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Oko 200 palestinskih, izraelskih i međunarodnih aktivista sudjelovalo je 3. prosinca 2010. u prosvjednoj povorci protiv izraelske okupacije u predgrađu al Issawiya u okupiranom istočnom Jeruzalemu.
Nakon što su izraelski mediji nedavno izvijestili da je skupina palestinskih mladića kamenjem gađala automobil s izraelskim Židovima koji su se izgubili u četvrti Issawiya u istočnom Jeruzalemu i tražili upute kako da se vrate u zapadni Jeruzalem, izraelske su vlasti zatvorile sve prilaze i izlaze u i iz Issawiye, a danas postoje samo 2 prilaza toj četvrti od kojih je jedan pretvoren u kontrolnu točku izraelske vojske koja rutinski usporava i otežava svakodnevni život 15 000 tamošnjih stanovnika.
Od listopada 2010. izraelski su vojnici i policajci uhitili najmanje 10 djece mlađe od 16 godina, te više od 20 osoba starijih od 16 godina, a predgrađe Issawiya je redovito preplavljeno oblacima suzavca ispaljenog tijekom sukoba izraelskih snaga sa skupinama palestinskih mladića. 24. rujna jedno je 18-mjesečno palestinsko dijete u Issawiyi umrlo od posljedica udisanja suzavca, nakon što su izraelske snage ispalile suzavac na prosvjed protiv ubojstva Samera Sarhana u obližnjoj jeruzalemskoj četvrti Silwan.
Issawiya se nalazi 3 kilometra od zidina Starog grada, između izraelskih kolonističkih naselja na Francuskom brijegu na zapadu i jednog od najvećih (više od 34 000 kolonista) izraelskih kolonističkih naselja na Zapadnoj obali - Maale Adumima - na istoku.
Izraelska je država 1968. godine konfiscirala 400 od ukupno 3000 dunuma (1 dunum = 1000 kvadratnih metara) zemlje u selu Issawiya kako bi na njoj sagradila kolonističko naselje Francuski brijeg koje spaja Hebrejsko sveučilište i bolnicu Hadassah sa zapadnim Jeruzalemom.
Osim konfiskacije zemlje, Izrael je također 2000 dunuma zemlje u Issawiyi označio kao "zelene površine", zahvaljujući čemu je bilo kakva gradnja palestinskih mještana na tom području protuzakonita. Danas mještani Issawiye imaju samo 600 dunuma zemlje na kojoj mogu graditi domove i druge građevine.
Tijekom proteklih nekoliko tjedana izraelske su snage uništile torove za životinje, poljoprivredna zemljišta i druge objekte u Issawiyi, te 12 farmi na tom području. Od srpnja 2010. u Issawiyi je iščupano 440 stabala i srušeno najmanje 16 objekata.
E1, izraelski dugo odugovlačeni projekt kolonizacije koji je prvotno predložen 1994. godine, anektirao bi dodatnih oko 12 400 dunuma zemlje predgrađa Issawiya, te susjednih sela al-Izzariya i al-Tur. Kolonističko naselje E1 uključivalo bi 3500 stambenih jedinica za oko 14 500 novih kolonista, te učvrstilo povezanost kolonističkog naselja Maale Adumim sa zapadnim Jeruzalemom.
Do danas su na tom području izraelske vlasti sagradile policijsku postaju i vojnu bazu, asfaltirale neke ceste te postavile kontrolne točke i drugu temeljnu infrastrukturu pripremajući se za realizaciju projekta.
Svako povezivanje Maale Adumima sa zapadnim Jeruzalemom ići će neminovno na štetu četvrti Issawiya. Cilj ovih mjera je izvršiti što je moguće snažniji pritisak na stanovnike Issawiye i olakšati buduću konfiskaciju zemlje na tom području.
Settlement bus company hired to shuttle OECD Jerusalem participants
Participants in the OECD annual tourism conference, held last week in Jerusalem, were ferried around the city in buses leased from a company that develops Jewish settlements in the West Bank. ... According to the Mateh Binyamin Local Council website, in addition to owning a fleet of around 70 vehicles for transportation the company also takes an active part in settlement construction. Also according to the website, the development company owns three gas stations in the West Bank, planned and built an entire neighborhood in the settlement of Na'aleh and routinely builds infrastructure in settlements, including electricity, water and sewage lines. The company's offices are situated in Psagot, a settlement near Ramallah.
Israeli Banks Profiteering from Occupation
Nearly all Israeli commercial banks exploit the Territories freely, effecting erasing the Green Line financially and commercially. Israeli and international enterprises are advantaged at the expense of Palestinian ones. By profiteering from occupation, these banks bear direct responsibility and must "be held accountable for their role in the financing of economic activity which sustains continued Israeli control" illegally. They also perpetuate the Palestinians' enormous burden under "unjust conditions," ones demanding redress.
Flashmob: Cape Town Opera say NO
Jonathan Cook: Israel turns blind eye to racist state-employed rabbis
... racism in Israel is increasingly enjoying high-level sanction among the most influential sectors of the religious establishment. The latest ruling was signed by Shlomo Aviner, a spiritual leader of Israel's national-religious camp; Yosef Elyashiv, a senior ultra-Orthodox rabbi; and Avigdor Neventzal, rabbi of Jerusalem's Old City. Its sentiments have also been echoed by Ovadia Yosef, a former chief rabbi of Israel and the spiritual leader of Shas, an important political and religious party in Netanyahu's government. "Selling to [non-Jews], even for a lot of money, is not allowed. We won't let them take control of us here," Yosef said recently. Two months ago, Yosef explained the logic behind his views and those of like-minded rabbis. "Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us." Explaining why God allowed non-Jews long lives, he added: "Imagine that your donkey would die, you'd lose your income. [The donkey] is your servant. ... That's why he [the gentile] gets a long life, to work well for the Jew." Yosef's remarks against "gentiles" were greeted with respectful silence by Israeli officials and most of the media. It was left to the United States government and the New York-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to issue rebukes. Abraham Foxman, the ADL's head, accused the rabbi of advancing "hateful and divisive ideas." The rabbis' use of theology to support racial discrimination is being applied to more than just housing. This summer, Yosef Elitzur and Yitzhak Shapira, who head an influential seminary in the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar, published The King's Torah, a 230-page guide to how Jews should treat non-Jews. The two rabbis concluded that Jews were obligated to kill anyone who posed a danger, immediate or potential, to the Jewish people, and implied that all Palestinians were to be considered a threat. On these grounds, the pair justified killing Palestinian civilians and even their babies. Last month Shapira also backed the use of Palestinians as human shields, a war crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention, and a practice that Israel's high court has outlawed. The King's Torah, far from being condemned by moderate rabbis, has been greeted with a general silence and enthusiastic support from a number of notable religious leaders. ... The general trend towards extremism has not happened by chance, said Sefi Rachelevsky, a prominent Israeli writer critical of the Orthodox rabbinate. Israel's public coffers pay the salaries of some of the most extremist rabbis, and the education system regularly falls under the political control of religious parties like Shas. Shapira, who advocates killing non-Jewish babies, receives large sums from the education ministry for his yeshiva -- a seminary where he spreads his message of hate. Religious students also receive extra subsidies unavailable to normal students to encourage their attendance at such yeshivas. The rabbis exert their influence on the youngest and most impressionable too. When the new school year started in September, 52 percent of Jewish children in first grade attended a strictly religious school. Pupils in some of the most religious schools, Rachlevsky pointed out, are taught that Jews sit above nature, which comprises four categories: "inanimate," "vegetable," "animal" and "speakers" -- or non-Jews, who are considered no more than talking animals.