ponedjeljak, 25. kolovoza 2008.

Nekoliko kratkih vijesti i linkovi

Malo sam radila, pa za sad, kao i obično, samo par kratkih vijesti i nekoliko linkova.

Najprije naravno proboj izraelske blokade: 46 aktivista pokreta Free Gaza Movement su u subotu brodovima uspješno probili izraelsku blokadu i kasno poslijepodne pristali u luku u Gazi. Slike dolaska i dočeka možete pogledati ovdje, i na samoj stranici freegaza.org, gdje se mogu pogledati i video snimke i pročitati više o putovanju i dolasku aktivista u Gazu. Više o ovoj akciji u nekom od slijedećih postova. Aktivisti su već danas išli u ribolov s palestinskim ribarima na koje izraelska vojska često puca i ne dopušta im da love ribu.

Cyprus lets activists sail to Gaza, despite Israeli siege
(21. 08. 2008) Brodovi SS Free Gaza i SS Liberty prošli su sigurnosne preglede i ciparske vlasti su im dopustile da isplove za Pojas Gaze. Aktivisti vjeruju da će na 2 drvena jedrenjaka krenuti na put oko ponoći i očekuju da će ih izraelska mornarica pokušati uhititi, čemu će se oni nenasilno opirati. Američka odvjetnička udruga National Lawyers' Guild najavila je tužbu protiv Izraela u slučaju da izraelske snage otmu aktiviste u međunarodnim vodama.

Forty-six international human rights workers are now sailing to Gaza

(18. 08. 2008.) Khalil al-Niss je u Jordanu gdje će lijekove koje su za stanovnike Pojasa Gaze prikupili škotski građani predati jednoj jordanskoj humanitarnoj agenciji koja šalje humanitarnu pomoć u PG.

The Scottish van goes back home
Update (20. 08. 2008.): Khalil se vratio u Škotsku. Na linku možete pogledati njegovu poruku egipatskim vlastima, Palestincima i svijetu.

Israel Whitewashes Assault on Omer
Izraelci pokušavaju zataškati zlostavljanje palestinskog novinara Mohammeda Omera od strane agenata Shin Beta i kao izvor svojih informacija navode „istragu“ koja je provedena i koja poriče Mohammedove tvrdnje iako nitko od tobožnjih „istražitelja“ uopće nije razgovarao s Omerom, niti pogledao njegovu medicinsku dokumentaciju.

14 Aug. 2008: The JAG's decision regarding Fadel Shan'a is highly unreasonable
From the beginning of 2007 to mid-2008, B'Tselem called for investigations to be opened into 99 cases in which 189 persons were killed. Up to the present, only 4 Military Police investigations have been opened. (…) Circumstances in the Gaza Strip render the use of Flechette shells illegal. This is because the wide area of dispersal of the darts shot out of the Shell makes its use in populated areas a type of indiscriminate firing which endangers innocent civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law.

Conscientious objector to IDF service jailed
Desetci učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola u Izraelu su poslali pismo premijeru Olmertu, ministru obrane Baraku, ministrici prosvjete Tamir i načelniku stožera izraelske vojske Ashkenaziju u kojem najavljuju da odbijaju služiti u izraelskoj vojsci zbog izraelske „politike segregacije, ugnjetavanja i ubijanja na okupiranim područjima“. Vojska je odmah odgovorila uhitivši jednog od 18-godišnjaka, samo dan nakon što se nije u zakazano vrijeme pojavio na regrutaciji.
While in custody, Nir wrote a letter to Barak saying "I cannot take part in the activities of an occupying army that regularly violates human rights. As an Israeli citizen and as a drafted teenager, I feel that it is my duty to refuse to enter the circle of blood and (add fuel) to the fire of hatred that is raging in our fields. "I refuse to join an army so as not to support the occupation and other acts that go against my most basic principles: Human rights, democracy and every man's social responsibility towards his fellow man," the letter read.

EI study refutes CAMERA media bias accusation
Analiza netočne i namještene studije cionističke organizacije CAMERA o „proarapskoj pristranosti“ američkih medija.

Sailing To Gaza By David Halpin
Inside Gaza at the Al Wafa hospital there are several children on ventilators. The disposable plastic tracheostomy tubes have to be reused by washing them in antiseptic solutions and this risks respiratory infection. A senior physician asked for these tubes to be taken from Scotland to Gaza. The Dove and Dolphin (3) charity transmitted that clear request. Those tubes are being returned with the other vital supplies to Scotland. Tell Blair and Olmert and look in vain for shame.

Osama Qashoo: Intimidation will not stop our boats sailing for Gaza
I grew up in Palestine and have lived in fear since childhood. The horror of witnessing elders of my family being bullied and humiliated, the daily terror of losing my parents. Watching my family elders being humiliated, the child's voice inside me would cry out silently: "How can I stop this?" While I was on board the Liberty, I listened to the threatening messages hijacking the ship's emergency channel, illegal for use unless in distress. These voices reawakened a deep, familiar feeling in me: that no matter how civil, kind, non-violent I am, I will always be watched, or far worse, hunted.

“Free Gaza” Boats Set Sail from Cyprus to Break Israeli Blockade
Intervju s Huwaidom Arraf, Lauren Booth i Jeffom Halperom na brodovima

Latuffova karikatura na temu proboja izraelske blokade

Report: Guards regularly abuse inmates
Mnogi palestinski zarobljenici u izraelskim su zatvorima izloženi ničim izazvanom i hirovitom kažnjavanju i zlostavljanju od strane zatvorskih čuvara. Neki zarobljenici tvrde da su čuvari na njih puštali pse i ponižavali ih, te ih potom lažno optužili kako bi opravdali svoje postupke. Jedan je zarobljenik u izraelskom administrativnom pritvoru već 10 godina.

Demokratski kandidat za potpredsjednika SAD-a, Joe Biden: „I am a zionist.“

Glas iz Ukrajine

Georgia/Russia Conflict Forced Into Cold War Frame
Georgia's military efforts–which involved, according to reports from Human Rights Watch (8/10/08, 8/14//08) and Western reporters on the scene (Washington Post, 8/12/08), intensive shelling of civilian areas–reportedly caused many noncombatant deaths and prompted a large proportion of the South Ossetian population to seek safety in Russia. It was this humanitarian crisis, coupled with Georgian attacks on Russian forces in the separatist areas, that Moscow cited as its justification for its military intervention. This does not suggest that Russian tactics are beyond criticism, or that a military response of this magnitude is justified.

HRW: Russia/Georgia: Investigate Civilian Deaths

Georgia was tricked, but by Russia or US?

At JFK Airport, Denying Basic Rights Is Just Another Day at the Office

Saudi child 'files for divorce'
A court in Saudi Arabia is reported to be preparing to hear a plea for divorce from an eight-year-old girl who has been married off to a man in his 50s.

The Past Destroyed: Five Years Later
O pljačkanju i uništavanju svjetske povijesne i kulturne baštine u Iraku pod američkom okupacijom.
In the five years since the initial looting and pillaging of the Iraqi capital, thieves have stolen at least 32,000 items from some 12,000 archaeological sites across Iraq with no interference whatsoever from the occupying power.