
Nekoliko linkova o gušenju slobode govora i legitimne kritike izraelske politike na kanadskim sveučilištima:
Radijski prilog o gušenju slobode govora na kanadskim sveučilištima tijekom obilježavanja globalnog tjedna izraelskog aparthejda (engleski, mp3, 9 minuta)
Political stance has Carleton students fearing expulsion
Još jedan članak o zastrašivanju studentskih pro-palestinskih aktivista i gušenju slobode govora i izražavanja na sveučilištu Carleton u Kanadi.
Exposed: University of Toronto suppresses pro-Palestinian activism
O zastrašujućim pokušajima da se ušutka istina o Izraelu i Palestincima i orkestriranom sputavanju pro-palestinskog aktivizma, te podržavanju izraelskog aparthejda od strane čelnih ljudi nekoliko sveučilišta u Kanadi. Dok u gušenju slobode govora i akademske slobode npr. na sveučilištu u Torontu u suradnji s pro-izraelskim grupama učestvuju predsjednici i vodeći ljudi sveučilišta, istovremeno, kad se radi o pro-izraelskim događanjima, isti ljudi i sveučilišta primjenjuju potpuno druga mjerila.
In fact, the impression from the course of action that the UofT chose in this case, the language they used and the close coordination with Hillel shows that when it comes to the matter of the ‘Middle East conflict,' the administration unequivocally sides with Israel, even at the expense of freedom of speech -- the very principle without which universities could not exist. The personal involvement of the President and the Interim Vice President and Provost is especially alarming. This is evidence of the unfettered access that the pro-Israel lobby has to the administrations at Canadian universities, and to the fact that the top administrators of the Canadian universities are amenable to pressure from these groups. The implications are even more severe than the denial of room booking. The fact that for the sake of pro-Israel groups, top academics who are in charge of Canada's largest university are willing to make false excuses and use repressive tactics in order to silence a group of students should cast doubt on the overall commitment to principles such as the autonomy of the university and academic freedom.
Academic Freedom Threatened in Ontario Universities
The last two years have seen increasing efforts to limit advocacy of Palestinian rights on Canadian universities, amounting to a pattern of the suppression of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. These include:
-- Statements from 19 university presidents in the summer of 2007 to foreclose debate on the academic boycott of Israel, citing “academic freedom”
-- Visits to Israel by eight university presidents in the summer of 2008, with no equivalent outreach to Palestinian institutions
-- Efforts to ban the use of the term “Israeli Apartheid” at McMaster University in February-March 2008, overturned only through a campaign of protest
-- Discipline against students involved in peaceful protests for Palestinian rights at York University in March in 2008
-- Attempted discipline against a faculty member who addressed a rally against Israeli Apartheid at York University in 2008
-- A pattern of cancellation of room bookings for meetings concerning Palestinian rights at the University of Toronto and York University in 2008
-- The use of security clearance requirements and fees to cover security costs to impede campus meetings about Palestinian rights
Ostali linkovi za Palestinu/Izrael:
Obama Pressured by Israel Lobby to Boycott World Conference Against Racism
Obama pod pritiskom izraelskog lobija bojkotira Svjetsku konferenciju protiv rasizma
Obamina administracija je najavila da neće sudjelovati na drugoj Svjetskoj konferenciji protiv rasizma, rasne diskriminacije, ksenofobije i vezanih oblika netrpeljivosti u Ženevi ovog travnja. Obamina administracija bojkotira konferenciju kako bi prosvjedovala protiv, kako kaže, „nepoštenog izjednačavanja“ cionizma s rasizmom u završnim dokumentima prve takve konferencije održane u Durbanu u Južnoj Africi i ove druge konferencije koja će se održati slijedeći mjesec u Ženevi. Obamina administracija kao povode svog bojkota također navodi i prijedlog da se ograniči blaćenje religija i pozive na odštetu žrtvama ropstva. Obaminu su administraciju na bojkot UN-ove Svjetske konferencije protiv rasizma pozvali Izrael, neke američke židovske udruge i nekoliko bliskih američkih saveznika, uključujući Kanadu.
Rather than join the rest of the world in Durban and in condemning the killing and discrimination on the part of the Israeli and other governments -- including our own -- Obama's boycott reflects his choice to pursue the more dangerous path to dealing with race, racism and discrimination: symbolism at the expense of real changes to very devastating policies. Such are the perils of our increasingly post-racial presidency in a racially-troubled world. Political choices like the Durban decision or the blind eye turned to the indiscriminate killing of and discrimination against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank make one wonder if the Obama Administration has also chosen to become the black face of empire.
Israel Boycott Movement Gains Momentum
U.S. and Canadian support might have offered some comfort for Israel. However, international criticism of Israel's three-week bloody offensive into Gaza, which left more than 1,300 Palestinians dead and thousands more wounded, most of them civilian, has breathed fresh life into a Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) campaign. The BDS campaign followed a 2005 appeal from over 170 Palestinian civil society groups to launch a divestment campaign "as a way of bringing non- violent pressure to bear on the state of Israel to end its violations of international law." In the wake of the BDS campaign, critics of Israel have lashed out at what they see as parallels between South Africa's former apartheid system and Israeli racism. They point to Israel's discriminatory treatment of ethnic Palestinians within Israel who hold Israeli passports, and the extensive human rights abuses against Palestinians in the occupied territories by Israeli security forces.
