničnog prijelaza Rafah između Gaze i Egipta već u tijeku. Kroz prijelaz će uskoro bez izraelskog nadzora i odobrenja u i iz Pojasa Gaze moći putovati ljudi i roba. Takav bi potez predstavljao značajnu promjenu u politici prema Gazi kojoj je, prije rušenja Mubarakovog režima, Egipat zajedno s Izraelom nametao ilegalnu blokadu.
Dozens killed in Syrian protests
Security forces opened fire Friday on demonstrators trying to break an army blockade on the southern city of Daraa, while thousands of others across Syria defied a protest ban and denounced President Bashar Assad's harsh crackdown on a six-week uprising. At least 42 people were killed, including 15 in the march on Daraa, according to witnesses and a human rights group. The protesters in cities across Syria --including the capital of Damascus - called for Assad's ouster, with some chanting "We are not afraid!" ... A witness in Daraa - the heart of the uprising - said residents stayed indoors because the city has been under siege by the military since Monday, when thousands of soldiers backed by tanks and snipers stormed in. People were too afraid even to venture out to mosques for prayers, the witness said. ... Large demonstrations broke out in Damascus, the central city of Homs, the coastal cities of Banias and Latakia, the northern cities of Raqqa and Hama, and the northeastern town of Qamishli. In Damascus' central Midan neighborhood, witnesses said about 2,000 people marched and chanted, "God, Syria and freedom only!" in a heavy rain, but security forces opened fire with bullets and tear gas, scattering them. ... Since the uprising in Syria began in mid-March, inspired by revolts across the Arab world, more than 450 people have been killed nationwide, activists say. ... Outside Homs, thousands chanted "We don't love you!" and "Bye, bye Bashar! We will see you in The Hague!" as the sound of gunfire crackled in the distance. A devastating picture was emerging of Daraa - which has been without electricity, water and telephones since Monday - as residents flee to neighbouring countries. Daraa is where the uprising kicked off, sparked by the arrest of teenagers who scrawled anti-regime graffiti on a wall. Residents inside the city begged for international intervention Friday. "Nobody can move in (Daraa), they have snipers on the high roofs," a resident told The Associated Press using a satellite phone. "They are firing at everything." At the Jordanian side of the Syrian border, several Daraa residents who had just crossed over said there is blood on the streets of the city. "Gunfire is heard across the city all the time," one man said, asking that his name not be used for fear of retribution. "People are getting killed in the streets by snipers if they leave their homes." ... Assad's regime has stepped up its deadly crackdown on protesters in recent days by unleashing the army along with snipers and tanks. On Friday, protesters came out in their thousands, defying the crackdown and using it as a rallying cry. Syria has banned nearly all foreign media and restricted access to trouble spots since the uprising began, making it almost impossible to verify the dramatic events shaking one of the most authoritarian, anti-Western regimes in the Arab world. A witness in Latakia said about 1,000 people turned out for an anti-government rally when plainclothes security agents with automatic rifles opened fire. He said he saw at least five people wounded. ... "The people want the downfall of the regime," said an activist in the coastal city of Banias - echoing the cries heard during the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions. Witnesses and human rights groups said Syrian army units clashed with each other over following Assad's orders to crack down on protesters in Daraa, where the uprising started. ... about 200 mostly low-level members of Syria's ruling Baath Party have resigned over Assad's brutal crackdown.
Syrian forces kill 62, U.S. toughens sanctions
A medical source told Reuters soldiers in Deraa killed 19 people when they fired on thousands of protesters descending from nearby villages in a show of solidarity with the southern city where Syria's uprising broke out six weeks ago. Syrian human rights group Sawasiah said it had the names of a total of 62 people killed during protests in Deraa, Rustun, Latakia, Homs and the town of Qadam, near Damascus. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights gave a similar death toll. Friday's bloodshed occurred as demonstrators across the country again defied heavy military deployments, mass arrests and a ruthless crackdown on the biggest popular challenge to 48 years of authoritarian Baath Party rule. ... Syrian rights group Sawasiah said this week at least 500 civilians had been killed since the unrest broke out six weeks ago. ... Security forces shot dead 120 protesters on Friday April 22, according to a Syrian rights group, in the biggest protests Syria has seen since the uprising ignited in Deraa on March 18.
Bahrain issues four death sentences
Bahrain's military court has sentenced four anti-government protesters to death, in a move to further crush the ongoing revolutionary movement in the small Persian Gulf country. ... Human Rights Watch, Doctors Without Borders and Physicians for Human Rights have charged Bahraini security officials with systematic attacks on doctors and patients. Physicians for Human Rights say doctors and nurses have been detained, tortured or disappeared because they have "evidence of atrocities committed by the authorities, security forces and riot police" in the crackdown on anti-government protesters. Since mid-February, thousands of anti-government protesters in Bahrain, home to the US Navy Fifth Fleet major military base, have poured into the streets calling for an end to Al-Khalifa dynasty, which has ruled the country for over forty years. On March 13, Saudi-led forces were dispatched to the Persian Gulf island at Manama's request to quell countrywide protests. According to local sources, dozens of people have been killed and hundreds arrested so far during the government clampdown on the peaceful demonstrations.