Par linkova za Palestinu/Izrael:
HeidelbergCement tries to sell West Bank mines as legal, boycott pressures grow
HeidelbergCement upleten u kršenja međunarodnog prava na Okupiranom palestinskom području (13. srpanj 2009.)
Tvrtka u vlasništvu transnacionalne korporacije HeidelbergCement, Hanson Israel, upravlja kamenolomom na okupiranoj Zapadnoj obali. Izraelska organizacija za ljudska prava Yesh Din zatražila je u ožujku 2009. zaustavljanje svih ilegalnih aktivnosti u kamenolomima na Zapadnoj obali, uključujući u kamenolomu Nahal Raba kojim upravlja Hanson Israel. Hanson također posjeduje dvije tvornice betona u ilegalnim naseljima Modiin Illit i Atarot, te tvornicu asfalta u ilegalnom naselju Elqana. Transnacionalne korporacije poput HeidelbergCementa prema međunarodnom su pravu obvezne poštivati međunarodna pravila koja uređuju korporativnu odgovornost u odnosu na poštivanje ljudskih prava. Hansonove tvornice betona i asfalta na Okupiranom palestinskom području – baš kao i izraelska naselja – predstavljaju kršenje međunarodnog prava. HeidelbergCement je, kroz djelovanje Hanson Israela na okupiranoj Zapadnoj obali, upleten u izraelska kršenja međunarodnog prava. Početkom 2008. nizozemska je ASN banka dezinvestirala iz irske građevinske tvrtke Cement Roadstone Holding (CRH), koja je konkurent HeidelbergCementu. CRH je vlasnik 25% izraelske grupe Mashav, čija tvrtka Nesher Cement dobavlja cement za gradnju izraelskog ilegalnog Zida, kontrolnih točaka i ilegalnih naselja na okupiranom palestinskom području. Čini se da HeidelbergCement pokušava prodati svoju izraelsku podružnicu. Navodno su u svibnju grupe Mashav i Engelinvest pokazale zanimanje za kupnju Hanson Israela. Ako Mashav kupi Hanson, irska tvrtka CRH može očekivati pojačani pritisak da dezinvestira iz grupe Mashav.
"Transnational corporations and other business enterprises," the UN norms state, also specifically "have the obligation to promote, secure the fulfillment of, respect, ensure respect of and protect human rights recognized in international as well as national law, including the rights and interests of indigenous peoples and other vulnerable groups." Hanson Israel's concrete and asphalt plants in the OPT -- just like the Israeli settlements -- are contrary to international law. Israel's mining of Palestinian natural resources, mainly for the Israeli market, also violates international law. Through Hanson Israel's operations in the occupied West Bank, HeidelbergCement is involved in Israel's violations of international law and the company acts against the rights and interest of the indigenous Palestinian people. The UN Norms for transnational corporations are an authoritative guide to corporate social responsibility.
"Who will hold us accountable?"
Coming from Lebanon to Gaza initially seemed surreal. Larnaca, Cyprus was the checkpoint, and the sea was the road to Palestine. In the beginning, breaking the siege was all that came to mind. It was almost three years to the medieval, hermetic siege that the apartheid state of Israel had imposed on Gaza's million and a half residents. All I thought of then was: Israel, the occupation, the monster. But, the monster, as I later became aware, was not one but many, who were all devouring the souls of Palestinians in Gaza. The official Arab regimes were sharing the crimes that Israel was committing. These regimes, especially Egypt, are not complicit -- their participation is direct, clear, observable, noticeable, felt and lived directly, and therefore has transcended complicity into direct participation. ... It is the experience of every Palestinian. I became a Gazan -- I am now a refugee, a prisoner. I am now, as El-Haddad explained, holding a passport "that allows no passage. A passport that denied me entry ... to mark me, brand me, so that I am easily identified and cast aside without questions; it is convenient for those giving the orders. It is a system for the collective identification of those with no identification."