
Izvor: Mail to Irish and Canadian Government - release of FreedomWaves passengers
Većina aktivista koja je prošli tjedan sudjelovala u „Valovima slobode“ – pokušaju proboja izraelske blokade Pojasa Gaze 2 brodovima (irskim Saoirse i kanadskim Tahrir ) - još su uvijek u izraelskom zatvoru. Pošaljite poruku irskoj i kanadskoj vladi i zatražite da učine sve što mogu kako bi aktivisti bili odmah oslobođeni.
Poruka na engleskom (koju možete kopirati, dopuniti ili napisati vlastitu):
Dear Minister,
As a common citizen of the world, very concerned about human rights violations, I am asking you to do all that you can so that all passengers of "Freedom Waves" humanitarian boats bound for Gaza can be released immediately.
Ime i prezime, grad, država
Adresa za Irsku:
Irski ministar vanjskih poslova
Eamon Gilmore TD
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Eire
E-mail: eamon.gilmore@oir.ie
Kopija: Izraelskom veleposlaniku u Irskoj
Cc: info@dublin.mfa.gov.il
Adresa za Kanadu:
Kanadska vlada
Canadian Government
E-mail: canadasite@canada.gc.ca
Kopija: Izraelskom veleposlaniku u Kanadi
Cc: info@ottawa.mfa.gov.il
Izvor: Mail to Irish and Canadian Government - release of FreedomWaves passengers
Resistance is fertile: Palestine's eco-war
They come from across the planet and meet in the shadow of Israel's 12m concrete wall. They strap olive saplings and water bottles to the back of a donkey, silent under its burden. Former police officers from Sweden, German punks, Australian conservationists, leftist activists from the US, South African priests, and a Celtic fringe of Welsh students join Israeli anarchists and Palestinian pacifists. These are the guerilla gardeners of the occupied West Bank. And it's a growing movement, with more than 120 international volunteers arriving in Bethlehem governorate alone to assist with this year's harvest.
Students protest Israeli spokesperson at Wayne State University (photo)
Turkish PM Erdogan: Why No UN Sanctions for Israel?
Turski premijer Erdogan: Zašto UN Izraelu ne nametne sankcije? (2. studeni 2011.)
Neke vijesti o međunarodnom bojkotu Izraela: U Finskoj je pokrenuta kampanja za otkazivanje novog ugovora o kupnji izraelskih bespilotnih letjelica. Finsko ministarstvo obrane je nedavno potpisalo ugovor o kupnji bespilotnih letjelica u suprotnosti s pravilima EU-a. To je potaklo finskog ministra vanjskih poslova Erkkija Tuomioju da se suprotstavi ostalim ministrima u vladi. Tuomioja je, govoreći o Izraelu, izjavio: „Niti jedna aparthejdska država nije opravdana ni održiva.“ Dok je bio u oporbi Tuomioja je potpisao peticiju koja je pozivala na prekid trgovine oružjem s Izraelom. Tuomioja bi kao ministar vanjskih poslova mogao tražiti suspenziju Sporazuma o pridruživanju između EU-a i Izraela, zahvaljujući kojem Izrael ima poseban pristup tržištima EU-a, ali pod uvjetom da poštuje ljudska prava. Zahvaljujući kampanjama bojkota tvrtka Alstom je, zbog sudjelovanja u izraelskom projektu lake željeznice u Jeruzalemu, ostala bez unosnog 10 milijardi američkih dolara vrijednog ugovora za drugu fazu saudijskog projekta izgradnje željezničke pruge Haramain kojom bi se povezale Meka i Medina. Nizozemska ASN Banka i švedski državni mirovinski fond AP7 dezinvestirali su iz Alstoma. Veolia, tvrtka koja je također uključena u jeruzalemski projekt, ostala je bez ugovora u vrijednosti od 12 milijardi američkih dolara zahvaljujući aktivizmu za bojkot Izraela u Švedskoj, Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, Irskoj i drugdje. Turski premijer Erdogan je u svom intervjuu za list Time postavio pitanje zbog čega se SAD zalaže za nametanje sankcija Iranu i Sudanu, ali su one tabu kad se radi o Izraelu. Dodao je da bi sankcije koje bi Izraelu nametnuo UN odavno riješile pitanje mira na Srednjem istoku. „Do današnjeg dana UN-ovo je Vijeće sigurnosti donijelo 89 rezolucija o mogućim sankcijama protiv Izraela, no one nikada nisu provedene u djelo“. Prema Erdoganu razlog zbog kojeg međunarodna zajednica Izraelu još uvijek nije nametnula sankcije je što Kvartet – koji uključuje Rusiju, SAD, EU i UN – nije istinski zainteresiran za rješavanje bliskoistočnog sukoba ili „bi već Izraelu nametnuli neke uvjete“.
