ponedjeljak, 4. travnja 2011.

Linkovi – prosvjedi u Hrvatskoj, Libija, Sirija

Prosvjedi u Hrvatskoj:
Na krcatoj špici nema mjesta na terasama, prosvjednici im poručili "Jebala vas kavica"
"Dragi naši sugrađani, ovo su i vaši prosvjedi, trebamo i vašu potporu", poručuje se preko megafona svim slučajnim prolaznicima i onima koji povorku promatraju iz tramvaja. Hoda se Zvonimirovom.

Stanarka u Mihanovićevoj zalila prosvjednike vodom
Uz pjevanje 'Ne možemo stati!' prosvjednici se kreću Ulicom Crvenog križa prema zgradi Hrvatskih autocesta. Zgradu su okružili. 'Ostavka, Kalmeta!', 'IGH, lopovi!' ori se iz stotina grla.

Kalmeta, ostavka! + FOTOGALERIJA
Vidljivo ideološki podijeljena prosvjedna povorka oko 19 sati uputila se do dobro znanog odredišta - središnjice HDZ-a. Na putu do Trga žrtava fašizma kolona se zaustavila ispred Hrvatske pošte uz povike "Ne damo poštu!" te Hrvatske narodne banke koju je čuvalo petnaestak interventnih policajaca. Ispred središnjice je održana minuta šutnje za žrtve HDZ-ove politike i sve isprane mozgove. Kako je već ranije najavljeno u medijima, prosvjednicima su ovoga puta na meti bila državna poduzeća. Po prvi put u šest tjedana, povorka je otišla do Hrvatskih autocesta gdje je svoj danak platio Božidar Kalmeta. Uz razdragane HAC-ove radnice koje su prosvjednicima mahnule kroz prozor i povike "Kalmeta ostavka", kolona se Branimirovom uputila i do druge Kalmetine podružnice - Hrvatskih željeznica. Na putu do tamo još su jednom svratili do Karamarkovog stana i pokazali mu srednji prst kao osvetu za događaje s prošlog antivladinog prosvjeda.

Javni interesu, počivao u miru! + FOTOGALERIJA
Teodor Celakoski iz Prava na grad podsjetio je da je izgradnja ovog projekta omogućena na temelju javnog interesa - dvorana za javne sadržaje koje će se komercijalno iznajmljivati, Cvjetnog prolaza koji ne postoji i same rampe koja je nauštrb javnog dobra izgrađena u pješačkoj zoni. Podsjetio je kako se projekt Cvjetni financira iz nepoznatih izvora te kako niti dan danas čitav slučaj nije pravosudno riješen budući da u ladicama institucija još uvijek stoje kaznene prijave zbog sumnje u nezakoniti ugovor. Celakoski je stoga čitav projekt okarakterizirao kao veliku muljažu i nekretninsku pljačku. "Slična situacija događa se i u ostatku Hrvatske budući da nam se konstantno predstavlja kako je ključ našeg razvoja nekretninski biznis i izgradnja shopping centara, a ne proizvodnja. Zbog toga ćemo našu borbu u sljedećem periodu proširiti na cijelu Hrvatsku", najavio je Celakoski.

Pogledajte bliski susret Horvatinčića i prosvjednika: Oni njemu lopove, a on njima palac gore! (video)
Glavna meta prosvjeda, uz korumpirane državne tvrtke, bio je resorni ministar Božidar Kalmeta, čiju "zapovjednu odgovornost" sve manje spominje i oporba, pa je ljekovito da su ih na to podsjetili građani u povorci. Prvoaprilsku šetnju nije mogla zaobići ni prigodna sprdačina na račun HDZ-ove elite. Barem na transparentima, Kosorica je danas savršeno pričala strane jezike, Hebrang je govorio istinu, a Šeks je bio trijezan.

