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HITNA AKCIJA AI-a - SIRIJA:Amnesty International URGENT ACTION: Fears for Syrian human rights lawyer: Abdullah al-KhalilHuman rights lawyer Abdullah al-Khalil is being held in incommunicado detention at an unknown location where he is at risk of torture and other ill-treatment. He has not been seen since he was arrested on a street in al-Raqqa, eastern Syria, on 3 February. Abdullah al-Khalil, who is 50 years old, is a well-known lawyer who represents political prisoners and prisoners of conscience. He is a member of the Detainees' Defence Team in al-Raqqa, where he lives, and has reported on human rights violations taking place before and during the past year of protest and unrest. According to Syrian human rights activists, he was arrested on 3 February 2012 with several other lawyers, who have since been released, while on a street in al-Raqqa. Unconfirmed reports suggest he was tortured or otherwise ill-treated while detained at a branch of Military Intelligence in al-Raqqa, and then may have been transferred to another branch of Military Intelligence in Damascus, the capital. He is not known to have been charged with any offence. He had been detained on three other occasions in the past year and he and his family had been subjected to other forms of harassment from the Syrian authorities. ... Abdullah al-Khalil appears to have been subjected to a campaign of harassment by the Syrian authorities for his peaceful human rights activities, including carrying out his duties as a lawyer, Abdullah al-Khalil had been arrested three times already since May 2011 and was due to appear at court on 6 February 2012 on charges that appear to be politically motivated, namely “illegal building” on what the authorities alleged to be state land. On 1 May 2011 he was detained for one month and questioned about his alleged participation in unauthorised demonstrations and incitement of sectarian strife, charges commonly brought against perceived opponents of the government. Several days after his release he was included in a presidential amnesty. On 22 August 2011 he was arrested with 21 other lawyers and held for one week for participating in a peaceful sit-in at the Palace of Justice at al-Raqqa. On 15 December 2011 he was arrested in front of his home, along with his son who was released the next day, and held for some 11 days during which he was questioned about information he had posted on Facebook regarding the alleged torture in detention of several of his clients. He was charged with “spreading false news” and with both inciting and taking part in protests. On 18 December 2011 the family's farmhouse was demolished on the orders of the Governor of al-Hasaka, apparently as a punishment for the human rights work of Abdullah al-Khalil. During the demolition, several of his family members were attacked by individuals working on behalf of the authorities and his nephew required medical treatment in hospital. As early as April 2011 Abdullah al-Khalil said that he had received death threats and that although he reported the threats to the authorities, they do not appear to have been investigated.Read more...DODATNO - LINKOVI:IRAN:Threats, Aggression, War Preparations...and Lies – U.S. and Israel Accelerate Campaign Against IranPut another way, if Iran does not have a nuclear weapon, and the U.S. and Israel know this, why are they threatening war? In a nutshell, the U.S., Britain, and France represent the most militarily, politically, and economically dominant coalition of predatory capitalist-imperialist powers on earth, which together possess thousands of nuclear weapons. Israel is their heavily armed surrogate and enforcer in the Middle East with an estimated 75-200 nukes. Iran, on the other hand, is a much less powerful Third World capitalist state without nuclear weapons. The U.S. can project power thousands of miles from its shores and has 737 military bases around the world; Iran's navy rarely ventures beyond the Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea area and has no foreign military bases. The U.S. spends 100 times as much on its military as Iran, and has over 2,000 deployed nuclear weapons. Its population is over three times as large as Iran's; its economy is nearly 18 times larger and much more technologically advanced than Iran's. At bottom, this is a battle by the U.S. and its allies to maintain their dominance over the Middle East and the world. This need is rooted in the core functioning and power of their entire system, which is based on the global exploitation of labor, control and access to key resources and markets, and the military-political control of vast swaths of the globe. Controlling the Middle East has been a key part of the entire structure of U.S. global dominance for the past 60-plus years because together with Central Asia it contains roughly 80 percent of the world's proven energy reserves. Control of this energy spigot is a key lever on the entire global economy—and on all the other powers that depend on oil and natural gas—from allies in Europe and Japan to rivals Russia and China. The region is a crossroads for global trade and a critical military-strategic pivot. In short, the U.S., Israel, Britain, and France are battling for empire and hegemony—not for justice, liberation, or a nuclear-free world.Read more...HRVATSKA:Tribina Kriza kapitalizma - kapitalizam kao kriza, Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, 28. ožujka 2012. (video)MAGREB I SREDNJI ISTOK:YEAR OF REBELLION: THE STATE OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICAIt was a year like no other, when the whole region shook as ordinary people summoned up the courage to provide a demonstration of “people’s power” such as the region had never seen before and, incredibly, to sustain it even when the might of the state and its repressive security forces were deployed against them. This failed in Tunisia and then in Egypt, where peaceful protests triumphed, albeit at heavy human cost, while in Libya the result was a slide into armed conflict in which international intervention tipped the scales against the oppressive regime of Colonel Mu'ammar al-Gaddafi. In Yemen, the President's obstinate refusal until almost the end of the year to stand down despite mass anti-government protests and increasing levels of repression and violence exacerbated the country's already deep social, political and economic problems. Bahrain's rulers, backed by Saudi Arabia, faced down the protests by force, again at heavy human cost and deepening divisions, but ended the year committing to reform, reparation and reconciliation. Meanwhile, Syria teetered at the edge of civil war as its obdurate President, facing unprecedented demands for change, used relentless brute force to crush the protests, but in doing so succeeded only in exposing further the rotten nature of his rule. This report describes the events of this historic, tumultuous year, one which saw so much suffering and sadness but also spread so much hope within the region and beyond, to countries where other people face repression and everyday abuse of their human rights.Read more...SIRIJA:Local Residents Used as Human Shields, Reports of Residents Forced to March in Front of Soldiers in Idlib (video)Witnesses from the towns of al-Janoudyah, Kafr Nabl, Kafr Rouma, and Ayn Larouz in the Idlib governorate in northern Syria told Human Rights Watch that they saw the army and pro-government armed men, referred to locally as shabeeha, force people to march in front of the advancing army during the March 2012 offensive to retake control of areas that had fallen into the hands of the opposition. ... "As we were going to Friday prayer, soldiers from a base near the mosque were rounding up people. They took maybe 25 people, including me. There were also eight children, aged from 10 to 15, among us. They made us march in front and around the military vehicles to some houses where they were searching for wanted opposition activists. We marched for about 600 meters. They were insulting us the whole time. They arrested several people from the houses. Then they made us march back to their base, after which they released all of us, apart from the detained activists. The whole operation lasted for about two hours." Abdullah said that the army often forced town residents to march alongside them, particularly when they needed to get food supplies. Raed Fares, an opposition activist from Kafr Nabl, told Human Rights Watch that the Syrian army, which increased its presence in the town when demonstrations there begun seven months ago, started using civilians as human shields in January after opposition forces tried to attack the army with a roadside explosive device. Since then, he said, the soldiers have gathered residents and forced them to walk in front of the soldiers whenever they want to move around in the town. "They take anybody who opens the door when they knock," he told Human Rights Watch. "It doesn't matter whether it is a man, woman, or child." ... "Ahmed", a resident from Kafr Nabl, also said that the army made civilians walk in front of them on a regular basis and described how the army used civilians when he was detained and transferred to the town of Ma'aret al-Nu'man, five kilometers away ... "After a Friday demonstration about a month ago, the army conducted house searches around 12:30 a.m. I was in one of the streets when I saw that the soldiers forced people out of their houses, put the men in police buses, and made women, children, and elderly people walk in front of the tanks followed by the other police buses transporting the detainees." ... "I could see through my binoculars that when they reached the first houses at the limits of the village, the shabeeha accompanying the army started taking people out of their houses. From my position, I saw them taking about 20 people. They gathered them in front of the advancing tanks to protect themselves from the FSA. They made them march for 600 to 700 meters. Among them were children and old people. " ... "When we went out into the street we saw several tanks and buses. There were three or four children on each tank and in each bus. Several women were shouting at the soldiers and tried to grab the children from the tanks, but the soldiers were just kicking them away. We recognized children from all over the village, but most lived along the main street. We found out from the other mothers that the soldiers had come to their houses and taken the children. When the soldiers left the village, they left the children at the north side of the village."Read more...Government Uses Homs Tactics on Border Town, Indiscriminate Shelling, Sniper Killings, Attacks on Fleeing Residents (video)Syrian security forces are committing serious abuses in their military campaign on al-Qusayr, a city of approximately 40,000 in Homs governorate near the Lebanese border, Human Rights Watch said today. Witnesses describe heavy shelling of residential neighborhoods, snipers shooting residents on the streets, and attacks on fleeing residents. Humanitarian conditions are dire, including food and water shortages, communications blackouts, and virtually non-existent medical assistance. ... "It was a peaceful protest with about 200 participants, after the Friday prayer. There were no security or army present, but 30 minutes into the protest we heard the sound of rockets and then an explosion. The rockets hit a building near the protest, and people started running in all directions while the shelling continued. Three people died and five were injured, including me. " ... "A mortar landed in the street where they were playing. My friend who was in the street with them, he was 28, died instantly. I found him 3 meters away from where he was sitting when I went into the house. A piece of shrapnel hit his head and decapitated him. The son of my neighbor who was with them also died. He was 7. He was lying by a wall 2 meters away from the house.