petak, 17. srpnja 2009.

DANAS: Prosvjed protiv Zakona o medicinskoj oplodnji

Preuzeto s RODA-ine stranice:

Udruge RODA i BETA pozivaju sve građane i građanke da nam se pridruže na prosvjedu danas, petak 17. srpnja 2009. u 18 sati u Zagrebu na Trgu Francuske Republike i u brojnim gradovima u Hrvatskoj kako bi poručili saborskim zastupnicima koji su danas izglasali Zakon o medicinskoj oplodnji – SRAM VAS BILO!

Tom prilikom će u isto vrijeme u Rodinom gnijezdu, Čanićeva 14, biti održana konferencija za medije.

Danas je Hrvatska dobila najrestriktivniji zakon o medicinski potpomognutoj oplodnji u Europi, zakon kojim su poniženi svi građani koji imaju problema s neplodnosti, koji ugrožava njihovo zdravlje i njihova reproduktivna prava.

Pozivamo sve vas, sve roditelje, zainteresiranu javnost, sve političare i političarke koji su ovih dana predlagali povlačenje Zakona, sve predstavnike/ce medija, civilnog društva, pridružite nam se danas na prosvjedima diljem Hrvatske.

Više informacija na web stranici udruge RODA:

i Rodinom forumu (s informacijama o vremenu i mjestu prosvjeda u ostalim gradovima).

Nekoliko linkova i vijesti za Palestinu/Izrael:
Stephen Lendman: Investigating Israeli War Crimes in Gaza
HRW called the use of white phosphorous "indiscriminate, deliberate (and) reckless." It said America supplied the weapons and needs to answer for its actions. It called on the UN Security Council or Secretary-General to appoint an independent international commission to investigate credible war crimes allegations, including use of illegal weapons. Omitted from the report were over six decades of mass slaughter and destruction, a process amounting to genocide. Also not mentioned was the full impact of 22 days of attacks, Gaza still under siege, and the West Bank under military occupation. Unlisted was the death and injury toll; civilian shootings in cold blood; the vast number of homes, government buildings, hospitals, ambulances, fishing boats, crops, schools, mosques, businesses, UN buildings and shelters, entire infrastructure and neighborhoods, and all other wanton destruction. Silence as well on the incalculable toll on 1.5 million Gazans and continued assaults against them. ... "The extent of the harm to the civilian population during Operation Cast Lead is unprecedented. Only now is the full magnitude of the destruction coming to light" with further evidence from newly revealed testimonies. Entire families were killed. Parents were helpless to prevent their children from dying. Others were powerless to prevent loved ones from bleeding to death. These are permanent scars, forever etched in the collective memory of a tortured people - isolated, uncared for, and ignored by world leaders.

Kathleen and Bill Christison: Solving Palestine While Israel Destroys It
The report exists in a never-never land in which Israel has no responsibility for occupying Palestinian land and has concerns only for its own security but no obligations to the Palestinians. The report refers repeatedly to the “chicken and egg” security situation in the occupied territories -- as if it cannot be determined whether Israel’s occupation or Palestinian resistance to it came first, as if the occupation is not the reason for Palestinian resistance, as if the Palestinian suicide bombings that the report says cause Israel “understandable anxiety” might have arisen out of nowhere rather than precisely out of Israel’s oppression. The plan addresses the requirements of peace between the two envisioned states almost solely in terms of Israel’s needs -- not only its security needs, but its settlements needs and its concerns about Palestinian refugees’ right of return. ... The major element of the elders’ report proposes that the Palestinian state would be non-militarized and would be policed by a U.S.-led, UN-mandated multinational force that would function for five years but would have a renewable mandate, the intention being to permit Palestinians to control their own security affairs (and of course be able to guarantee Israel’s security) within 15 years. The force would be a NATO force supplemented by Jordanian, Egyptian and -- amazingly enough -- Israeli troops. The Alice-in-Wonderland aspect of this particular proposal is the elders’ assumption that Palestinian sovereignty would somehow be respected even as the Palestinians were being forced to turn their security over to a multinational force that included not merely elements of multiple outside armies, but troops from the very oppressor the Palestinians are presumed to have just shed by attaining statehood. This is the kind of “peace-process industry” nonsense that renders proposals such as this utterly meaningless. The proposal gives away, before negotiations have begun, more than any state-to-be could ever possibly afford to give. It cedes territory in what would be the Palestinian state before Palestinians are even able to sit down at the negotiating table. It cedes, without cavil or apology, the Palestinians’ right to redress of a gross injustice that is, and has been from the beginning 60-plus years ago, the fundamental Palestinian grievance against Israel. It cedes Palestinian sovereignty and security by inviting in an international security force including troops of precisely the occupying force that the Palestinians seek to be rid off. And it cedes any viability in the new so-called state.

