
Report: Brazil's military ties with Israel (English and Portuguese)
This 31 pages report details the active support of the Brazilian state for the Israeli arms industry as well as the Israeli interests in and profits from Brazil's military and defense industry. It finally confronts these realities with the framework of economic, legal and political interests and obligations of Brazil.
Palestinian Students Call on their European Peers to Boycott Israeli Apartheid
There was no negotiating with such oppression based on race – there was only one word: BOYCOTT. Just as students around the world were banning Barclays bank from campuses for their investment in South African Apartheid in the 1980s, this year we call on you to take similar steps to end Israel's systematic brutality. To say, "We will no longer be complicit!", in the decades of ethnic cleansing, military occupation, medieval blockade that has lead to so much tragedy and broken dreams for our youth and students.
Police forcibly prevent public from attending SJP event at University of Pittsburgh
Officials at the University of Pittsburgh attempted to shut down a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) event featuring slam poet Remi Kanazi and journalist Joseph Dana on 2 November, according to student organizers. The university police also forcibly prevented members of the public who had taken part in an Occupy Pittsburgh march from attending the event.
Violent tactics by Israel almost sunk Gaza-bound boats
Zbog izraelskih nasilničkih taktika humanitarni brodovi za Gazu su skoro potonuli (6. studeni 2011.)
Prema tvrdnjama aktivista, koji su se 6. studenog još uvijek nalazili u izraelskom zatvoru, humanitarni brodovi Tahrir iz Kanade i Saoirse iz Irske zamalo su potopljeni zbog nasilnih taktika koje je koristila izraelska vojska. Brodovi su se sudarili za vrijeme izraelske 3-satne operacije, jer ih je vojska polijevala vodom iz vodenih topova. Koordinator irskog broda za Gazu, Fintan Lane, je izjavio da su izraelske snage brodove polijevale vodom i uperile oružje u putnike. Zbog polijevanja vodom Lane je skliznuo po stepenicama broda, porazbijani su prozori, a most broda se skoro zapalio. Lane je izjavio da su izraelske snage ugrozile živote putnika, dodajući da su Izraelci najprije htjeli brodove ostaviti na otvorenom moru, no oteti putnici su zahtijevali da brodovi ne ostanu na moru jer bi mogli nestati i potonuti. Paul Murphy, zastupnik u Europskom parlamentu i također jedan od putnika, u 3-minutnom je telefonskom pozivu iz izraelskog zatvora, koji su nadzirale zatvorske vlasti, izjavio da je irski brod skoro potonuo zbog načina na koji mu se izraelska mornarica približila i ukrcala se na njega. „Ljudima su stavljeni okovi i oduzete su im osobne stvari. U zatvoru Givon su nas pokušali dezorijentirati onemogućujući nam da spavamo i oduzimajući nam ručne satove, dok je zatvorski sat pokazivao netočno vrijeme. … Uskraćeno nam je pravo koje imamo prema izraelskom zakonu da kontaktiramo svoje obitelji u roku od 24 sata od našeg uhićenja.“, dodao je. David Heap, 45-godišnji Kanađanin s broda Tahrir je napadnut električnim oružjem i zadobio je modrice zbog grubog postupanja prema njemu.
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Video: Mass walkout at Wayne State leaves "IDF" spokesman lecturing to empty room
Video: Studenti masovno napustili predavanje glasnogovornika izraelske vojske na sveučilištu Wayne u Detroitu (7. studeni 2011.)
Studenti sveučilišta Wayne u Detroitu organizirali su 1. studenog 2011. tihi prosvjed i masovno napuštanje predavanja glasnogovornika izraelske vojske u pričuvi i dopisnika Jerusalem Posta Gila Hoffmana. Snimku prosvjeda možete pogledati na linku.
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Palestine takes its place in the global farmers' struggle
The “Farmers, rural workers and fishermen's conference: Building Via Campesina in Palestine,” which took place in early November, aimed to create an international network of farmers to support the Palestinian farmers' struggle against the occupation and continued confiscation of land. Held in Al Arroub College, inside the Al Arroub refugee camp in the Hebron district, the conference focused on building both short and long-term strategies to support the popular struggle in Palestine.
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The international appeal of the Palestinian struggle
With the expansion and diversification of international solidarity movements, new methods and tools have been developed. It is a holistic movement that covers the fields of politics, culture, development, and society. Actions include, solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners, protecting the olive harvest, rebuilding homes destroyed by the Occupation, replanting trees that have been uprooted or incinerated, marketing Palestinian products, escorting Palestinian children to school to protect them against settlers' aggression, digging water wells, hosting theatre and music festivals, meetings, making drawings and solidarity mottos in all world languages to cover the Apartheid Wall, and even praying. Add to this, the boycotting of Israeli products and other sanctions that try to pressure upon Israel to put an end to the Occupation and to the policies of settlement expansion and confiscation of Palestinian land.
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Remembrance in Beit Hanoun
On November 8, 2006 at six in the morning the Israeli army began shelling Beit Hanoun. The shells landed on the houses of the A'athamnah and the Kafarnah families. Not just one shell, the shelling continued for fifteen minutes. Round after round fell on their houses. Nineteen people were killed, nine children, four women and six men. The youngest was only a baby of a couple of months, the oldest a 73 year old woman. Forty more people were injured. They were all civilians, not even the Israeli army bothers to claim that they were armed; they were sleeping in their beds.
Ben Gurion University Punishes Professor for Resisting Military Service in Territories, Death Threats Against Peace Now Activist
Sveučilište Ben Gurion kaznilo profesora zbog odbijanja služenja vojske na okupiranom području, Prijetnje smrću aktivistici udruge Peace Now (8. studeni 2011.)
Predsjednica sveučilišta Ben Gurion Rivka Carmi odlučila je kazniti profesora Idana Landaua jer je odbio kao rezervist služiti vojsku na okupiranom području. Zbog toga što je tjedan dana proveo u vojnom zatvoru, sveučilište mu je plaću smanjilo za 50%. Landau, koji predaje strane jezike, je izjavio da će potražiti drugog poslodavca koji će više odgovarati njegovim vrijednostima. Rivka Carmi je prethodno također profesoru Neveu Gordonu zbog podrške bojkotu Izraela rekla da on ne bi trebao predavati na Ben Gurionu, jer je to u svojim temeljima „cionistička“ institucija, te ga optužila da je počinio „izdaju“. … Aktivistica udruge Peace Now, Hagit Ofran, po drugi je put bila žrtvom kolonističkih ekstremista koji su na njenoj zgradi ispisali njeno ime i prijetnju smrću. Pozvonili su joj na interfon i zastrašivali je lažnom prijetnjom da se pred njenim vratima nalazi bomba koja će eksplodirati za 10 minuta. Ofran je pozvala policiju i zgrada je evakuirana.
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Tears of Gaza (video)
Norveški dokumentarni film o djeci koja su preživjela izraelsku brutalnu agresiju na Pojas Gaze u prosincu 2008./siječnju 2009. Film je na arapskom s engleskim titlovima.
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