… My two girls were still alive. I saw my 4-year-old's arm was moving in an unnatural way. I started yelling "help…help." I put them in a taxi and took them to the field hospital." ... "They were passing behind the mosque to the other side of the street, but my daughter, Tamara who was carrying her 7-month-old cousin made a mistake when crossing and took the wrong corner, passing in front of the mosque giving the sniper on the municipal building a clear view of her. The next thing I heard was a gunshot and Tamara was yelling. Men in the neighboring buildings ran toward her. They were revolutionaries (thuwar). Some were wearing military uniforms others were in civilian clothes. Some of them carried her and put her in a car while others were shooting at the municipal building to protect her and the others rescuing her." ... "I have never seen such a dire situation in terms of medical assistance in any other conflict I've covered – not in Libya, not in Afghanistan. The "hospital" was just a tent under a tree, about 6 square meters, with one doctor and a medical student. They had nothing – no morphine, no alcohol for disinfecting the wounds, let alone proper equipment; they were running out of bandages. Before leaving, I gave the doctor 10 doses of morphine that I normally carry to war zone assignments, and he accepted it as the most precious gift. But it would probably only last him for a few days. At that point, they could no longer arrange the transfer of the wounded to Lebanon, and knew they were likely to die."Read more...
Izvor i link na peticiju: Arrest Syria's torturersNa linku možete potpisati peticiju svim članicama UN-ovog Vijeća sigurnosti i Arapske lige kojom tražimo da odgovorni za zločine protiv čovječnosti počinjene od strane sirijskog režima budu procesuirani na Međunarodnom kaznenom sudu.Hrvatski prijevod teksta peticije:Svim članicama UN-ovog Vijeća sigurnosti i Arapske lige:Pozivamo vas da zaustavite ubojiti teror u Siriji na način da odmah uputite slučajeve protiv sirijskog režima Međunarodnom kaznenom sudu. UN-ovo Vijeće za ljudska prava i novi Avaazov izvještaj pronašli su dokaze da su Assadovi viši dužnosnici i sigurnosne snage počinili zločine protiv čovječnosti. Došlo je vrijeme da se zaustavi ova ubojita brutalnost i zaštiti sirijski narod koji riskira sve kako bi se izborio za svoja prava i dostojanstvo.Potrebno je u odgovarajuća polja upisati Ime i prezime (Name), Email adresu (Email), odabrati svoju Zemlju (Country), upisati Poštanski broj (Post code), te potom kliknuti na SIGN.Na ovom linku možete također pronaći razne načine kako poslati dodatne poruke ruskim vlastima i od njih zatražiti da poduzmu potrebne korake kako bi zločine počinjene od strane Assadovog režima mogao procesuirati Međunarodni kazneni sud.Izvor i link na peticiju: Arrest Syria's torturers
SIRIJA:Witnesses Describe Idlib Destruction, Killings, One Year On, Indiscriminate Attacks Inflicting Heavy TollSyrian activists have compiled a list of 114 civilians killed since the current assault there, which began on March 10, 2012. Five witnesses, including three foreign correspondents, gave separate accounts to Human Rights Watch that government forces used large-caliber machine-guns, tanks, and mortars to fire indiscriminately at buildings and people in the street. After they entered Idlib, government forces detained people in house-to-house searches, looted buildings, and burned down houses, the witnesses said. ... The attacks on Idlib follow months of atrocities that both the United Nation's Commission of Inquiry and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights have described as crimes against humanity. The large-scale military operation on Idlib on March 10 began at around 5 a.m. ... Three children – two girls and one boy – and their father had been killed. One of the girls had fallen from the building so she was lying in the street. The other members of the family were injured as well. It looked like the building had been hit from the roof. There was no particular reason for the army to attack this building. They just shot at everything. They are crazy. They have no particular targets. "Hassan", a journalist with significant experience working in war zones, told Human Rights Watch that one of the people extracting the wounded and killed from the building on Ajama street brought him remnants of the shell used to attack the building. Hassan identified the remnant as a mortar. ... Many of the wounded and killed were brought to a hospital in the old city, which was quickly overwhelmed by the number of casualties. ... At least 20 killed people were brought to the hospital the first day. There were more the second day – at least 30. The third day was terrifying. I don't think anybody was keeping lists at that point. Wounded people kept arriving all the time. Medical personnel were trying to revive and attend to the wounded on the floors in the corridors because there was no space. Doctors were doing surgery without the proper equipment. They were doing their best, but they were really exhausted. ... The hospital was in total chaos. They couldn't cope with the number of killed and injured. The dead were buried right away in a nearby park. But by Sunday [March 11] they had run out of space in the park and the park and school behind it were also being attacked so they had to bury the dead wherever they could. ... There were women, children and elderly among them. Most of the civilians were wounded or killed because of shelling. As government forces moved in to occupy areas of the city, they frequently looted shops and apartments, and deliberately burned down houses of suspected activists, the witnesses said. ... The witnesses interviewed by Human Rights Watch said that it is very difficult for people to leave the city as the highway encircling Idlib, forming a belt around the city, is controlled by the Syrian army. Landmines planted by government forces along the border with Turkey have made it even more difficult for people to flee the government's onslaught. Hassan estimated that 85 percent of Idlib's population is still in the city. ... One year after the uprising began in Syria, security forces have killed at least 8,000 civilians according to lists compiled by local activists. Vetoes by Russia and China have prevented the Security Council from taking any action on Syria despite evidence that crimes against humanity are being committed. ... The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has, on multiple occasions, recommended that the Security Council refer the situation to the court. Similarly, a growing number and wide range of countries have voiced their support for an ICC referral. On March 13, during a session at the UN Human Rights Council, Austria delivered a cross-regional statement on behalf of 13 countries supporting the High Commissioner's call for a referral. Human Rights Watch urged others to join the mounting calls for accountability by supporting a referral to the ICC as the forum most capable of effectively investigating and prosecuting those bearing the greatest responsibility for abuses in Syria.Read more...The Syrian authorities must reveal the fate of Mazen Darwish and SCM staffSince their detention almost a month ago, Mr. Mazen Darwish and eight other men have been held in incommunicado detention at the Air Force Intelligence detention center located in El Mezzeh, Damascus. They have no access to any of their colleagues, family members or their lawyers and so far no official charges have been pressed against them. ... According to the Violations Documentation Center, a Syrian network of activists, at least 386 detainees died in custody since the start of the uprising on March 15, 2011.Read more...Amnesty International: 'I WANTED TO DIE' SYRIA'S TORTURE SURVIVORS SPEAK OUTAccording to the many testimonies gathered and received by Amnesty International over the past year, people are almost invariably beaten and otherwise tortured and ill-treated during arrest, often during the subsequent transportation to detention centres, and routinely upon arrival at the detention centres and afterwards. Among the victims are children aged under 18. The torture and other ill-treatment appear intended to punish, to intimidate, to coerce “confessions” and perhaps to send a warning to others as to what they may expect should they also be arrested. In almost all cases the detainees are held in incommunicado detention, often for lengthy periods, with no access to visits from their families or lawyers in conditions which all too often amount to enforced disappearance. In scores of cases, the torture or other ill-treatment is so severe that victims have died in custody, leading to a staggering rise in the number of such deaths reported. Amnesty International documented this disturbing trend in its report Deadly detention: Death in custody amid popular protest in Syria, published in August 2011. Since then, the number of reported deaths in custody has continued to rise and at the time of writing had reached 276. Given the number of people