UK Government Boycotts Israeli Tycoon Lev Leviev over Settlement Construction
“We feel heartened by the UK government decision opposing Leviev's settlement construction, and we expect our brothers and sisters in the UAE to follow the UK government's example by banning Leviev from selling his diamonds in Dubai. We need more pressure in order to end Israeli repression, return our land, and restore our rights.” ... Leviev's companies have built Jewish-only homes on occupied Palestinian land in the Israeli settlements of Zufim, Mattityahu East, Har Homa and Maale Adumim, impoverishing villages like Bil'in and Jayyous and violating international law. Leviev also funded the settlement organization the Land Redemption Fund. In December, the Israeli financial journal Globes published an expose of Leviev's serious human rights abuses and failure to fully comply with the Kimberley Process in Angola ... And in Namibia, Leviev recently fired around 200 striking diamond polishers, some of whom were already struggling to survive on less than $2 per day.
Sweden, Israel to play Davis Cup tie in empty area
Sweden and Israel will play their first-round Davis Cup match in an empty arena next month because of security concerns. Several anti-Israeli demonstrations are planned during the best-of-five series, which will be played March 6-8 at the 4,000-seat Baltic Hall. ... This will be the second time a Davis Cup match will be played in an empty arena in Sweden. In 1975, two years after a military coup led by Augusto Pinochet against the elected Chilean government of Salvador Allende, Sweden played Chile in Bastad and no spectators were allowed. The Malmo decision came after Israeli player Shahar Peer was denied a visa to play in this week's Dubai Tennis Championships.
Dodatni linkovi:
Dragutin Lesar: Lažni čuvari rodne grude
I neće Slovenija popustiti. Niti će pristati na rješavanje graničnog spora pred Međunarodnim sudom pravde u Haagu. Inzistirati će i dalje i DOBITI posredništvo Europske komisije u kojem će diplomatska arbitraža na čelu s Ahtisaarijem nacrtati granice.
Dragutin Lesar: Lažni čuvari istine
Europske laži: „- U sadašnjim okolnostima jedino izvedivo rješenje hrvatsko-slovenskoga graničnog spora i deblokiranja hrvatskih pristupnih pregovora s EU-om jest da obje države pristanu na ponuđenu pomoć Europske komisije - rekao je povjerenik EU-a za proširenje Olli Rehn. (Hina)“
Naravno da se prema međunarodnom pravu bez ikakve europskih komisijice, birokrata i političkih demagoga može i zna odrediti gdje je Hrvatska, a gdje Slovenija. Očito EU i NATO, kao i naši korumpirani i nesposobni političari ne mogu i ne znaju poštivati međunarodno pravo, međunarodne institucije i demokratsku volju građana. Ne želim da se Hrvatska priključuje u ovakve NEDEMOKRATSKE SAVEZE i ne želim financirati i omogućavati pohode i zločine NATO vojske!
Deniers of Serbia's War Crimes
Popis i članci o pseudo-„intelektualcu“ Noamu Chomskom i ostalim zapadnim kvazi-„ljevičarima“ koji poriču genocid u Srebrenici, druge velikosrpske zločine u Bosni, Hrvatskoj i na Kosovu i podržavaju Miloševića i radikalnu zločinačku krajnju i fašističku (i antisemitsku i islamofobnu) monarhističku desnicu u Srbiji (u Bosni također podržavaju/podržavali su srpske nacionaliste, a ne „ljevičare“). (Inače su mene marxisti i anarhisti oduvijek učili da s krajnjom, fašističkom (ili fašistoidnom) i rasističkom desnicom ni-u-kojem-slučaju- nikad-nikud-i-nikamo, tako da nikako ne mogu prihvatiti da je Chomsky nekakav intelektualac ni ljevičar.) Meni je danas samo žao što je John Pilger među njima, jer njega jedinog od svih ovih kvazi-„intelektualaca“ i pridruženih im anonimusa cijenim zbog njegovih priloga, filmova i tekstova o Iraku i Palestini, pa njega jedinog još danas povremeno i napadam i ispravljam (kad imam vremena), jer hoću da se ispravi, ispriča i prestane ovako javno sramotiti i kompromitirati.
Chomsky je inače i meki cionist i mulja i oko Palestine (Chomsky naime misli da „nije realno“ očekivati da će se palestinske izbjeglice vratiti u svoju domovinu – nije mi točno poznato iz kojeg razloga, ali bit će da stoga što je Izrael rasistička zemlja, pa eto?), tako da uopće nismo na nekom gubitku bez njegovih žvrljarija i pametovanja. Danas mi je uopće više svejedno što Chomsky piše ili misli o bilo čemu, žao mi je samo što zaglupljuje i dezinformira svoje poklonike i razjedinjuje i nanosi štetu ljevici na zapadu, pa sad i ovdje na Balkanu; a vjerojatno mu je zapravo baš to i cilj. Ne vjerujem uopće da Chomsky ima na pameti dobrobit radničke klase, izbjeglica, siromašnih, potlačenih i žrtava rata, već samo koristi one koji mu dobro dođu za vlastito promicanje i promicanje interesa moguće ruskih, ali u konačnici vjerojatno kapitalističkih (budući da zapravo podriva, slabi i razjedinjuje ljevicu). Siromašni, potlačeni, deportirani, mučeni i pobijeni Albanci (izbjeglice, radnici, nezaposleni i žrtve Miloševićevog &co. terora i rata) npr. za Chomskog ne vrijede ništa i nemaju ljudska prava, ni pravo na istinu ni pravdu.