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Nekoliko linkova i vijesti vezano uz Palestinu/Izrael:
Gideon Levy: Does Zionism legitimize every act of violence?
The Israeli left is dead. For the past nine years it took the name of the peace camp in vain. The Labor Party, Meretz and Kadima had pretensions of speaking in its name, but that was trickery and deceit. Labor and Kadima made two wars and continued to build Jewish settlements in the West Bank; Meretz supported both wars. Peace has been left an orphan. The Israeli voters, who have been misled into thinking that there is no one to talk to and that the only answer to this is force - wars, targeted killings and settlements - have had their say clearly in the election: a closing sale for Labor and Meretz. It was only the force of inertia that gave these parties the few votes they won. There was no reason for it to be otherwise. After many long years when hardly any protest came from the left, and the city square, the same square that raged after Sabra and Chatila, was silent, this lack of protest has been reflected at the ballot box as well. Lebanon, Gaza, the killed children, cluster bombs, white phosphorus and all the atrocities of occupation - none of this drove the indifferent, cowardly left onto the street.
Joel Kovel fired from Bard College for anti-Zionism
Joel Kovel, američki sveučilišni profesor, autor i aktivist židovskog podrijetla, nakon isteka svog ugovora u ljeto ove godine, bit će otpušten sa svog radnog mjesta, jer je u svojim člancima, knjizi i predavanjima kritizirao cionizam. Uprava Bard Collegea, na kojem Kovel trenutno predaje, svoju odluku da mu ne produlji ugovor pravda procjenom njegova rada u čijoj je izradi sudjelovao najmanje 1 vatreni pro-cionistički aktivist i koja je donesena na temelju političkih, a ne profesionalnih, kriterija, s ciljem cenzure i gušenja slobode govora i onemogućavanja otvorene javne rasprave o situaciji u Izraelu/Palestini i izraelsko-američkim odnosima u SAD-u.
Palestine: Another Massacre
Given below, is a list of some of the massacres committed by the Zionists since 1947: ... Before sundown on Thursday, September 16, 1982, the storming of the camps began. The massacre itself, which was carried out by the Lebanese kata’ib (Falangist) militia, continued for approximately 36 hours. During the operation, the Israeli army surrounded the camps, preventing anyone from entering or leaving. In addition, the occupation soldiers set off incandescent bombs by night to facilitate the militia's mission. The Zionist soldiers also provided other logistical services to the Maronite militiamen during the massacre. Information about the massacre began to leak out after a number of children and women fled to the Gaza hospital in the Shatila camp, where they informed doctors of what was happening. News of the massacre likewise reached some foreign journalists on Friday morning, September 17, 1982. The bloodletting went on until noon on Saturday, September 18. Three thousand two hundred ninety-seven (3,297) men, women and children were killed within forty hours, between September 16-18, 1982. Among the dead bodies, 136 Lebanese were found; 1,800 victims were killed in the streets and alleys of the camp, while 1,097 were killed in the Gaza Hospital and 400 others in the Akka Hospital.
Ramzy Baroud: Gaza: The Untold Story
Conquerors came and went, and Gaza stood where it still stands today. This was the recurring lesson for generations, even millennia. Ancient Egyptians came and went, as did the Hyksos, the Assyrians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Ottomans, the British, and now the Israelis. And through it all, Gaza stood strong and defiant. Neither Alexander the Great's bloody conquest of 332 BC, nor Alexander Janneus's brutal attack of 96 BC broke Gaza's spirit or took away from its eternal grandeur. It always rose again to reach a degree of civilianisation unheard of, as it did in the 5th century AD.
Who profits?
Stranice izraelske koalicije mirovnih udruga Women for Peace čije aktivistice razotkrivaju informacije o izraelskim i međunarodnim tvrtkama koje profitiraju od izraelske ilegalne okupacije i kolonizacije palestinskih područja.
VICTORY – Church of England Divested from Caterpillar
Engleska crkva divestirala iz Caterpillara
Engleska je crkva prošle godine povukla više od 2,2 milijuna britanskih funti iz Caterpillara, tvrtke čije buldožere i ostalu opremu izraelska vlada koristi za uništavanje palestinskih domova.
Strah hrvatske, slovenske i NATO-ove političke elite od referenduma u Sloveniji je poprilično neshvatljiv. Ako je NATO udruženje država koje ga čine, a države su udruženja građana koje je čine, onda je valjda logično da građani biraju koja država (ili novo udruženje građana) mogu pristupiti tome savezu. To bi bila demokracija i to ona u kojoj građani donose odluke, pa makar one i ne bile drage njihovoj političkoj eliti. Hrvatska politička elita drugačije je shvatila cijelu stvar, očito onako kako se ona shvaća u međunarodnim političkim krugovima te je građanstvu zabranila birati o svojem ulasku u NATO. Da se građanstvo ne bi zajebalo i obrukalo državu pred svijetom, kao što bi to sada moglo napraviti slovensko građanstvo.