petak, 1. travnja 2011.

Peticija za oslobađanje Iman al-Obeidi

Link na peticiju: TURKEY TO LIBYA: FREE IMAN!

Još uvijek nije poznato gdje se nalazi Iman al-Obeidi, mlada libijska odvjetnica koja je prošlu subotu upala u hotel u kojem u Tripoliju Gaddafi drži strane novinare, pokazujući im modrice i tvrdeći da ju je silovalo 15 ljudi odanih Gaddafiju. Iman su nakon toga protiv njene volje odveli libijski agenti i od tada je više nitko nije vidio.

Na linku možete potpisati peticiju turskom premijeru Erdoganu kojom, obzirom da je Turska u Libiji već uspješno posredovala u oslobađanju stranih novinara, tražimo da diplomatskim sredstvima pomogne osloboditi Iman al-Obeidi, te da zatraži istragu njenih navoda o silovanju i zlostavljanju.

Izvor i link na peticiju: TURKEY TO LIBYA: FREE IMAN!

LIVE: Libyan Unrest: Arab League has thrown its weight behind Libyan TNC
1:44pm: BBC television quoted a Libyan doctor as saying that a Western coalition air strike had killed seven civilians, mostly children, and wounded another 25 people near the oil town of Brega on Wednesday. The doctor told the BBC he had been called to a village 15km from Brega after the strike hit a military convoy driven by supporters of Gaddafi. A trailer containing ammunition exploded between two homes, killing girls and young men aged between 12 and 20, the BBC said on Friday. The report has not been confirmed.
1:52pm: A man called Sami from Misurata tells Reuters by telephone: „We no longer recognise the place. The destruction cannot be described. The pro-Gaddafi soldiers who made it inside the city through Tripoli Street are pillaging the place, the shops, even homes, and destroying everything in the process. They are targeting everyone, including civilians' homes.“