Od 26. ožujka 2010. izraelska je vojska ranila 17 palestinske djece koja su skupljala šljunak i građevinski materijal u blizini granice između Pojasa Gaze i Izraela. Zbog velike nezaposlenosti i nestašice građevinskog materijala u Gazi stotine palestinskih muškaraca i dječaka pretražuje srušene i uništene građevine u blizini granice s Izraelom u potrazi za građevinskim materijalom.
U 11 od 16 dokumentiranih slučajeva (69%) djeca procjenjuju da su se u trenutku ranjavanja nalazila na udaljenosti od 300 ili više metara od granice s Izraelom. Izraelska je vojska u Pojasu Gaze unilateralno odredila zonu široku 300 metara uz granicu u koju Palestincima ne dopušta pristup.
Na linku možete poslati prosvjedno pismo UN-ovoj posebnoj predstavnici glavnog tajnika za djecu i oružani sukob RADHIKI COOMARSASWAMY, veleposlaniku Stalne promatračke misije Palestine RIYADU H. MANSOURU i veleposlaniku i trajnom predstavniku Izraela pri Ujedinjenim narodima MERONU REUVENU.
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Više informacija o slučajevima ranjavanja djece koja u blizini granice s Izraelom u Pojasu Gaze skupljaju građevinski materijal možete pročitati u izvještaju palestinske nevladine udruge za prava djeteta DCI-Palestine.
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Vaša Ekscelencijo,
Od 26. ožujka 2010. izraelska je vojska ranila 17 palestinske djece koja su skupljala šljunak i građevinski materijal u blizini granice između Pojasa Gaze i Izraela. Zbog velike nezaposlenosti i nestašice građevinskog materijala u Gazi stotine palestinskih muškaraca i dječaka pretražuje srušene i uništene građevine u blizini granice s Izraelom u potrazi za građevinskim materijalom. U 11 od 16 dokumentiranih slučajeva (69%) djeca procjenjuju da su se u trenutku ranjavanja nalazila na udaljenosti od 300 ili više metara od granice s Izraelom. Izraelska je vojska u Pojasu Gaze unilateralno odredila zonu široku 300 metara uz granicu u koju Palestincima ne dopušta pristup.
Shamekh D. (15) je pogođen u lijevu nogu 27. studenog 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 150 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Mokhles M. (15) je pogođen u lijevu nogu 28. studenog 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 500 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Said H. (15) je ranjen u nogu 26. ožujka 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 100 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Hasan W. (17) je ranjen u nogu 22. svibnja 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 300 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Awad W. (17) je ranjen u desno koljeno 17. lipnja 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 350 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Ibrahim K. (16) je pogođen u desnu nogu 16. lipnja 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 400 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Abdullah M. (16) je ranjen u desnu nogu 22. lipnja 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 60 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Mohammad M. (16) je ranjen 23. lipnja 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 500 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Arafat S. (16) je ranjen u lijevu nogu 10. srpnja 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 50 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Nu'man A. (14) je ranjen u desnu nogu 10. srpnja 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 300 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Hameed O. (13) je ranjen u lijevu ruku 14. srpnja 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 50 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Khaled I. (16) je pogođen u lijevu nogu 31. srpnja 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 600 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Mohammad S. (17) je ranjen u lijevu nogu 25. kolovoza 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 800 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Mahmoud J. (16) je pogođen u desnu nogu 7. listopada 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal između 600 i 700 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Yahia Z. (16) je ranjen u desnu nogu 14. listopada 2010. dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 450 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Belal (16) je ranjen u lijevu nogu 8. prosinca dok je skupljao građevinski materijal oko 600 metara od granice s Izraelom.