believed to be held in conditions amounting to enforced disappearance in Syria whose families have had no information concerning their fate for months, the true figure is likely to be higher. Individuals are particularly at risk of arbitrary detention and torture and other ill-treatment if they take to the streets to protest or in any other way promote protests, record or disseminate information about them, or document government violations. Others run the risk of such abuses if they try to provide medical assistance to people shot by the security forces or otherwise injured in the protests. Others still are at risk for their real or suspected support of the FSA or other armed opposition groups. Torture and other ill-treatment continue to be routinely practised by all the various security forces, whether Air Force Intelligence, Military Intelligence, Political Security, General Intelligence (which is usually referred to as State Security), Criminal Security or the armed forces. Air Force Intelligence – currently headed by Major General Jamil Hassan – has the most feared reputation. Even in hospitals, individuals injured in the protests needing medical assistance may suffer torture and other ill-treatment; some are even killed or are subjected to enforced disappearances. Amnesty International documented how the Syrian authorities have turned hospitals and medical staff into instruments of repression in its October 2011 report Health crisis: Syrian government targets the wounded and health workers. The report also documents how medical staff who defy the government may themselves face arrest, incommunicado detention, torture or other ill-treatment and other prosecution for their attempts to carry out their obligation to put their patients' welfare first. ... “During one of those night-beating sessions a guy had his ribs broken in front of me. Another had his back broken but they did not take him to hospital. A young man from Homs was beaten in one of those sessions with metal pipes. His neck was broken and he died on the spot. I don't know where they took him.” ... “We were carrying two injured people when Military Intelligence caught us. They shot dead with revolvers the injured on the floor. They tied my hands behind my back and blindfolded me… They took me to Military Intelligence in Kafr Sousseh… In the car they beat me, punched me in the head and pulled my hair… I was beaten so much with fists, sticks, kicks. I lost consciousness. I lost sense of time. I came to in a tiny cell. I was in terrible pain, badly bleeding, with bad back pain.” ... In use over many years, although less frequently reported in recent years, is the “German Chair” torture method which involves the detainee being tied by their arms and legs to a metal chair, the back of which is moved backwards, causing acute stress to the spine and severe pressure on the neck and limbs. In the past, detainees tortured by this method have suffered permanent damage to the spine and paralysis. “I was hanged from the metal handcuffs on my hands attached to the wall. This hugely strained my hands and was very painful. I also suffered the 'German chair' torture method and while in that position I was given electric shocks. I was also hanged from the window and my feet did not reach the ground for a few days… By the end of it, I lost my sense of pain – even that caused by electric shocks.” ... “I also was taken to the electric chair – there were three chairs in the torture room, metal, with straps for the wrists and lower legs. A switch is pulled for a few seconds and the electricity surges. Some people lose consciousness immediately. If you don't, they do it again, about three seconds a time. Your mouth fills with saliva, gunk and dribble. You pee. They do it until you collapse. Some go straight to hospital.” ... “The following day at noon they brought a group of detainees, 28 people, to the cell and the corridor adjacent to the cell. All of them were blindfolded and handcuffed. I was forced to look at the security forces while they were beating these detainees. They were kicking them and beating them with thick wooden sticks focusing on their heads for two hours. One man had his shoulder broken in front of me. Another man was my nephew whom I could not see but I identified his voice. I was screaming the whole time and asking them to stop...” ... “The following day I was blindfolded and handcuffed and taken to the interrogation room again. They forced me to kneel and put a stick in my mouth horizontally and tied it up behind my head. Then they brought my dad and started beating him in front of me with their wooden and electric prods for almost 45 minutes.” ... “They used to take eight or nine of us to interrogation, where around 25 to 30 people would be beating us… During one session I saw the death of a crucified man because they slashed his body with a blade. One of the slashes was deep and near his heart causing his death.”Read more...Revealing the Scale and Horror of Assad's Torture Chambers: An Avaaz Brief on the Locations and Conditions of Syria's Detention FacilitiesMore than 617 people have been confirmed killed under torture by regime forces since the crackdown started on March 15 of last year. Bashar al-Assad's crackdown on Syria's popular uprising has claimed at least 6,874 victims and seen a further 69,000 people detained over the course of the last nine months. Of the 69,000 detained since March, over 37,000 people remain in detention and some 32,000 people have been released, many of them bearing scars from torture and violence. ... "... I was chained to the bed, but when the door of the room was open, I could see that there was a room across the corridor that was locked for 15 days. When I got transferred to the Airforce Intelligence Branch after the hospital, I met the detainees held in that room. They had started out as 20 people in that room, but some had died. They had not been fed for the entire duration of their detention. In the room where I was held, an injured man on the bed next to me was beaten at least once a day. His leg wasn't treated. I could see the worms and small insects crawling in and out of the wound with my own eyes. In the same hospital, they would use a drill to gouge out eyes. They also used an iron welder to burn the flesh off your body as you are awake. In some cases also, they would use brute force to pull your hair out. At the hospital, they also used the method of hanging you upside down. They kept people hanging like that for days. Sometimes they changed the method of torture according to your "crime". For photographers and videographers, they broke their arms, their wrists, and individual fingers. They also gore their eyes out." ... "In this branch, one of the techniques is that they put the head of someone and squeeze it between two iron walls, and this sometimes smashes their heads in -- some people have died from that. Another is a wooden bed of two pieces that folds together at the middle. It's called the German Chair. Sometimes they put you on your stomach and they fold it so that your legs reach your head and your spine is broken and you are paralysed. ..." ... "... There are elderly men held there – a 70-year-old man was humiliated and his sons were with him. He was punished before his sons. It was a painful scene for us. To see your dad being tortured because he is old. He gets hit on his way to the bathroom because he can't run fast enough and he can't go fast enough. And it hurts you to see your elderly father suffering from hunger. This branch is specialised for defected soldiers. Sometimes even before you defect, even if you show a sign of remorse about shooting demonstrators you are imprisoned and taken to this place. ..." ... "... "The way I got out was that the judge saw my confession, and he saw my body and that my nails were removed. And he realised, and I told him, that I was innocent and had confessed under torture so he let me out. My ribs have been broken also. So I confessed that I killed security forces which is not true. ..." ... There is a building south of the main Adra Prison building which has been converted into a prison for political detainees, where the worst forms of torture have been documented. Avaaz has confirmed 14 cases of execution; bodies are buried in the prison yard. ... Mohammad Mefleh is reportedly responsible for the June 3rd "Friday of the Freedom of the Children" massacre where the recorded number of deaths was 78, but activists believe the casualty toll to be far higher. ... "... It's very normal to see people with broken arms and jaws that are untreated there for weeks. ..." ... Numerous Syrian regime officers were named as being involved in ordering, directing or overseeing torture. A list of 13 of these individuals, named by at least 11 sources, is provided below ... Major General Ali Mamlouk ... General Zuhaier Al Hamad ... General Nazih Hasoun ... General Thair Al Omar ... General Hafiz Makhlouf ... Major General Abd Al Fatah Qudsia ... General Ali Younis ... General Adnan Assi ... General Mohamed Makhlouf ... General Fouad Fadel ... Major General Gamil Al Hassan ... General Adib Salamah ... Major General Mohamed Deeb Zaitoun...Read more...SAD:Video: Left Forum Panel on Stopping the US Drone WarUnder the US global war of terror, 40% of the US budget goes to preserve and expand the US empire, killing people in the Middle East to protect a global system of exploitation. As an integral part of the terror program, drones are a weapon of choice. The Obama administration is coordinating drone strikes in at least six countries: Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan. In fact, these drones are being used eight times more by the Obama administration than by the Bush regime, in programs run by the military and the C.I.A. Obama's Office of Legal Counsel argues that such strikes are legally justified under international law, basing its argument on the Bush doctrine of borderless, endless “war on terror.” On an almost daily basis, drones circle miles above Earth, following targets. The pilots may live and work out of Colorado or on a base in upstate NY or even in some other part of the world. In this new warfare, the pilot does his killing and then goes home for dinner with his family, remaining removed and aloof from the death and destruction caused by his work. When a home or other location is targeted, the drone cannot tell if there are civilians or insurgents in the vicinity – yet everyone who's killed is called an insurgent.Click to watch...
