subota, 25. kolovoza 2012.
Neke informacije, linkovi - Palestina/Izrael
Foreign Press Association demands investigation of incident in which soldiers beat journalists
Udruženje stranih novinara (FPA) zahtijeva istragu incidenta u kojem su vojnici tukli novinare (20. kolovoz 2012.)
Udruženje stranih novinara (FPA) je kontaktiralo ured izraelskog premijera i izraelsku vojsku i zatražilo trenutačnu istragu incidenta u kojem su strani i palestinski novinari koji su pratili prosvjed protiv konfiskacije zemlje u Kufr Kadumu u blizini kolonističkog naselja Kedumima pretučeni palicama u petak (17. kolovoza). Na video snimci incidenta vide se vojnici koji novinare pozivaju da stanu i približavaju im se s palicama, te zatim nekolicinu od njih udaraju. Jedan fotograf AFP-a je ozlijeđen i morala mu je biti pružena liječnička pomoć. U oštrom obraćanju izraelskim vlastima FPA je zatražilo „trenutačnu i javnu akciju od strane samoproglašene 'jedine demokracije na Srednjem istoku' nakon unaprijed smišljenog udaranja jasno označenih i prepoznatljivih medijskih djelatnika od strane izraelskih obrambenih snaga.“ U FPA-u su ponašanje vojnika usporedili s ponašanjem razbojnika i prizorima koje smo navikli gledati prilikom pada diktatura. Zatražili su od izraelskih vlasti da kazne kriminalni napad vojnika. Iz FPA-a su dalje sa žaljenjem upozorili da ovo nije izolirani slučaj, već da se novinarima događa da budu privedeni, ponekad pretučeni i da im to onemogućava obavljanje njihovog posla. Iz izraelske vojske su poručili da su upoznati s incidentom i da ga vojni zapovjednici istražuju.
Month in Pictures: July 2012 (photos)
"I can't dictate methods of Palestinian struggle": Israeli boycott activist interviewed
In the long run, there would need to be a long educational process taking place here, in order to overcome the animosity between one society to another and especially in order to overcome issues relating to the brainwashed Israeli Jewish society. But at the same time that we work within our respective communities, there is an immediate short-term struggle taking place — the struggle for rights and the end of oppression — and it is this struggle that we are primarily fighting and this struggle that we are united in, the privileged and underprivileged demanding the same rights for all. This struggle is carried out from within, by different forms of resistance and mainly the popular struggle, which is few in numbers but is mostly focused on the symbolic aspect of the struggle. Every act of resistance, no matter how small, shows to the world how the oppressed people demand their inalienable rights and how these rights are being taken away from them by Israeli brutes. This struggle is about the hearts and minds of the common people abroad — and today Palestine has become the symbol for a resistance struggle. Yet the struggle is also carried out from outside Palestine/Israel and with full force. The BDS [boycott, divestment and sanctions] campaign, which is a Palestinian-led global movement demanding Palestinian rights, is the way in which every person from around the world can join the struggle. Since the EU and the US are lending full impunity to Israel in carrying out its crimes, it is left to us, the people, to demand that Israel abide by its obligations under international law and respect universally recognized human rights. Similarly to what happened in the struggle against the former case of apartheid, that in South Africa, more and more people from all over the world are taking part and taking action, echoing the same demand for the respect of Palestinian rights.
Jonathan Cook: EU, US race to reward Israel's massive human rights violations
EU i SAD se utrkuju tko će više nagraditi izraelska masovna kršenja ljudskih prava (30. srpanj 2012.)