Napadi na civile su u potpunosti zabranjeni prema međunarodnom pravu, bez obzira na okolnosti i stoga vas molim da zatražite da država Izrael:
1. Naredi izraelskoj vojsci da odmah prestane napadati nenaoružanu djecu u tampon zoni u Pojasu Gaze uz granicu s Izraelom;
2. Odmah provede reviziju naredbi i procedura vezanih uz otvaranje vatre na osobe u tampon zoni u Pojasu Gaze uz granicu s Izraelom kako bi one bile usklađene s međunarodnim pravom, te da nalaze ove revizije objavi;
3. Podrži prava koja djeca imaju prema Konvenciji o pravima djeteta koja obuhvaća sva ljudska prava djeteta iz drugih međunarodnih instrumenata za zaštitu ljudskih prava. Izrael mora poštivati ove međunarodne standarde i obveze koji štite prava djeteta.
S poštovanjem,
Boycott roundup: day of action against TIAA-Cref
Vijesti o bojkotu Izraela diljem svijeta.
In Argentina, the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) -- an international community media organization representing more than 3,000 community radio stations across 110 countries -- called on its members to "refrain from participation in any form of cooperation, collaboration or joint projects with Israeli media institutions" in a resolution issued during its tenth global conference on 13 November. The AMARC resolution noted that Israeli media institutions and Israeli journalists have contributed to their government's maintaining and justification of oppression of Palestinians whereas many have been "complicit in [forms of oppression] through their silence." ... In related news, the West Bank-based Stop the Wall Campaign (STW) reported that Argentina factory workers pledged to support the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) call during the month of November. ... Factory workers resolved to refuse to enter into contracts and business deals between their worker-run companies and Israeli companies, the State of Israel, or companies that support Israel. ... Meanwhile, the New South Wales' Green party unanimously endorsed a proposal to call upon "all Australians and the Australian government to boycott Israeli goods, trading and military arrangements, and sporting, cultural and academic events as a contribution to the struggle to end Israel's occupation and colonization of Palestinian territory, the siege of Gaza and imprisonment of 1.5 million people, and Israel's institution of a system of apartheid. ... British academics associated with the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP) drafted an open letter to German bass-baritone singer Thomas Quasthoff, urging him to cancel his upcoming concert series with the Israeli Philharmonic early next year. ... Three Jerusalem city council members affiliated with the liberal Meretz party authored a letter to the sportswear company Adidas urging it to reconsider its sponsorship of the International Jerusalem Marathon. The public figures called on the corporation to withdraw its sponsorship if the city did not remove illegal Israeli settlement colonies in occupied East Jerusalem from the planned route, reported the Israeli daily The Jerusalem Post. City council members Pepe Alalu, Laura Wharton and Meir Margalit warned Adidas that the company could expect calls of international "opposition" if the current route of the marathon remains, and if Adidas subsequently maintains its sponsorship. "As members of the Jerusalem City Council, we feel it is our duty to inform you that this year, the path of the marathon is due to run through parts of east Jerusalem that are considered occupied territory by the international community and by us," the letter stated. The current route, reported The Jerusalem Post, would take marathon runners through areas across the city, including East Jerusalem -- such as the settlement of Pisgat Zeev. Council member Alalu stated that he planned to "reach out" to other corporate sponsors and marathon participants and encourage them to boycott the race "until the route is changed."