M31: Solidarno protiv kapitalizma!Uzrok krize nije, kao što nam govore, u lijenim radnicima ili sitnoj korupciji, nego u samom sistemu. Ne radi se samo o “krizi kapitalizma”, nego je sam kapitalizam kriza. Ne radi se samo o “problemima kapitalizma”, nego je sam kapitalizam problem. Dok jedni uvećavaju svoj kapital i političku moć, život drugih postaje sve nesigurniji, siromaštvo raste, a društvene podjele su sve veće. Destruktivna logika kapitalizma bit će reproducirana dokle god joj se ne odupremo. Internacionalni Dan akcije protiv kapitalizma, 31. ožujka 2012. godine, može biti prvi korak u tom pravcu. ... Recite “Stop nasilju kapitalizma”, u subotu, 31. ožujka 2012., u 13 sati, u parku Zrinjevac u Zagrebu. Pozivamo nezadovoljne građane i aktivističke grupe da organiziraju akcije i u drugim gradovima! Ujedinimo se u borbi za slobodu i pravedno društvo!
Pročitajte više...Više informacija: kapitalizma - kapitalizam kao kriza (28. ožujka)M31 kolektiv Zagreb povodom Europskog dana akcije protiv kapitalizma organizira tribinu "Kriza kapitalizma - kapitalizam kao kriza" koja će se održati u srijedu, 28. ožujka 2012., u 19:00 sati, na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (dvorana III).Pročitajte više...
Incommunicado detention of Mr. Saleh ShameyaAccording to the information received, on March 17, 2012, Mr. Shameya was arrested while he was observing a peaceful assembly in the centre of Idleb. His arrest was carried out by the Syrian Intelligence service (Mukhabarat) while a military operation was led simultaneously against the demonstrators using rockets and heavy artillery. His whereabouts have not been disclosed as of yet and he remains thus in incommunicado custody.The Observatory is deeply concerned by Mr. Saleh Shameya's arrest and fears for his physical and psychological integrity, particularly in the current context of widespread resort to acts of torture and ill-treatment in detention centres in Syria. The Observatory calls upon the Syrian authorities to take prompt action in order to disclose his fate and whereabouts and release him immediately as it believes that his arrest merely aimed at sanctioning his human rights activities.Actions requested:Please write to the Syrian authorities, urging them to:i. Guarantee in all circumstances the physical and psychological integrity of Mr. Saleh Shameya, as well as of all human rights defenders in Syria;ii. Take prompt action in order to disclose the fate and whereabouts of Mr. Saleh Shameya and unconditionally release him, as his arrest seems to solely aim at impeding him from pursuing his human rights activities;iii. Ensure in all circumstances that Syrian human rights defenders are able to carry out their work without unjustified hindrances;iv. Comply with all the provisions of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, in particular with its Article 1, which provides that “everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, to promote and to strive for the protection and realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms at the national and international levels”, as well as with Article 12.2 “the State shall take all necessary measures to ensure the protection by the competent authorities of everyone, individually and in association with others, against any violence, threats, retaliation, de facto or de jure adverse discrimination, pressure or any other arbitrary action as a consequence of his or her legitimate exercise of the rights referred to in the present Declaration”;v. Ensure in all circumstances respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with international human rights standards and international instruments ratified by the Syrian Arab Republic.Read more...Izvor i više informacija zajedno s kontakt podacima sirijskih vlasti na koje treba slati poruke za oslobađanje Saleha Shameye, zaštitu boraca za ljudska prava i poštivanje ljudskih prava svih građana Sirije: Incommunicado detention of Mr. Saleh Shameya
URGENT ACTION: FEARS FOR MISSING SYRIAN MANSyrian farmer Hussam Ahmed al-Nabulsi was arrested by members of the Syrian Military Intelligence on his way to work in the coastal town of Banias, on 31 December 2011. He has been held incommunicado at an unknown location since then. There are grave concerns that he is being subjected to torture and other ill-treatment. Hussam al-Nabulsi was reportedly arrested by Syrian Military Intelligence officers on 31 December 2011, after he and another man riding with him on a motorbike were shot at. An eyewitness said Hussam al-Nabulsi appeared to be bleeding from the legs and was unable to run away; the other man was not seen to move and his subsequent fate is unknown. According to reports, Hussam al-Nabulsi was beaten and taken away by security forces. Hussam al-Nabulsi's family has not been given any information about his whereabouts or wellbeing, despite having inquired about him through numerous channels, including the authorities. He is not thought to have been charged with any offense. A family member outside Syria said Hussam al-Nabulsi had not attended any of the pro-reform demonstrations, but he had given food and money to families who had suffered as a result of the unrest. He is at grave risk of torture or other ill-treatment, indicated in a video added to the YouTube website, showing him with what appears to be blood and severe bruising and swelling on his face, and an injury to his left arm, and almost unable to speak. An independent forensic expert who viewed the video believes the type and distribution of injuries indicates that they are the result of an assault - a beating about the head and face. The date and source of this video are unknown, but a relative of Hussam al-Nabulsi based abroad confirmed to the organization that it was Hussam al-Nabulsi in the video. A former detainee also told the organization that he believes the background is a room in the Military Intelligence branch in Tartus, south of Banias, where he, too, was detained and subjected to torture.Read more...URGENT ACTION: DISAPPEARANCE OF SYRIAN KURD STUDENT ACTIVISTStudent activist, Jaqar Khoen Mullah Ahmed, a member of Syria's Kurdish minority, has not been seen since 3 March. There are fears he may have been arrested by the security forces. If so, with the security forces denying he is in their custody, he has been subjected to enforced disappearance. He is at risk of torture and other ill-treatment.Read more...URGENT ACTION: SYRIAN MAN HELD AFTER MEDIA INTERVIEWSyrian man Kamal Saloum has been missing since 11 February 2012 after he gave an interview with Al Jazeera following an earlier demonstration in his hometown of al-Suwayda, south Syria. He is being held incommunicado and there are fears for his health as it is unclear whether he has access to medical attention and regular medication which he requires to treat heart problems, diabetes and high blood pressure.Read more...Urge Syria's First Lady to use her influence for women's rights!Since March 2011, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government has overseen a brutal crackdown on dissent that has left more than 6,000 people dead, including more than 200 women and girls. Thousands have been arrested, with many held incommunicado for long periods at unknown locations where torture and other ill-treatment are reported to be rife. Amnesty International believes these violations amount to crimes against humanity.Read more...AI: EYES ON SYRIA: Tracking Human Rights Violations in SyriaInteraktivni site Amnesty Internationala na engleskom s više izvještaja, svjedočanstava i dokaza o zločinima protiv čovječnosti i drugim kršenjima ljudskih prava u Siriji.Read more...Amnesty International Syria pageHuman Rights in SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC.Read more...DODATNO:HRVATSKA:Ida Prester za Earth Hour 2012 (video)SVIJET:Earth Hour 2012 Official Video
