
Kapitalizam - financijski terorizam + FOTOGALERIJA!
Nekoliko stotina ljudi okupilo se danas u 13 sati na Zrinjevcu kako bi obilježili Europski dan akcije protiv kapitalizma. ... "Dok jedni uvećavaju svoj kapital i političku moć, život drugih postaje sve nesigurniji, siromaštvo raste, a društvene podjele su sve veće. Destruktivna logika kapitalizma bit će reproducirana dokle god joj se ne odupremo", naglasili su organizatori.
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Izložba podrške u Dalmacijavinu + FOTOGALERIJA!
Tribinu pred tvornicom Dalmacijavina vodio je Antej Jelenić koji je rekao da u Hrvatskoj i svijetu radnicima upravljaju elite i tajkuni kojima je jedini cilj profit, a princip radničkog upravljanja već zaživljava u svijetu kao otpor vladajućim elitama. Sindikalni povjerenik iz Dalmacijavina Lukica Bucat istaknuo je kako ni sadašnja ni bivša vlada nisu željele prihvatiti rješavanje problema firme po načelu radničkog dioničarstva, a predsjednik Nezavisnog sindikata Jadrankamena Tonči Drpić je dodao da ta tvrtka može proizvoditi 95 posto kamena u Hrvatskoj umjesto odlaska u stečaj. Najavio je borbu svim silama protiv stečajnog postupka i formiranje kriznog menadžmenta.
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Snimka tribine "Kriza kapitalizma - kapitalizam u krizi", 28.3.2012. (video)
Cijela snimka tribine zajedno s raspravom odnosno dijelom s pitanjima i komentarima iz publike i odgovorima na kraju.
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Šegvić: Pozivam radnike na jedinstvo u borbi protiv neoliberalnog kapitalizma
»Pozivam sve građane na solidarnost, a radnike na jedinstvo u borbi protiv neoliberalnog kapitalizma na hrvatski način. Ovo što se sada događa, a nema dana da neka tvrtka ne završi u stečaju, najbolje pokazuje na čiju se stranu svrstala hrvatska vlada. Apsurdno je da jedna socijaldemokratska i narodnjačka vlada staje na stranu krupnog kapitala i da nas još uvjerava kako je to jedini ispravni put«, poručio je u nedjelju čelnik Nezavisnog sindikata u Brodosplitu Zvonko Šegvić. Istu poruku poslali su i sindikalni vođe Dalmacijavina, Jadrankamena i Adriachema, koji su zatražili od Vlade da zaustavi pokrenute stečajne postupke umjesto kojih bi se proveo model radničkog dioničarstva.
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Report of the independent international commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
15. The Syrian Arab Republic has a population of 22 million, of whom 74 per cent Sunni Muslim, 10 per cent Alawite, 3 per cent other Shia Muslim, 10 per cent Christian and 3 per cent Druze. Major ethnic minorities include Kurdish, Assyrian, Armenian, Turkmen and Circassian populations. The Al Assad family belongs to the Alawite religious community. While comprising only 10 per cent of the population, Alawites today make up the majority in the key positions of the State apparatus, including the officer corps of the armed forces, the Republican Guard and the Fourth Division.
16. In 1982, severe human rights violations occurred in the context of an uprising by the Muslim Brotherhood in the city of Hama. In an attack by Syrian forces, several neighbourhoods of the city were shelled and destroyed, and between 10,000 and 25,000 people are estimated to have been killed, most of them civilians. These documented mass killings and numerous violations of human rights remain unpunished.
17. During the past four decades, suspected opponents of the Government have suffered torture, detention and long prison sentences imposed under vaguely defined crimes relating to political activity. Surveillance and suppression has been conducted by an extensive apparatus of intelligence, the mukhabarat. Decades of tight control of freedom of expression, as well as surveillance and persecution of opponents, have severely limited political life and the constitution of an autonomous civil society.
41. According to individual testimonies, including those of defectors who have acknowledged their role in policing and quelling the protests, State forces shot indiscriminately at unarmed protestors. Most were shot in the upper body, including in the head. Defectors from military and security forces told the commission that they had received orders to shoot at unarmed protesters without warning. ...
42. The commission received several testimonies indicating that military and security forces and Shabbiha militias had planned and conducted joint operations with "shoot to kill" orders to crush demonstrations. Such operations were conducted in the centre of Al Ladhiqiyah around Sheikh Daher Square in early April, and also in the Ramel suburb of Al Ladhiqiyah on 13 and 14 August. During the latter incident, at least 20 people, including children, were reportedly killed. In other incidents, officers ordered their personnel to attack protesters without warning, hitting them with batons.