Gaza Kids Art Proves Israeli War Crimes: Activist
Gaza's children make up more than half of the 1.5 million people living in the overcrowded strip, and health experts estimate that about half of these children will develop some form of post-traumatic stress disorder. According to the Gaza Community Health Program the number of reports of children bed-wetting, stuttering, falling mute, becoming violent or restless and losing their appetites is on the rise. „Giving children a constructive means to releasing pent up emotions is an effective healing mechanism that enables them to overcome the traumatic experiences they experienced or witnessed during the war," Dr. Eyad al-Siraj, head of the Community Health program told Artistic exercises help to save children psychologically from future suicidal thoughts or actions, Siraj, who has collaborated with Cox, explained. More importantly, he added, the children know that others will see their art work and sympathize with them. "[It] gives children hope that there are people beyond the borders of Gaza who care about their ills and troubles."

This Wall is still illegal
Prosvjedi protiv izraelskog ilegalnog Zida povodom 5 godina savjetodavnog mišljenja Međunarodnog suda pravde
(14. srpanj 2009.) –Ovaj su tjedan u Palestini i diljem svijeta organizirani prosvjedi kojima je obilježeno 5 godina od savjetodavnog mišljenja Međunarodnog suda pravde o izgradnji izraelskog aparthejdskog Zida na palestinskom teritoriju. U selu Bil'in okupilo se oko 200 prosvjednika koji su se uputili prema Zidu i uspješno otvorili prva vrata u njemu. Okupacijska je vojska zatim prosvjednike zasula zvučnim bombama, suzavcem i gumom presvučenim čeličnim metcima. Vojska je također upotrijebila i vodeni top kojim je prosvjednike zalila smrdljivom tekućinom koja uzrokuje povraćanje, mučninu i dezorijentiranost. Vojska je također otela 2 prosvjednika. Deseci prosvjednika primili su liječničku pomoć zbog udisanja suzavca. U selu Al Ma'sara prosvjednici su, kako bi obilježili godišnjicu mišljenja suda, blokirali kolonističku cestu. Mještani su se u pratnji međunarodnih aktivista uputili na svoju zemlju, ali ih je vojska zaustavila i prisilila da se vrate u selo. U selu Ni'lin održan je prosvjed oko 300 ljudi koji su u povorci krenuli prema Zidu. Vojska je prosvjednike gađala suzavcem i zvučnim bombama. Prosvjednici su razrezali bodljikavu žicu i dijelove ograde. Vojnici su 2 mještana (17 i 18) pretukli palicama i odvukli u terensko vozilo nakon što se uspostavilo da se među prosvjednicima nalaze 2 prerušenih agenata. Ti su agenti bacali zvučne bombe i pucali pravim streljivom u zrak, zbog čega se prosvjed odmah raspršio. Prosvjed je održan i u Nahalinu, kod Betlehema, gdje su deseci mještana molili na svojoj zemlji kojoj prijeti konfiskacija radi postavljanja električnih stupova za koloniste. Aktivisti su u Dublinu prosvjedovali pred izraelskom ambasadom i uredima EU-a. Prosvjedi su također organizirani u Seulu u Južnoj Koreji i Melbourneu u Australiji.

Ostali linkovi:
Seals win in Europe!
Europska unija je u svibnju uvela zabranu trgovine proizvodima dobivenim industrijskim ubijanjem tuljana. Zahvaljujući ovoj zabrani EU-a bezbrojni će tuljani ostati na životu. To je ujedno i početak kraja kanadskog lova na tuljane, jer je EU bila glavno tržište kanadskih lovaca na tuljane. Kanadska vlada procjenjuje da kanadska industrija lova na tuljane gubitkom europskog tržišta gubi 6,6 milijuna američkih dolara svake godine. Sada lovci na tuljane traže nova tržišta, ali se s druge strane mnogi prijatelji tuljana nadaju da se kanadska industrija lova na tuljane od ovog udarca neće oporaviti. Hvala svima koji su potpisali peticiju i podržali ovu zabranu.