PALESTINA/IZRAEL:Public appeal to international writers: do not partake in celebrating apartheid Jerusalem!Your participation would function as a whitewash of Israel s practices, making it appear as though business with Israel should go on as usual. Concretely, Israel routinely violates Palestinians' basic human rights in some of the following ways:1. Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip live under a brutal and unlawful military occupation. Israel restricts Palestinians' freedom of movement and of speech; blocks access to lands, health care, and education; imprisons Palestinian leaders and human rights activists without charge or trial; and inflicts, on a daily basis, humiliation and violence at the more than 600 military checkpoints and roadblocks strangling the West Bank. All the while, Israel continues to build its illegal wall on occupied Palestinian land and to support the ever-expanding network of illegal, Jewish-only settlements that divide the West Bank into Bantustans. The International Court of Justice in its historic 2004 advisory opinion concluded that Israel's wall and colonies built on occupied Palestinian land are illegal. [8]2. Palestinian citizens of Israel face a growing system of Apartheid within Israel's borders, with laws and policies that deny them the rights that their Jewish counterparts enjoy. These laws and policies affect education, land ownership, housing, employment, marriage, and all other aspects of people's daily lives. In many ways this system strikingly resembles Jim Crow and apartheid South Africa.3. Since 1948, when Zionist militias and later Israel dispossessed more than 750,000 Palestinian people in order to form an exclusivist Jewish state, Israel has denied Palestinian refugees their internationally recognized right to return to their homes and their lands. Israel also continues to expel Palestinian communities from their lands in Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and the Naqab (Negev). Today, there are more than 7 million Palestinian refugees still struggling for their right to return to their homes, like all refugees around the world.4. In Gaza, Palestinians have been subjected to a criminal and immoral siege since 2006. As part of this siege, Israel has prevented not only various types of medicines, candles, musical instruments, crayons, clothing, shoes, blankets, pasta, tea, coffee and chocolate, but also books from reaching the 1.5 million Palestinians incarcerated in the world's largest open-air prison. [9]With Israel's continued disregard for international law and the basic rights of the Palestinian people, the kind of solidarity we expect from people of conscience around the world is to heed the Palestinian civil society call for BDS against Israel and its complicit institutions, as international artists and cultural workers did in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa.
In heeding the Palestinian call for boycott, you will be joining the increasing number of international writers including John Berger, Arundhati Roy, Alice Walker, Judith Butler, Iain Banks, Naomi Klein, Ahdaf Soueif, Eduardo Galeano, among others, who have in recent years refused to engage apartheid Israel and who have chosen not to cross the Palestinian picket line.Read more...SVIJET:Dražen Šimleša: Četvrti svjetski rat je pred namaDanas je i više nego jasno tko su napadači na život, na koji način je život ugrožen u cijelom svijetu. Znači, riječ je o globalnom napadu. Kad kažem život, mislim na sve ono što on predstavlja, sve ono što čini osnovu života, a to su zrak, tlo, biljke i voda. Paralelno s tim događa se napad i na osnovu kvalitete života u našim društvima, pa se napada pravo na obrazovanje, zdravstvenu skrb, ljudska prava, demokraciju, javne prostore i slobodno vrijeme. Napad se događa na ljude, druga živa bića i svijet oko nas, na cijeli planet. Napadamo sadašnjost i time gazimo budućnost.Pročitajte više...Goran Jeras: Demokratičnost planiranja i upravljanja u postojećim poslovnim organizacijamaTrenutna svjetska gospodarska kriza možda je i najbolje pokazala prednosti kooperativnog ekonomskog modela u kojem je jasno naznačeno da stvaranje profita nije primarni cilj tih organizacija, već da je to kvaliteta života članova kooperativa te vrijednosti koje kooperativa donosi zajednici. Takav koncept pokazao se iznimno otporan na učinke krize; u trenutku najveće nezaposlenosti u Španjolskoj od 1994. godine, broj zaposlenih u radničkim kooperativama porastao je 7,2 % u zadnjem kvartalu 2011. godine. Iako u javnosti to uglavnom nije tako percipirano, produktivnost radnika u radničkim kooperativama se pokazala višom od produktivnosti radnika u klasičnim organizacijama te i unutar kapitalističkog sustava i tržišnog gospodarstva mnoge radničke kooperative uspješno posluju i kontinuirano rastu. Najtipičniji primjer je baskijski multinacionalni div Mondragon koji je ustrojen kao federacija radničkih kooperativa i koji danas zapošljava preko 80 000 ljudi u 17 država te posluje s godišnjim prihodom od preko 14 milijardi eura. Trend osnivanja radničkih kooperativa prisutan je u cijelom svijetu, a osobito u državama Latinske Amerike (s naglaskom na Venezuelu gdje je to dio službene vladine politike), Kanadi, Španjolskoj, Francuskoj, Italiji i Portugalu.Pročitajte više...SIRIJA:Years of Fear: The Forcibly Disappeared in SyriaThe story of those missing in Syrian prisons is the story of a country that has devoured its own sons. The enforced disappearances of oppositionists and the impunity of the perpetrators is the price paid for the “Kingdom of Silence” established by the authoritarian and abusive Syrian regime. Among the portfolio of human rights violations in Syria, the issue of persons forcibly disappeared in particular has become a national disaster. While the missing number in the thousands, deleterious effects extend to hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens who were stripped of their political and civil rights. The phenomenon has led to the psychological, social, and economic destruction of many Syrian communities for more than 30 years.Read more...New report finds systemic and widespread torture and ill-treatment in detentionThe scale of torture and other ill-treatment in Syria has risen to a level not witnessed for years and is reminiscent of the dark era of the 1970s and 1980s. ... Many victims said beating began on arrest, then they were beaten severely - including with sticks, rifle butts, whips and fists, braided cables - on arrival at detention centres, a practice sometimes called the ‘haflet al-istiqbal’ or ‘reception’. Newly-held detainees are usually stripped to their underpants and are sometimes left for up to 24 hours outside. ... Several survivors told of their experience of the dulab (tyre), where the victim is forced into a vehicle tyre - often hoisted up - and beaten, including sometimes with cables or sticks. Amnesty International said it had observed an increase in the reported use of shabeh -where the victim is suspended, from a raised hook, handle or door frame, or by manacled wrists, so that the feet just hang above the ground or so the tips of toes touch the floor. The individual is then often beaten. Eighteen-year-old “Karim”, a student from al-Taybeh in Dera'a governorate, told Amnesty International that his interrogators used pincers to remove flesh from his legs when he was being held at an Air Force Intelligence branch in Dera’a in December 2011. Electric shock torture appears to be widely used in interrogations. Former detainees described three methods: dousing the victim or cell floor with water, then electro-shocking the victim through the water; the “electric chair”, where electrodes are connected to parts of the body; and the use of electric prods. Gender-based torture and other crimes of sexual violence appear to have become more common in the last year. "Tareq" told Amnesty International that