Don't Buy Israeli Apartheid for Christmas - Melbourne 3 Dec 2010
Ali Abunimah: Rescuing Zionism at Palestinian expense
Clinton made it clear that preserving this unjust situation -- rescuing Zionism -- remains the priority of US policy. For there can be no "Jewish democracy" without the liquidation of Palestinian rights, particularly of refugees and Palestinian citizens of Israel. On refugees, all Clinton had to say was, "This is a difficult and emotional issue, but there must be a just and permanent solution that meets the needs of both sides." She did not spell out what those "needs" are. For Israel it is clear that the "need" is to continue to deny the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to lands from which they are excluded solely on the racist grounds that they are not Jews. Israel clearly "needs" this so it can continue to subordinate the rights of indigenous Palestinians to the ethnic privileges of Israeli Jews. The needs of Palestinian refugees are that their rights be respected, especially the right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to return home -- should they choose to do so -- and for restitution and compensation. These basic human rights are recognized specifically and repeatedly in international law in the case of Palestinians. These two sets of "needs" are irreconcilable. One can only stand on one side of the question: either one is for Israel's "right" to remain a racist state, or one is for universal rights and international law and treating all human beings as equals regardless of their religion or ethnicity. These are exactly the same rights that the United States and the European Union actively supported in Bosnia, in the 1995 US-brokered Dayton Agreement. Under the agreement more than half a million refugees have returned home, in a country with a total population of just 3.5 million, to areas dominated politically and demographically by antagonistic ethnic authorities. In Bosnia, the preference of ethnonational groups to live in areas cleansed of those they consider undesirable was not allowed to trump the actual rights of individual refugees. Nor should it in Palestine. ... So what is left of Obama's vaunted peace process "engagement"? For sure all the things that suit Israel: an "unwavering," unconditional commitment to supply Israel with more of the weapons that have been so promiscuously used to commit war crimes in Lebanon, Gaza and across the West Bank; acquiescence to continued settlement construction; more sanctions and pressure on Iran -- an Israel lobby priority; continued boycott of Hamas, siege of Gaza and support for the West Bank police state; calls on the Arab states to normalize ties with Israel; and of course putting Israel's desire to remain a racist ethnocracy before the universal rights of human beings. And the US prescription now is more of the same: urging Palestinians to "negotiate" with an Israel from which the US superpower itself could extract nothing, precisely because of unconditional American support! For the discredited Palestinian Authority "leadership" which rushed to Washington as soon as Clinton beckoned, the secretary of state had these instructions: "To demonstrate their commitment to peace, Israeli and Palestinian leaders should stop trying to assign blame for the next failure, and focus instead on what they need to do to make these efforts succeed." She warned Palestinians specifically, in reference to efforts to get more states to recognize Palestine: "Unilateral efforts at the United Nations are not helpful and undermine trust." Recently, Brazil and Argentina joined more than a hundred countries that recognize the nonexistent "State of Palestine" declared by the Palestine Liberation Organization in November 1988.
Max Blumenthal: The Carmel wildfire is burning all illusions in Israel
The pine trees themselves were instruments of concealment, strategically planted by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) on the sites of the hundreds of Palestinian villages the Zionist militias evacuated and destroyed in 1948. With forests sprouting up where towns once stood, those who had been expelled would have nothing to come back to. Meanwhile, to outsiders beholding the strangely Alpine landscape of northern Israel for the first time, it seemed as though the Palestinians had never existed. And that was exactly the impression the JNF intended to create. The practice that David Ben Gurion and other prominent Zionists referred to as "redeeming the land" was in fact the ultimate form of greenwashing. Described by Israeli historian Ilan Pappe as "the quintessential Zionist colonialist," the first director of the JNF, Yossef Weitz, was a ruthless ideologue who helped orchestrate the mass expulsion of Palestinians in 1948. Weitz notoriously declared "It must be clear that there is no room in the country for both peoples ... If the Arabs leave it, the country will become wide and spacious for us ... The only solution is a Land of Israel ... without Arabs ... There is no way but to transfer the Arabs from here to the neighboring countries, to transfer all of them, save perhaps for [the Palestinian Arabs of] Bethlehem, Nazareth and the old Jerusalem. Not one village must be left, not one tribe." After Weitz's wishes were fulfilled, the JNF planted hundreds of thousands of trees over freshly destroyed Palestinian villages like al-Tira, helping to establish the Carmel National Park. An area on the south slope of Mount Carmel so closely resembled the landscape of the Swiss Alps that it was nicknamed "Little Switzerland." Of course, the nonindigenous trees of the JNF were poorly suited to the environment in Palestine. Most of the saplings the JNF plants at a site near Jerusalem simply do not survive, and require frequent replanting. Elsewhere, needles from the pine trees have killed native plant species and wreaked havoc on the ecosystem. And as we have seen with the Carmel wildfire, the JNF's trees go up like tinder in the dry heat. But it seems that nothing can stop the JNF's drive to "green" the land. Even in the parched Negev desert, the JNF is advancing plans to plant one million trees in a plot called "GOD TV Forest." To accomplish the highly unusual feat of foresting a desert, the Israel Land Administration has ordered the expulsion of the Bedouin unrecognized village of al-Araqib, home to hundreds of Israeli citizens who have lived in the area for more than 100 years and who have served in the army's frontline tracker units. The Israeli government has tried time and again to force the people of al-Araqib into an American Indian reservation-style "development town," but they have refused. The village has been razed to the ground by bulldozers on eight occasions, but each time the residents have rebuilt their homes, hoping to outlast a ruthless campaign to destroy their way of life. What about the strange name for the proposed forest? It is a reference to GOD TV, a radical right-wing evangelical Christian broadcasting network that hosts faith-based fraudsters like Creflo Dollar and rapture-ready fanatics like Rory and Wendy Alec. And why is GOD TV bankrolling the JNF's ethnic cleansing campaign in the Negev desert? According to its website, "GOD TV is planting over ONE MILLION TREES across the Holy Land as a miraculous sign to Israel and to the world that Jesus is coming soon."