LIVE: Libyan Unrest: Revolutionaries take control of most of Brega
2:40am: International news media were yesterday taken by Libyan government officials on a tour of areas reportedly shelled in NATO air strikes. An unidentified doctor told journalists in Sabha: “Many, many houses are around the hospital. I thought maybe it hit hospital. It was near the hospital. The fire was looking like a nuclear bomb.” Libyan government spokesperson Mussa Ibrahim said 13 people were killed and 185 wounded in the attack.
3:15am: Fighting in north Libya continues through the night, with reports of explosions in Homs and ongoing shelling in Misurata. A resident of Homs, 120km east of Tripoli, told the AFP news agency he heard explosions coming from a local naval base, which had earlier been targeted by NATO forces. Libyan State TV, however, reported the air strikes had hit residential neighbourhoods, saying: “Military and civilian areas in the Al Khums [Homs] and Al Rojban regions were targeted in raids by the Western assailants, crusaders and colonialists.”
3:19am: A spokesman for the anti-Gaddafi fighters in Misurata told AFP that 28 people had died in the city in the past three days of fighting. He denounced the “disproportionate use of force”, saying: “The criminal's [Gaddafi's] forces fired at the city with all kinds of shells, rockets and bombs. Today they tried to reach the port, destroying everything on their path.” The Libyan foreign ministry said Monday that an anti-rebel offensive in Misrata had been stopped after security was restored.

Libya Live Blog - April 2
4:35pm Pro-democracy forces in Libya say at least 10 of their fighters have been killed in a NATO air strike on the outskirts of the eastern town of Brega, as the battle rages on for control of the oil port.

Deadly mistakes in the battle for Libya (video)

Libya Live Blog - April 3
4:44am At least one person was killed and several wounded early on Sunday when forces loyal to Gaddafi shelled a building in the rebel-held city of Misurata, a resident told the Reuters news agency. The shelling hit a building which was previously being used to treat the wounded from the fighting in Misrata, the resident said by telephone. He added: „We have one confirmed dead and we don't know how many wounded. The ambulances are arriving now bringing the wounded."
9:19am Around 70 corpses have been retrieved from the Mediterranean Sea over the past few days, and they're believed to be sub-Saharan refugees who tried to flee Libya. The bodies are believed to have belonged to a group of Eritreans who left Tripoli on March 28 on a dinghy, the head of the Jesuit Refugee Service in Malta told Al Jazeera. Some of the bodies washed up on shore, and others were picked up at sea across an area spanning 10 kilometres.
5:52pm Former Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa appears to have taken a pragmatic view of the conflict in Libya. Speaking to the BBC, he said: „It's quite clear in the best of worlds it would be a good thing for us to say you clobber [Gaddafi], capture him and let him stand for trial ... But we know that doesn't usually happen in the world in which we inhabit." He added that the "lesser of two evils" could be to allow Gaddafi to "have a soft landing and save the lives of as many people as you possibly can".
7:08pm A Turkish ship carrying 250 wounded people left Misurata today, escorted by 10 Turkish air force F-16s and two navy frigates, Ali Akin, head of consular affairs at the Turkish foreign ministry says. The ship was forced to make an earlier than expected departure, as thousands pressed forward on the dockside hoping to be allowed safe passage out of the besieged city. Akin says the Ankara, a chartered ship, is bound for a Turkish port, where a field hospital has been set up.