during his interrogation at the Military Intelligence Branch in Kafr Sousseh, Damascus in July 2011 he was forced to watch the rape of another prisoner called "Khalid": "They pulled down his trousers. He had an injury on his upper left leg. Then the official raped him up against the wall. Khalid just cried during it, beating his head on the wall." ... Amnesty International said that the testimonies of torture survivors presented yet more evidence of crimes against humanity in Syria. The organization has repeatedly called for the situation in Syria to be referred to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) but political factors have so far prevented this happening, with Russia and China twice blocking weakened UN Security Council draft resolutions that made no reference to the ICC. In light of the failure to secure an ICC referral, Amnesty International said it wanted to see the UN Human Rights Council extend the mandate of the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria and reinforce its capacity to monitor, document and report, with a view to eventual prosecutions of those responsible for crimes under international law and other gross violations of human rights. The organization also said it wanted to see the international community accepting its shared responsibility to investigate and prosecute crimes against humanity in their national courts - in fair trials and without recourse to the death penalty - and called for the formation of joint international investigation and prosecution teams to improve the chances of arrest. "We continue to believe that the ICC represents the best option of securing real accountability for those responsible for the grave crimes that have been committed against people in Syria," said Ann Harrison. "But while politics makes that prospect difficult in the short term, Syrians responsible for torture – including those in command - should be left in no doubt that they will face justice for crimes committed under their watch. ..."Read more...Deadly Detention in Syria (video)Eyes on Syria: One year on (video)Syria: Campaign to silence protesters overseas revealedIn many cases, the organization found that protesters outside Syrian embassies were initially filmed or photographed by officials then subjected to harassment of various kinds, including phone calls, emails and Facebook messages warning them to stop. Some activists say they were directly threatened by embassy officials. Naima Darwish, who set up a Facebook page to call for protests outside the Syrian embassy in Santiago, Chile, was contacted directly by a senior official who asked to meet her in person. "He told me that I should not do such things,” she told Amnesty International. “He said I would lose the right to return to Syria if I continued." A number of Syrians found that their families back home were targeted by security forces, apparently to deter them from their activities overseas, with potentially devastating consequences. Imad Mouhalhel's brother Aladdin was detained in Syria for four days in July. After apparently being tortured, he was shown photos and videos of protests outside the Syrian embassy in Spain and told to identify Imad among the participants. On 29 August, Aladdin was re-arrested and apparently forced to phone Imad to ask him to stop going to the protests. Imad and his family have not heard from Aladdin since then and have grave fears for his safety in detention. After Malek Jandali, a 38-year-old pianist and composer, performed at a pro-reform demonstration in front of the White House in July, his mother and father, aged 66 and 73 respectively, were attacked at their home in Homs. Malek told Amnesty International his parents were beaten and locked in a bathroom while their flat was looted. The agents told his parents: “This is what happens when your son mocks the government.”Read more...Syria: Campaign To Silence Protesters Overseas (video)Neil Sammonds Interview on Syrian Crackdown (video)Amnesty International Germany - Syrien: Blutvergießen stoppen! (video)Amnesty International Croatia - Syria Public Action (video)Razan Zaitouneh from Syria Wins 2011 Anna Politkovskaya Award (video)
SIRIJA:Lettre ouverte aux membres du conseil de sécurité des nations unies sur la SyrieA l'occasion de l'anniversaire du soulèvement syrien, nous rendons hommage à la mémoire des milliers de civils qui ont perdu la vie au cours de leur quête pacifique pour un avenir plus juste et prometteur. Aujourd'hui nous incombe la responsabilité d'agir sans délai pour éviter la mort prochaine de milliers d'autres hommes, femmes et enfants.En lire : le soulèvement en Syrie raconté en vidéoPour marquer le premier anniversaire du début de la contestation en Syrie, la FIDH, Telecomix et le collectif ont lancé hier Disponible en arabe, anglais et français, cette plateforme propose de rassembler des fragments d'information recueillis et diffusés sur Internet par les témoins de la répression violente qui s'abat sur les manifestants pacifiques. rend hommage à ces citoyens anonymes qui prennent des risques immenses pour témoigner de la violence quotidienne qui dévaste leur pays.En savoir plus...Unite for Syria: Stop one year of bloodshedOn the anniversary of Syria's uprising, we remember the thousands of lives lost in their pursuit of a more just and hopeful future. It is the responsibility of us all to prevent the potential deaths of thousands more men, women and children who so desperately need our help.Read more...New Satellite Images Show Homs ShellingLocal sources have reported that approximately 700 civilians have been killed and thousands wounded in Homs since the Syrian military began its current assault on the city on February 3, 2012. Indiscriminate shelling and sniper fire has caused most of the casualties in Baba Amr, which is a residential area where elements of the armed opposition have sought refuge. ... The presence or activity of armed opposition forces in Baba Amr, however, in no way justifies the scale and nature of the attack on the residential area that is reflected by the satellite imagery and the accounts from witnesses obtained by Human Rights Watch. It also does not excuse the Syrian government's refusal to coordinate safe passage for civilians in Baba Amr seeking to leave the area. According to Western journalists and local residents who recently escaped Baba Amr to neighboring countries, a few thousand residents remain trapped in the neighborhood, which has had no running water or electricity for two weeks. All witnesses interviewed by Human Rights Watch described shelling that would start every day at around 6:30 a.m. and that did not begin to let up until sunset. The shelling would continue during the night, but with less frequency, the witnesses reported. One foreign journalist told Human Rights Watch that she counted 200 explosions in two hours on February 6. Another journalist counted 55 explosions in 15 minutes on February 16. A local resident who volunteered to help collect and transport the wounded said that shells would often hit the same spot twice, three to five minutes apart.Read more...SYRIAN rights defenders and others still heldAmnesty International has obtained the names of more than 6,200 people reported to have died during the violence. Most have been killed during or in connection with the protests since mid-March. Many are believed to have been shot by security forces using live ammunition while participating in peaceful protests or attending funerals of people killed in earlier protests. Members of the security forces have also been killed, some by defecting members of the army who have taken up arms against the government. Thousands of people have been arrested, with many held incommunicado at unknown locations at which torture and other ill-treatment are reported to be rife. Over 270 people are reported to have died in custody in highly suspicious