P.A. Firefighters Refused Entrance to Israel For Honouring Ceremony
Palestinskim vatrogascima onemogućen ulaz u Izrael
Izrael je otkazao svečanost u čast palestinskih vatrogasaca koji su sudjelovali u globalnoj pomoći Izraelu tijekom velikog požara. 7 od 10 vatrogasaca Palestinske samouprave koji su sudjelovali u humanitarnoj pomoći Izraelu dobilo je dozvole za ulaz u Izrael kako bi prisustvovali svečanosti, dok ostala 3 dozvole nisu dobila, iako u vrijeme požara nije bilo takvih problema. U požaru, koji je gorio 3 dana, uništeno je područje brda Karmel i poginulo je 43 Izraelaca.
Svjedočanstvo jednog od Merčepovih egzekutora: Kako smo ubijali u Pakračkoj Poljani
Za Gospić je vrijedila naredba "etnički očistiti"; ubili smo direktora pošte, bolnice, vlasnike restorana i kojekakve druge Srbe. Ubojstva su izvođena metkom u čelo, jer nismo imali vremena. Ponavljam, iz vrhovništva je bila naredba da se smanji postotak Srba u Gospiću. U Slano smo išli četiri puta i likvidirano je trinaest osoba, svi su bili Srbi. ... Zatvorenike smo držali u podrumu osnovne škole, a kad ih je bilo više, onda bismo ih stavljali i u učionice. Za njih su najgore bile noći, kad smo ih operativno obrađivali, a to je značilo da smo pokušavali pronaći najbolji način da im nanesemo što veću bol kako bi što više priznali. Znate li koji je najbolji način? Palite zatvorenika - plamenom iz boce plina i onda ga polijete octom, a to radite uglavnom po genitalijama i očima. Zatim, postoji mali induktor, poljski telefon, pa Srbina priključiš na to. Radi se o istosmjernoj struji, ne može ubiti, ali stvara neugodan osjećaj kod čovjeka. Pitaš onda tog priključenog Srbina odakle je, on ti kaže iz Dvora na Uni, a ti onda, okrećući poljski telefon nazoveš Dvor na Uni. Zatvorenicima se u guzicu znao gurati petožilni kabel, to bi im ostavili po par sati da ne mogu sjesti. Otvarane su im rane po kojima je posipana sol ili ocat. Uglavnom, nismo dozvoljavali da prestanu krvariti. Isto tako, svi su isti dan morali naučiti "Lijepu našu", a to ih je natjerao zapovjednik zatvora Mijo Jolić koji danas, jednako kao i Suljić, ima restorane po Hrvatskoj. ... mi smo u Pakračkoj Poljani jednako ubijali i Hrvate i Srbe. Nas su se plašili i Hrvati u Poljani. Selo je, naime, po cijelu noć slušalo jauke i zapomaganja iz zatvora, ljudi nisu mogli spavati, ali nam ništa nisu smjeli reći. Svi su znali da bi, ako nešto priupitaju, i sami mogli završiti u zatvoru. Tko su bili ti Hrvati? Pa, jedan od najljepših Hrvata bila je Marina Nuić. Zatim, Aleksandar Antić, premda su za njega mnogi netočno tvrdili da je bio Srbin. ... Antić je Mikuli rekao: "Ubij me, molim te, ti", i on ga je i ubio. Metak u glavu iz magnuma, s tim da je Antić sam sebi morao iskopati grob. Prije smrti dobio je na