43. ... "Our commanding officer told us that there were armed conspirators and terrorists attacking civilians and burning Government buildings. We went into Telbisa on that day. We did not see any armed group. The protestors called for freedom. They carried olive branches and marched with their children. We were ordered to either disperse the crowd or eliminate everybody, including children. The orders were to fire in the air and immediately after to shoot at people. No time was allowed between one action and the other. We opened fire; I was there. We used machine guns and other weapons. There were many people on the ground, injured or killed."
44. ... For example, on 29 April, thousands of people walked from nearby villages to the town of Dar'a to bring food, water and medicine to the local population. When they reached the Sayda residence complex, they were ambushed by security forces. More than 40 people were reportedly killed, including women and children.
48. Several defectors witnessed the killing of their comrades who refused to execute orders to fire at civilians. A number of conscripts were allegedly killed by security forces on 25 April in Dar'a during a large-scale military operation. The soldiers in the first row were given orders to aim directly at residential areas, but chose to fire in the air to avoid civilian casualties. Security forces posted behind shot them for refusing orders, thus killing dozens of conscripts.
50. A number of cases was documented of injured people who were taken to military hospitals, where they were beaten and tortured during interrogation. Torture and killings reportedly took place in the Homs Military Hospital by security forces dressed as doctors and allegedly acting with the complicity of medical personnel. As people became afraid of going to public hospitals, makeshift clinics were set up in mosques and private houses, which also became targets. This was the case of the Omari Mosque in Dar'a, which was raided on 23 March. Several of the injured and some medical personnel were killed there.
62. Children were also tortured, some to death. Two well-known cases are those of Thamir Al Sharee, aged 14, and Hamza Al Katheeb, aged 13, from the town of Sayda in the Dar'a governorate. They were seized and allegedly taken to an Air Force Intelligence facility in Damascus in April. They did not return home alive. The injuries described in the post-mortem report of Thamir Al Sharee are consistent with torture. A witness, himself a victim of torture, claimed to have seen Thamir Al Sharee on 3 May. The witness stated that "the boy was lying on the floor and was completely blue. He was bleeding profusely from his ear, eyes and nose. He was shouting and calling for his mother and father for help. He fainted after being hit with a rifle butt on the head."
64. Defectors were tortured because they attempted to spare civilians either surreptitiously or by openly refusing to obey orders. ...
67. Testimonies were received from several men who stated they had been anally raped with batons and that they had witnessed the rape of boys. One man stated that he witnessed a 15-year-old boy being raped in front of his father. A 40-year-old man saw the rape of an 11-year-old boy by three security services officers. He stated: "I have never been so afraid in my whole life. And then they turned to me and said; you are next." The interviewee was unable to continue his testimony. One 20-year-old university student told the commission that he was subjected to sexual violence in detention, adding that "if my father had been present and seen me, I would have had to commit suicide". Another man confided while crying, "I don't feel like a man any more".
70. Witnesses informed the commission that children (mostly boys) were killed or injured by beatings or shooting during demonstrations in several locations across the country, including Sayda, Dar'a, Idlib, Hama, Homs, Sarmeen Al Ladhiqiyah and Dayr Az Zawr. Reliable sources indicated that 256 children had been killed by State forces as at 9 November. ...
71. One military defector stated that he decided to defect after witnessing the shooting of a 2-year-old girl in Al Ladhiqiyah on 13 August by an officer who affirmed that he did not want her to grow into a demonstrator. ...
72. Numerous accounts from former detainees indicated the presence of children, some younger than 10, in detention centres in various locations run by the military and security forces. Torture was reportedly applied equally to adults and children. Several former detainees informed the commission that young boys were tortured at the Air Force Intelligence detention facilities in and around Damascus, in intelligence detention facilities in Tartus and in Political Security and Military Intelligence detention facilities in Al Ladhiqiyah and Idlib. One defector stated that "people had their feet and hands bound with plastic handcuffs. They were beaten mercilessly, including 10-year-old children. Some children urinated out of fear while they were being beaten. It was very cruel."
73. Numerous testimonies indicated that boys were subjected to sexual torture in places of detention in front of adult men.
108. ... The commission is thus gravely concerned that crimes against humanity of murder, torture, rape or other forms of sexual violence of comparable gravity, imprisonment or other severe deprivation of liberty, enforced disappearances of persons and other inhumane acts of a similar character have occurred in different locations in the country since March 2011, including, but not limited to, Damascus, Dar'a, Duma, Hama, Homs, Idlib and along the borders.
Anti NATO protest in Brussels/NATO Game Over 01.04.2012 (video)