circumstances since 1 April 2011. The Syrian state has multiple security and intelligence agencies in addition to even more opaque groups, often armed but not necessarily uniformed, who also carry out abductions, killings and other abuses in apparent coordination with, or at least approval of, state officials. Amnesty International has also received reports of armed individuals threatening, abusing and, in some cases, killing people perceived to be linked to or supportive of the state.Read more...30 years on, Hama survivors recount the horrorThree decades ago, Syrian troops under the government of Hafez al-Assad – father of current President Bashar al-Assad – unleashed a bloody 27-day assault on Hama. It followed an ambush of soldiers by members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood and attacks on officials and alleged “collaborators”. The final death toll may have reached 25,000, from both sides. ... Following the 1982 attack, Maha Mousa's uncle was accused of being a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and arrested. Despite denying the accusations, he was tortured and killed in detention. When his body was returned to the family, his eyes and fingernails were missing, says Mousa. She also recounted how in one attack on the city's Mas'oud Mosque, some 60 men were killed before the security forces cut off their fingers and placed them along the mosque's walls. “For around two years after the massacre, no one dared remove the fingers. They were so frightened,” she said.Read more...'Friends of Syria': Push to End Indiscriminate Shelling, Humanitarian Aid, Safe Passage for Civilians EssentialSince February 3, Syrian army shelling of Homs has killed at least 373 people, according to Syrian monitoring groups, and wounded hundreds of others, including women and children. Local residents who spoke to Human Rights Watch estimate that at least 20,000 residents remain in the Baba Amr neighborhood – the hardest hit area. Video footage from Homs reviewed by Human Rights Watch indicates that the army has used Russian-made 240mm mortar systems against Homs. These systems fire the world's largest high explosive mortar bomb, designed to "demolish fortifications and fieldworks" according to a Russian arms merchandizing catalogue.Read more...Syria: Stop Shelling of Residential AreasSince February 3, 2012, the attacks have killed more than 300 persons in the city, according to Syrian monitoring groups, and wounded hundreds others, including women and children. No adequate medical assistance is available to the victims due to a blockade of the city by government forces and fear of arrest if treated at government-controlled hospitals, Human Rights Watch said. ... The exact casualty numbers are impossible to verify: due to heavy shelling, residents are not able to move around and most lines of communication are cut. According to the Violations Documentation Center (VDC), a Syrian monitoring group, 288 people were killed from February 3 to 8 in Homs. One witness, who had been collecting the names of the victims, provided Human Rights Watch with lists containing the names of 95 people reportedly killed on February 6 alone, 61 of them in Bab `Amro. The VDC's list contains only 14 names of victims from Bab 'Amro. The witness said that out of the 95 victims, 11 were children, seven were women, and one was a military defector. According to witnesses, several makeshift hospitals set up in the neighborhoods were overflowing with dead and wounded after the shelling. Medical staff in the areas quickly ran out of medical supplies, and at least three field hospitals were hit by the shelling, which contributed to the rising death toll. ... "Mahmud", a resident of Bab 'Amro neighborhood, told Human Rights Watch: "There is no escape or safe passage from the area and there is no safe shelter inside the area from the rockets and shells. There is no bread, no medication and no nutritional supplies, and after a field hospital was targeted, we lost several of our medical staff. There is no form of communication inside the area and any moving object is targeted by snipers surrounding the area. Many of the wounded have very serious injuries – they lost their limbs, or eyes, had serious wounds to the body. They are in critical condition and are likely to die because there are no medical supplies to treat them properly."Read more...EUROPA:Poziv za organizaciju alternativnog europskog summitaTi razvoji predstavljaju najozbiljnije negiranje demokracije koje je Europa doživjela od kraja Drugog svjetskog rata. Europski građani podređeni su kaznenim politikama iako svi znaju da ova kriza proizlazi uglavnom iz pohlepe banaka, tržišnog sustava, kao i ortaštva ili popustljivosti političkih vođa koji su ih trebali kontrolirati, i iz dva desetljeća tržišnog natjecanja koje se snažno odražava na plaće i poreze. Taj kažnjenički neoliberalizam na dva načina ugrožava demokraciju: direktnim autoritarnim manevrima (kada je Jean-Claude Trichet, bivši predsjednik Europske centralne banke, poslao pismo talijanskim vlastima da ubrzaju rezove i sugerirao da promjene kolektivne ugovore, ili kada su, uz pristanak Trojke, tehnokrati preuzeli vlast u Grčkoj i Italiji...) i, indirektno, ohrabrivanjem rasta ksenofobnog nacionalizma i antieuropskih i antidemokratskih političkih pokreta (Francuska, Mađarska, Finska, itd.). Kažemo „Dosta“! Mi više ne prihvaćamo te politike. Oni se podruguju demokraciji; oni su Europu već bacili u posebno tešku ekonomsku krizu. Oni su probudili ksenofobne demone koje je upravo ta Europa trebala izbrisati. Želimo poboljšati europski socijalni model i obraniti narod, ne banke, korporacije i njihove najveće dioničare.Pročitajte više...
Izvor i link na akciju: Sixth Anniversary of the Raid on Jericho – One Month of Hana Shalabi’s Struggle: Take Action for Palestinian Prisoners!Informacije iz apela Sixth Anniversary of the Raid on Jericho – One Month of Hana Shalabi’s Struggle: Take Action for Palestinian Prisoners! sjevernoameričke aktivističke mreže solidarnosti s palestinskim zarobljenicima Samidoun koji u cijelosti s mnogo više informacija i poziva na razne akcije možete na engleskom pročitati na linku.Palestinska zarobljenica Hana al-Shalabi 16. je ožujka 2012. godine ušla u 2. mjesec svog štrajka glađu. Hana al-Shalabi nalazi se u izraelskom administrativnom pritvoru bez da je protiv nje podignuta optužnica i bez suđenja od kada je ponovo uhićena 16. veljače ove godine. Tog je dana al-Shalabi počela štrajkati glađu.Al-Shalabi je oteta samo 4 mjeseca nakon što je u sklopu razmjene zarobljenika puštena na slobodu iz izraelskog administrativnog pritvora (dakle, bez optužnice i suđenja) koji je trajao gotovo 3 godine.Richard Falk, UN-ov posebni izvjestitelj, pozdravio je hrabrost Hane al-Shalabi i osudio šutnju službenih međunarodnih institucija, uključujući Ujedinjene narode.Kako vrijeme prolazi zdravlje i život Hane al-Shalabi sve su ugroženiji. Liječnici za ljudska prava pregledali su zarobljenicu i ustvrdili da pati od „uznapredovale atrofije mišića, gubitka tjelesne težine, znatnog pada šećera u krvi, vrtoglavice i jake boli u mišićima, naročito u predjelu grudnog koša i leđa“.Al Shalabi je 23. veljače određen administrativni pritvor u trajanju od 6 mjeseci, a 4. ožujka vojni je sud odlučio smanjiti to razdoblje sa 6 na 4 mjeseca, no bez obećanja da joj po isteku tog roka administrativni pritvor neće biti produljen ili obnovljen. Zbog toga je Hana al-Shalabi najavila da nastavlja štrajkati glađu do trenutka kad bude oslobođena.Također, 14. ožujka se navršila 6. godišnjica od izraelskog napada na zatvor Palestinske samouprave u Jerihonu na Zapadnoj obali u kojem je otet Ahmad Sa'adat, glavni tajnik Narodnog fronta za oslobođenje Palestine zajedno s još 5 svojih drugova. U tom je napadu također ubijeno 2 Palestinaca, a ranjeno njih 23. Sa'adat, koji odbija priznati jurisdikciju izraelskog vojnog suda, već se 3 godine nalazi izoliran od ostatka svijeta, u samici u koju su ga strpali u ožujku 2009.Prosvjedi palestinskih zarobljenika u izraelskom administrativnom pritvoru sve su učestaliji. Prema informacijama palestinske organizacije za prava zarobljenika Addameer, nakon početka štrajka glađu Hane al-Shalabi, još 4 palestinskih zarobljenika u izraelskom administrativnom pritvoru objavilo je da štrajkaju glađu, a mnogi drugi su se odbili pojaviti na sudu. Zarobljenici Bilal Diab i Thair Halahleh 1. ožujka su objavili pokretanje svog štrajka glađu najavivši da će gladovati do trenutka svog oslobađanja. 