Netanyahuova desničarska vlada do sada je za svog mandata prkosila međunarodnoj zajednici i vrijeđala strane čelnike, uključujući američkog predsjednika Obamu; kolonistima na okupiranim područjima praktički dala slobodu da čine što žele; blokirala mirovne pregovore s Palestincima; zastrašivala i marginalizirala udruge za ljudska prava, agencije UN-a, pa čak i izraelske sudove; te raspirivala val židovskog etničkog i vjerskog šovinizma usmjeren protiv palestinske manjine, stranih radnika i tražitelja azila. Stoga ne čudi što ispitanici u anketi za anketom Izrael ocjenjuju kao jednu od zemalja s najnegativnijim utjecajem na međunarodne odnose. Unatoč tome, što niže Izrael padne u očima javnosti, to zapadni čelnici svom samovoljnom savezniku velikodušnije dijele pomoć i posebne usluge. Sredinom srpnja otkriveno je da je Europska unija odobrila značajno unaprjeđenje izraelskog posebnog trgovinskog statusa, čime će se ojačati ekonomski odnosi u desetcima različitih područja. Amnesty International upozorio je da EU krši vlastite obveze svoje politike europskog susjedstva koja zahtijeva da kao povlašteni trgovinski partner Izrael poštuje međunarodna ljudska prava, demokratske vrijednosti i svoje humanitarne obveze. EU se također priprema oboriti sve izgledniji konsenzus o zabrani proizvoda iz kolonističkih naselja, jedinu smislenu kaznu kojom je EU prijetila Izraelu. Izrael je za to vrijeme najavio da namjerava srušiti 8 sela na Zapadnoj obali i protjerati 1500 palestinskih stanovnika kako bi to područje pretvorio u zonu za vojnu obuku. Pod prijetnjom rušenja je još 4 drugih sela. Protjerivanje njihovih stanovnika nova je potvrda da Izrael provodi „prisilni transfer“ Palestinaca, kako upozoravaju nedavna izvješća EU-a, iz gotovo 2/3 Zapadne obale pod izraelskom kontrolom. Poslovanje između EU-a i Izraela trenutno pokriva oko 60% izraelske trgovine, u vrijednosti od gotovo 30 milijardi eura. No umjesto da iskoristi mogućnost ekonomskog pritiska i kazni Izrael zbog stalnog gaženja i najmanjeg izgleda za rješenje sukoba uspostavom 2 država, EU ga velikodušno nagrađuje. SAD također Izrael obasipa ekonomskim povlasticama i vojnom opremom, te milijardama dolara pomoći svake godine. Predsjednik Obama je u srpnju potpisao novi zakon koji uvelike proširuje vojnu suradnju s Izraelom i dodjeljuje 70 milijuna američkih dolara - povrh već postojeće donacije u iznosu od 210 milijuna američkih dolara - za razvoj Željezne kupole, obrambenog proturaketnog sustava; Pentagon je natjerao Lockheed Martin na suradnju s izraelskim tvrtkama u prepravljanju novih borbenih zrakoplova F-35; a Kongres je odobrio produljenje kreditnih jamstava od 4 godine kako bi Izrael mogao jeftinije posuđivati novac na međunarodnom tržištu. Suparnički kandidat za predsjednika SAD-a na predstojećim izborima, Mitt Romney, je pak kritizirao Obamu da škrtari kad je u pitanju Izrael. Romney se, stojeći rame uz rame s Netanyahuom u Jeruzalemu u nedjelju, 29. srpnja, u svojoj izjavi za javnost založio da američka vlada potroši još više novca američkih poreznih obveznika na izraelski proturaketni sustav. Sva ova darežljivost dolazi od 2 dominantne članice Kvarteta - međunarodne skupine koja se sastoji od SAD-a, EU-a, UN-a i Rusije - čija je uloga promicati upravo ono rješenje sukoba uspostavom 2 države koje se Izrael zdušno trsi uništiti. Svjetska banka je u svom srpanjskom izvještaju o stanju palestinskog gospodarstva zaključila kako je situacija toliko loša da se Palestinsku samoupravu ne može smatrati spremnom za neovisnu državnost. U izvještaju se navodi da su Palestinci uvelike ovisni o stranim donatorima i da su poslovanje privatnih tvrtki, poljoprivreda i proizvodnja u padu. Praveći se tupa Svjetska banka je Palestinskoj samoupravi preporučila da poveća izvoz na strana tržišta, prešutjevši najveću prepreku takvoj trgovini: oštra ograničenja kretanja ljudi i roba u i iz okupirane Zapadne obale i Pojasa Gaze koja nameće Izrael. Za to vrijeme, neki američki kongresnici navodno su svojim imenima poduprli rezoluciju Kongresa kojom bi se priznao nedavni izvještaj izraelskog kontroverznog Levyjevog odbora koji zaključuje kako Izrael ne okupira Zapadnu obalu i kako su stoga kolonistička naselja legalna.