LIVE Libyan Unrest:Gaddafi forces shell the town of Yafran, killing two people and wounding four others
12:08pm:Government forces shelled a town in a mountainous region southwest of Libya’s capital on Sunday, killing two people, Arabiya television reported, quoting an eyewitness. “We are facing fierce attacks from the north since yesterday in the city of Yafran,” Arabiya cited a resident, Ezref, as saying. “Two people have died a short while ago and so far we have four wounded.”
12:53pm: Sky News security editor Sam Kiley has come under fire from Gaddafi forces while reporting.
1:10pm:Government forces have shelled the town of Yafran, southwest of Libya's capital, killing two people, according to an eyewitness.
1:55pm:Pro-Gaddafi forces shelled town of Zintan, southwest of Tripoli early on Sunday a resident tells Reuters.
3:07pm Doctors at the hospital in Ajdabiya say that four people have been killed today, and nine others wounded.
3:50pm: Forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi attacked two towns on Sunday in a mountainous region southwest of the capital where local people have been defying Gaddafi's rule, residents said. Government forces used tanks to shell Zintan, 160 km (100 miles) from Tripoli, while two people were killed in shelling on nearby Yafran. Gaddafi's troops were killing farmers' livestock there, residents said. A resident in Zintan, which has been under siege and subject to intermittent bombardment for weeks, told Reuters by telephone the attacks had resumed. “Gaddafi's brigades bombarded Zintan with tanks in the early hours on Sunday. There has been random bombardment of the northern area (of Zintan). They are still besieging the town,” the resident, Abdulrahman, said. A resident in Yafran, quoted by Al Arabiya, a pan-Arab satellite television station, said the town had been subject to fierce attacks since Saturday. “Residential areas have been shelled with Grad rockets,” the channel quoted the resident, Ezref, as saying. “Two people have died a short while ago and so far we have four wounded.” The Zintan resident Abdulrahman said he had been in touch with relatives in Yafran who told him pro-Gaddafi forces had moved into the area around the town. “They have been searching houses … The soldiers have killed everything they found, including cattle. They have killed and eaten a countless number of sheep,” he said. “About 100 camels belonging to one of my relatives were killed. They kill everything.”

Libya: The rebels who survived the frontline but never came home
"Around 200 men disappeared from Ajdabiya alone," he said. "Some of them were fighters, some revolutionaries, some ordinary people who were picked up at random by Gaddafi's soldiers. We don't know what has happened to most of them. "Many had nothing to do with the revolution; most of them were civilians; there were some very young men, but also a few who were very old." Each piece of paper had carefully typed details of the missing man with a passport-style photograph attached. In the chaos of Free Libya, nobody knows for sure how many men have vanished; Mr Mohammad said he had heard that nearly 500 in total were unaccounted for including those from Benghazi and elsewhere. The Red Cross, which collects details of detainees and contacts their families in conflicts across the world, was unable to give a figure. It has not yet been allowed access to Gaddafi's prisons to speak to captives of the conflict. ... For several weeks the grotesque "confessions" of captured rebels have been broadcast nightly. Frightened-looking men showing signs of being beaten have owned up to the most outlandish behaviour, in confessions carefully tailored to fit the Colonel's propaganda rants; prisoners have admitted taking Nescafe spiked with hallucinogenic drugs and joining al-Qaeda, and apologised for their foolishness in joining the uprising against the Brother Leader. Several young men from Benghazi area have been seen, including a neighbour of the Albeidy family. Saleh Alatawish was captured in the town of Ras Lanuf, days after his brother was killed fighting in the uprising. ... After Mr Alatawish's confession Colonel Gaddafi mentioned him by name in a speech, graciously announcing that he would be free to go back to his family now he had seen the error of his ways. He has not returned, however, and may have been hanged.

Many arrested in Syria after protests
A day earlier, thousands took to the streets in major cities after Friday prayers, defying security forces who fired tear gas and live ammunition and used batons to try and disperse protesters who have dismissed a limited reform gesture by Bashar al-Assad, in power for the last 11 years. Witnesses said security forces killed at least four protesters in the Damascus suburb of Douma on Friday. ... The total number of deaths since demonstrations began in Daraa on March 18 is unclear but activists say the toll is at least 60. ... The developments come amid severe restrictions to media operations in Syria. The Damascus correspondent of the Reuters news agency was expelled last week. One foreign journalist was released by authorities on Friday, three days after he had been detained, while a Syrian Reuters photographer remains missing since Monday. Two other foreign Reuters journalists were also expelled.