Velesajmu strašne batine od Suljića, Rimca i Mikule, a kad je doveden dolje, tek je onda obrađivan. Onda, Ilija Horvat čiji grijeh je bio što je u svoju kuću primao i Hrvate i Srbe. Bio je i jedan Talijan, jer u okolici Poljane postoji talijansko selo. Talijan ko Talijan, on se prodavao. Mi smo ga digli i bez razgovora i bilo čega smo ga likvidirali. Ubio sam ga ja osobno. Jednom sam rekao da su svi koje sam ubio umirali sretni, jer sam im ja na malom bloku pisao potvrde da mogu proći naše straže i oni s tom potvrdom sretni idu doma. Onda sam ih ja čekao snajperom. Umirali su nasmijani. Taj je Talijan ubijen zbog jedne automatske puške koju je ukrao iz osnovne škole i prodao je Srbima. Mi Srbe nismo dijelili na vojnike i civile; ako smo našli pušku bilo gdje skrivenu, on je za nas bio četnik. Srbi su u to vrijeme jako teško mogli opstati, jer ne vele badava da kud mi prođemo, trava ne raste. Koliko ja znam, više od pedeset Srba dovedeno je u Poljanu iz Zagreba, a dovozili su ih svi koji su bili u užem Merčepovu krugu - Rimac, Suljić, Mikula, Hodak, ja... ... Po mojoj procjeni u Poljani je likvidirano sve zajedno oko 280 ljudi, a kroz nju je prošlo i desetak žena. Osim Marine Nuić, sjećam se jedne Nade iz Kusonja koja je ubačena među nas. Bila je tu i neka starica kojoj je u kući nađen snajper. Osim te starice sve su ostale žene silovane pa ubijene.
Zašto Šeks nije odgovarao za ratne zločine?
"Unatoč postojanju javno dostupnih podataka, uključujući i dokaze iz javnih sudskih postupaka u Hrvatskoj, navodi koji se odnose na neke vojne i političke dužnosnike na visokim položajima nisu nikada istraženi", stoji u izvješću. U njemu se u primjerima navodi u kontekstu zapovjedne odgovornosti za zločine počinjene 1991. u Osijeku navodna umiješanost potpredsjednika Hrvatskoga sabora Vladimira Šeksa. Za zločine počinjene u akciji Medački džep 1993. u kontekstu zapovjedne odgovornosti spominje se ime generala Davora Domazeta-Loše, a nekadašnjeg ratnog pomoćnika ministra unutarnjih poslova Tomislava Merčepa spominje se u kontekstu zapovjedne odgovornosti za više zločina koji se ne navode poimence. ... AI, oslanjajući se na statističke podatke hrvatske Vlade, podsjeća da postoji još gotovo 700 predmeta koji se odnose na ratne zločine i koji čekaju na procesuiranje. "Zaključi se oko 18 predmeta na godinu... Ritam je vrlo spor", kazao je Marek Marczynski, stručnjak AI-a za Hrvatsku. Izrazivši bojazan da će zbog sporosti "procesuiranje trajati još 40 godina", istaknuo je da se gotovo polovica od 700 spomenutih predmeta odnosi na područje Siska i poziva na hitnu uspostavu posebnih odjela za ratne zločine pri sudovima. Iznio je i podatak da se 76 posto predmeta u procesuiranje ratnih zločina u Hrvatskoj od 2005. do 2009. odnosi na hrvatske Srbe.