"After Zionism" puts forth debates on one-state solution
After Zionism: One State for Israel and Palestine is a new collection of essays edited by Antony Loewenstein and Ahmed Moor. It is important to start by saying that this is an important and timely book, a significant contribution to the literature on the one-state/two-state debate and a useful reader on the main arguments and strands of support for one-statism.
The future of Palestine's grassroots struggle: Nilin activist Saeed Amireh interviewed
“They don't want to kill and massacre us as they did in 1948, the Nakba, and the Naksa,” Amireh said, referring to the dispossession of historic Palestine with the establishment of the state of Israel, and the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza following the 1967 war. “They just want to kill the source of existence for the people, so that the people leave on their own.” In Palestine, where agriculture is the main industry, that means preventing people from working their lands. Amireh added that the population of Nilin — located in Area C of the West Bank, meaning that it is under full Israeli military control — has greatly diminished as a result of Israeli colonization and oppression. The current “total inhabitants is about 5,000 of a total of 12,000 because there are 7,000 who have left the village since 1967,” emigrating to nearby towns or further afield in Germany, where the Palestinian diplomatic representative is from Nilin and a relative of Amireh. “Our village land was more than 58,000 dunums and now we have just 8,000 dunums” as a result of the five settlement colonies surrounding the village and Israel's wall and roads for settlement use only.
Israeli lies unchecked, Palestinian perspectives censored on BBC
“If the Israeli embassy phones in, there's a vast disparity of power [compared] to if a Palestinian activist calls in. They take Israeli calls very seriously, and critical stories about Israel get shot down through official pressure and the fear of official pressure. These are very powerful lobbyists — people know their careers can be broken.” The result of all this is obvious bias shown against the Palestinians in the BBC's broadcasts, whether it is by the complete omission of their story, the editing of comments which dare to mention their oppression, or the constant, relentless foisting of the Israeli narrative onto the audience.
Russell Tribunal on Palestine - Video of London Proceedings
Video snimke zasjedanja Russellovog suda za Palestinu u Londonu 2010.
Video snimke zasjedanja Russellovog suda za Palestinu u Londonu 2010. o upletenosti, odgovornosti i suučesništvu izraelskih i multinacionalnih tvrtki i korporacija u kršenjima ljudskih prava na okupiranom palestinskom području.
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Bogus allegations of "anti-Semitism" create real climate of fear for Arab, Muslim students in US
Tom Pessah of Students for Justice in Palestine at UC Berkeley was concerned that the campus climate report on Jewish students has received more attention than actual human rights abuses in Palestine. “This is the main issue,” Pessah said. “Some people [think] that the way Israel is being talked about on campus is much more important than people not having access to clean water or medical supplies, or being in jail without trial for years. All of these issues we are trying to raise aren't receiving as much attention as the campus climate report.” Furthermore, Pessah added, “there's a consistent effort to divert attention from what the facts are to how people feel.” In the climate report, the authors give a lot of attention to the specific terminology used by Palestine solidarity activists to describe Israeli policy — such as apartheid, the Nakba (the forced displacement of more than 750,000 Palestinians during Israel's foundation) and ethnic cleansing. “The counter-argument, given some kind of official sanction in this report,” Pessah said, “is that you can't actually use those words, because someone's going to get upset. And I think that that's a very un-academic way of going about it — you don't need to deal with actual facts and arguments that people are making, because it might upset you. This is an aberration of the whole academic environment.” The report's authors, Pessah pointed out, initially note — correctly — that the Jewish community has a diversity of opinions about Israeli policy. But in the recommendations section toward the end, the authors “report that most Jewish students feel that their identity is related to Israel and they feel that any criticism of Israel is an attack on Israel and an attack on their identity … And suddenly, where before we had a diversity of opinion, now there's just one correct opinion, which happens to be the ADL [Anti-Defamation League] line,” Pessah added. “It's an organization with an agenda, and this agenda shows right through in the report,” he said. “They're using their image as a protector against anti-Jewish racism, which is a great cause, to bring forward this Zionist agenda, which is not consensual, and which amplifies voices of certain students above others.”