Israel's Exceptionalism: Normalizing the Abnormal
In the Palestinian and Arab struggle against Israeli colonization, occupation and apartheid, the “normalization” of Israel is a concept that has generated controversy because it is often misunderstood or because there are disagreements on its parameters. This is despite the near consensus among Palestinians and people in the Arab region on rejecting the treatment of Israel as a “normal” state with which business as usual can be conducted. Here, we discuss the definition of normalization that the great majority of Palestinian civil society, as represented in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, has adopted since November 2007, and elaborate on the nuances that it takes on in different contexts. It is helpful to think of normalization as a “colonization of the mind,” whereby the oppressed subject comes to believe that the oppressor's reality is the only “normal” reality that must be subscribed to, and that the oppression is a fact of life that must be coped with. Those who engage in normalization either ignore this oppression, or accept it as the status quo that can be lived with. In an attempt to whitewash its violations of international law and human rights, Israel attempts to re-brand [1] itself, or present itself as normal -- even “enlightened” -- through an intricate array of relations and activities encompassing hi-tech, cultural, legal, LGBT and other realms.
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AIC video: African-Palestinian community in Jerusalem
Al-Aseifar and Susy – By David Shulman
Two things strike you immediately, closely followed by a familiar third. The first is the sheer brazenness of the theft—or, rather, of the thief, who stands before you jeering, smug, sure of his power, eager to hurt. He has already taken some 95% of your family's land, and now he bullies his way into the tiny patch that is left in order to harass you and humiliate you further, for this evidently gives him joy. Then there is the pure racism, purer perhaps than what one sees anywhere else in the world today. The thief regards you as barely human, an object capable only of feeling pain, though he needs you as his victim, for without you he is incomplete, profoundly frustrated, lonely, unfulfilled. Thus the settler in his Shabbat white, a huge knitted skullcap on his head, takes a pebble and holds it out on his fingertips to a Palestinian woman from Susya as he clucks his tongue at her, beckoning her, teasing her, as one would a dog, then tosses the pebble at her in contempt, as one throws a dog a biscuit, and he laughs. I saw him do it this morning in Susya, and I wasn't the only witness. The third thing is the system that protects the thief and ensures that no harm will come to him and that he will never be punished, for the system is built upon his theft. ... They begin, as usual, by arresting, more or less at random, an elderly Palestinian gentleman, whom they spirit away to a makeshift holding area among the trees. By now a second Ta'ayush contingent has arrived, a large group. Amiel strides straight into the battle zone and, within seconds, is arrested and handcuffed; as always, he is calm, self-possessed, and unafraid, but the Border Police officer tells him he is resisting arrest and will suffer the consequences. Why, one wonders, should the officer want to lie? No one touches the rampaging settlers. ... He spent 24 hours in one of the ugliest lock-ups in the country, handcuffed and footcuffed much of the time. When they finally brought him before a judge, the latter could find no evidence of any possible violation that could be attributed to this man, but the judge fined him anyway with a 5000-shekel “bond”– a huge sum of money for a Palestinian family of small-scale farmers– and also ruled that he could not approach his fields for 14 days. ... how can anyone, man or woman, steal such a field and then stand before the true owner and lie shamelessly to his face? I'm 62 years old and I don't understand, will clearly never understand. I can imagine greed, in all its cruelty and obsession, can even find it in myself, but that brazen lie, eye to eye, troubles me—that and the ruthless assault on the goodness that the earth offers those who care for it. Anyway I've been thinking about truth and its intrinsic worth, and the value of the moral act, even if it goes unnoticed. It is so easy to say in a wishful, or hopeful, romantic way that truth—speaking truth– will necessarily leave a mark on the world. Is there a deeper, tougher way to think about it? I indulge the romantic notion, no question. And yet to stand up to the lie, even for a moment, even on the simplest and lowliest level, surely heals some small abrasion in the body of a wounded world. Israel today is ruled by lies, beginning with most everything the Prime Minister says and moving down the scale through his ministers and members of his cabinet to infect large parts of the press and the army and the courts and thence to the soldiers who man the checkpoints and the policeman who arrested Mahmud and the Border Police who arrested Amiel today, on and on downwards all the way to a Hell entirely of our own making.
violence policiere indignes defence UNCUT (video)