3. ožujka još su 2 administrativnih zatočenika najavili da su započeli svoj štrajk glađu koji će trajati do njihovog oslobađanja. Od početka ožujka ove godine nekoliko administrativnih zatočenika odbilo je priznati izraelski vojni sud i sudjelovati u raspravama o njihovim slučajevima. Palestinski zarobljenici u administrativnom pritvoru štrajkom glađu služe se kao nenasilnim i jedinim sredstvom koje im stoji na raspolaganju kako bi prosvjedovali i izborili se za svoja temeljna ljudska prava.Trenutno se u izraelskim zatvorima u administrativnom pritvoru (bez optužnica i suđenja) nalazi oko 310 Palestinaca. Posredstvom administrativnog pritvora Izrael Palestince u zatvoru može držati unedogled obnavljajući 6-mjesečna razdoblja na koja je izraelskim vojnim sudovima moguće odrediti takav pritvor. Zarobljenici u administrativnom pritvoru uhićeni su temeljem „tajnih informacija“ i protiv njih nije podignuta javna optužnica, zbog čega se administrativni pritvorenici ne mogu braniti na sudu, niti to mogu činiti njihovi odvjetnici.Trenutno se u izraelskim zatvorima nalazi gotovo 5000 palestinskih zarobljenika.S ovog linka ispod podnaslova Contact Israeli Officials regarding the cases of Hana al-Shalabi and Ahmad Sa'adat možete poslati poruku izraelskom vojnom sucu i vojnom državnom odvjetniku brigadnom generalu Daniju Afroniju. Za slanje poruke potrebno (*) je upisati Ime (Name First) i Prezime (Last), te e-mail adresu (Email) i kliknuti na Send. Možete poslati već gotovu poruku, ili je preraditi, dopuniti, izmijeniti ili napisati vlastitu. Porukom se želi upozoriti izraelske vlasti da svijet zna za izraelsku praksu administrativnog pritvaranja Palestinaca i da prati štrajk glađu Hane al-Shalabi, te pozvati na oslobađanje Hane al-Shalabi, puštanje Ahmada Sa'adata (i ostalih palestinskih zarobljenika) iz samice i njegovo oslobađanje, te prekid korištenja administrativnog pritvora, samica, „tajnih dokaza“ i mučenja protiv palestinskih zarobljenika.Hrvatski prijevod (razumijevanja radi) primjera poruke na engleskom koju možete gotovu poslati s linka:
Poštovani brigadni generale Dani Afroni, vojni državni odvjetnik;Pišem Vam kako bih zatražio/la da palestinska politička zatvorenica Hana al-Shalabi, koja štrajka glađu od kad je ponovo uhićena 16. veljače, bude smjesta i bezuvjetno oslobođena. Hana al-Shalabi je puštena na slobodu iz izraelskog zatvora u listopadu 2011. u sklopu dogovora o razmjeni zarobljenika; prije svog puštanja na slobodu u zatvoru je provela više od 30 mjeseci. Tijekom tog razdoblja ni u jednom trenutku nije bila ni za što optužena i nije joj bilo suđeno; provela je gotovo 3 godine u administrativnom pritvoru nakon što je bila metom seksualnog uznemiravanja i ponižavanja od strane izraelskih okupacijskih snaga.Nakon samo 4 mjeseca provedenih na slobodi Hana je ponovo uhićena - i ponovo nije ni za što optužena. Ponovo joj je određen administrativni pritvor od dodatnih 6 mjeseci - koji se može unedogled obnavljati. Hana štrajka glađu već mjesec dana i prema izvještaju Liječnika za ljudska prava njeno je zdravlje ugroženo.Očito je da je Hana al-Shalabi ciljano tako brzo vraćena u zatvor nakon njenog prividnog puštanja na slobodu radi kontinuiranog zatvaranja i, osim što se radi o očitom kršenju njenih prava, njeno ponovno uhićenje poništava njeno puštanje na slobodu u listopadu 2011. u sklopu dogovora o razmjeni zarobljenika.Na današnji dan, potrebno je također naglasiti da ljudi diljem svijeta nisu zaboravili opsadu i napad u Jerihonu. Ahmad Sa'adat je zatvoren u izolaciji već 3 godine, a UN-ov Posebni izvjestitelj za mučenje ovakvo postupanje smatra mučenjem. Ahmad Sa'adat i svi zatvorenici u izolaciji moraju biti pušteni iz samica. Uz to, Ahmad Sa'adat - politički zatvorenik i palestinski nacionalni čelnik - mora biti oslobođen.Baš kao što je život Khadera Adnana svijetu postao vidljiv zahvaljujući njegovoj hrabrosti, tako je i život Hane al-Shalabi dragocjen, i ljudi diljem svijeta prate njen slučaj. Izraelska vlada je u potpunosti odgovorna za njeno zdravlje i život.Administrativnim pritvorom krši se pravo na pošteno suđenje kako ga priznaje Međunarodni pakt o građanskim i političkim pravima. Radi se o postupku koji se koristi kako bi se ušutkali Palestinci bez da realnost ovakvih postupaka ikada izađe na svjetlo dana - čak ni u nepoštenom vojnom sudskom sustavu.Zahtijevam prekid uporabe ne samo administrativnog pritvora, već i uporabe izolacije i samica, „tajnih dokaza“ i mučenja.Štrajk glađu Hane al-Shalabi predstavlja zahtjev za dostojanstvom, pravdom i slobodom. Ustrajnost Ahmada Sa'adata nastavlja nadahnjivati druge. Oni moraju smjesta biti oslobođeni.S poštovanjem,Izvor, više informacija i link na akciju: Sixth Anniversary of the Raid on Jericho – One Month of Hana Shalabi’s Struggle: Take Action for Palestinian Prisoners!
Izvor i link na peticiju: Russia: No More Excuses, Stand Up Against Bloodshed in Syria
Prošla je godina dana od početka većinom nenasilnih prosvjeda u Siriji. U tih godinu dana u Siriji je ubijeno više od 6500 ljudi. Mnogi su ranjeni, a vjeruje se da su desetci tisuća osoba uhićeni. Mnogi su umrli u zatočeništvu. Satelitske snimke pokazuju granatiranje stambenih četvrti u gradu Homsu. Unatoč svemu tome međunarodna zajednica nije poduzela učinkovite mjere za rješavanje krize ljudskih prava u Siriji. Postupci Ruske Federacije, koja je stavila veto na 2 rezolucije Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a o Siriji i istovremeno nastavila Siriju snabdijevati oružjem, samo su pogoršali nasilje u toj zemlji.U proteklih 6 tjedana, od kad su Rusija i Kina blokirale rezoluciju Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a kojom se osuđivalo krvavo gušenje prosvjeda, ubijeno je 1179 Sirijaca. Rusija tvrdi da sirijskom predsjedniku Basharu al-Assadu šalje oružje jer se on brani od oporbenih boraca, no u stvarnosti, veliku većinu kršenja ljudskih prava počinile su državne sigurnosne snage. Amnesty International je dokumentirao krajnje potresne - gotovo srednjovjekovne - obrasce mučenja i ponižavanja svih koje se u Siriji sumnjiči da se protive vladi. Dok Sirija prkosi međunarodnim pozivima na suradnju, sve je više dokaza o široko rasprostranjenim zločinima protiv čovječnosti koje su počinile sirijske sigurnosne snage.Na linku možete potpisati peticiju upućenu ruskom ministru vanjskih poslova Sergeiju Viktorovichu Lavrovu i ruskom veleposlaniku u SAD-u Sergeyu I. Kislyaku kojom tražimo od ruske vlade da smjesta obustavi svoje isporuke oružja Siriji i izvrši pritisak na sirijske vlasti kako bi one odmah prestale koristiti pretjeranu silu u naseljenim stambenim područjima, prekinule mučenje i ostalo zlostavljanje pritvorenika i zatvorenika, poštivale pravo sirijskih građana koji se protive režimu na nenasilan prosvjed i dopustile humanitarnim agencijama i međunarodnim promatračima za ljudska prava potpun i neometan pristup svim dijelovima Sirije.Za potpisivanje peticije potrebno (*) je na linku u odgovarajuća polja upisati Ime (First Name), Prezime (Last Name), e-mail adresu (Email), kućnu adresu (Address Line 1), grad ili mjesto (City), odabrati „Not in USA“ pod State, upisati poštanski broj (ZIP/Postal Code) i odabrati svoju zemlju (Country), te kliknuti na SEND NOW.Izvor i link na peticiju: Russia: No More Excuses, Stand Up Against Bloodshed in Syria