
21 Nov. '11: Video: Soldiers let settlers assault Palestinian demonstrators
Video: Vojnici dopuštaju kolonistima da napadaju palestinske prosvjednike (21. studeni 2011.)
U subotu, 29. listopada 2011, poslije podne, mještani palestinskog sela Beit Ummar su prosvjedovali protiv otimačine njihove zemlje u korist kolonističkog naselja Carmei Tzur i protiv uskraćivanja pristupa na njihovu zemlju. Prosvjed je održan pokraj posebne sigurnosne zone koja okružuje kolonističko naselje. Posebne sigurnosne zone su tampon područja koja okružuju kolonistička naselja, ali nisu njihov dio. U slučaju kolonističkog naselja Carmei Tzur, posebna sigurnosna zona uglavnom se nalazi na zemlji u privatnom vlasništvu palestinskih mještana sela Beit Ummar i Halhul. Zemlja je oteta vlasnicima kako bi se uspostavila tampon zona za zaštitu kolonista od palestinskih napada. Kolonisti na to područje ulaze slobodno, dok palestinski vlasnici za pristup svojoj zemlji moraju dobiti posebne dozvole, koje se rijetko izdaju. Tijekom prosvjeda kolonisti su ušli u posebnu sigurnosnu zonu i kamenjem gađali prosvjednike. Jedan palestinski fotograf koji je snimao prosvjed ranjen je kamenom u glavu. Na snimci na kojoj su zabilježeni ovi događaji vide se naoružane osobe u civilu – čini se sigurnosni dužnosnici iz kolonističkog naselja – unutar posebne sigurnosne zone. Oni nisu ništa poduzeli. Vojnici s obje strane ograde oko posebne sigurnosne zone nisu pokušali zaustaviti kolonističko nasilje niti ukloniti koloniste iz posebne sigurnosne zone. Umjesto toga granatama za omamljivanje i suzavcem su gađali prosvjednike. Prosvjednici su rastjerani. Ranjeni fotograf je otišao napad prijaviti u policijsku postaju u Kiryat Arbi, ali mu nije bilo dopušteno da u nju uđe. Nakon što je sat i pol čekao vani, policajci su mu rekli da su zauzeti i da ne mogu zaprimiti njegovu prijavu.
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Nabi Saleh: World has to stop Israeli targeted shooting of activists!
Nabi Saleh: Izraelski vojnici namjerno pucali bojevim streljivom u prosvjednika (24. prosinac 2011.)
Točno 2 tjedna od ubojstva Mustafe Tamimija u Nabi Salehu, u istom je selu ranjen jedan 20-godišnjak. Izraelski su ga vojnici hladnokrvno i smišljeno ranili u bedro bojevim streljivom kalibra 0.22. Očevici tvrde da je jedan od vojnika s udaljenosti od 10 do 15 metara ciljao i pogodio mladića u nogu u blizini bedrene arterije. Izraelska je vojska potvrdila da se radi o ranjavanju s predumišljajem ustvrdivši da je mladić „od prije poznat sigurnosnim snagama“ i da je ciljano pogođen, navodno jer je bacao kamenje. Ovo se namjerno ranjavanje mladog civila ne može ničim opravdati kao „samoobrana“ i očito je da se radi o pretjeranoj sili. Čak i prema izraelskim pravilima nije dopušteno koristiti bojevo streljivo tog kalibra u svrhu „kontroliranja gomile“. Namjerna uporaba pretjerane sile protiv nenaoružanih civila u uvjetima koji nisu opasni po život je ratni zločin.
Judge Orders Shin Bet to Surrender Abusisi Interrogation Records, Lieberman Met with Ukrainian Interior Minister Over Kidnapping
Dirar Abusisi has now been incarcerated for nine months in an Israeli prison after his illegal kidnapping by Mossad agents from a Ukranian train last February. During that time, the State has not begun any trial against him though it has offered him a plea bargain which he refused. Also during that time, Abusisi's lawyer, Tal Linoy lodged an appeal with the Israeli Supreme Court demanding Shin Bet records regarding the case which it was withholding (in security cases, the government may refuse to provide evidence). The State has stalled time and again arguing that this “highly unusual” procedure demanded an extraordinary amount of manpower for the prosecution to comply with it.
Amira Hass: The banality of a Palestinian's arrest
Two military judges at the Ofer military tribunal resolve to remand the Palestinian in custody until the end of the legal procedures against him: Captain Zvi Frenkel - "Throwing stones at Israel Defense Forces soldiers is enough to justify extending the remand until the end of procedures;" and Military Appeal Court Judge Brigadier Yoram Haniel - "Releasing the appellant is dangerous, since he repeats this activity time and again and cannot be stopped; he does not learn the proper lesson." In other words: He has been arrested and tried in the past for participating in demonstrations. … Another identification: The defendant wore a shirt with a print of "Chaik Vera" or "Chucky Vera," according to one police interrogator, and "Tsigivara" according to the other interrogator.
The anguish of a Gaza cancer patient in Cairo
A July 2011 report by the World Health Organization (WHO) states that 4,843 patients from Gaza were referred to treatment centers in Egypt last year. The WHO found that patients often encountered delays in reaching Egypt, due to closure of the Rafah crossing. It also said that because Gazans had to bear the cost of medical treatment in Egypt themselves, traveling to Egypt for medical care was “unaffordable for the vast majority of Gaza's impoverished population.” The rate of referrals for hospital patients from Gaza rose in the second half of 2010, compared to the first six months of that year, the WHO found, citing the “opening of the Rafah crossing in June 2010” as the reason for the increase. The WHO found that referrals are especially high for male patients aged 18 to 40. Whereas such men have some chance of being allowed to enter Egypt, they have less than a 50 percent chance of being allowed through the Erez checkpoint at the boundary between Israel and Gaza. As a result, Gaza doctors tend to refer young men to Egyptian hospitals, rather than requiring them to travel via Israel for treatment (“Referral of patients from Gaza,” World Health Organization, 14 July 2011).
Shooting in Hebron: Watch gripping trailer for Nicole Ballivian’s new project Sleeping on Stones (video)
„The Israeli general in charge of giving us permission to shoot outside the Al-Ibrahimi Mosque implored us to take nothing but our camera. He said the settlers are all strapped with guns and they do not hesitate to shoot. 'You have to be careful. It's like the Wild West here,' he said. I was amazed that a high-ranking Israeli soldier was afraid of settlers. I was more amazed that I was supposed to be afraid of Americans in Palestine.”
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Bill to investigate flotilla is a 'tool of intimidation'
The bill claims, among other falsehoods, that the Turkish organization IHH and the international Free Gaza Movement have been designated "terrorist" organizations by the CIA and the Department of Treasury. Abunimah writes: "The bill provides no evidence to back up these sensational and propagandistic claims. IHH is in fact not designated as a “terrorist” organization by any US government agencies. The claims in the bill are not based on US government or intelligence reports, but appear to come directly from unsubstantiated claims published by an Israeli propaganda and advocacy outfit calling itself the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center. This group is closely connected with Israel's military and intelligence establishments, the main sources for sometimes laughable anti-flotilla incitement and propaganda."
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An interview with Khaled Jarrar: Stamping Palestine into passports
I worked on the design for ['State of Palestine'] postage and passports stamps. I was trying to make something beautiful, something that would fit with my ideas about humanity and not just an olive tree or a mosque – something more human than ideology or politics. I found this bird – it's called the Palestine Sunbird. I heard a story that the Israelis tried to change the name of the bird to make it their national bird. It's a beautiful bird and I used a jasmine flower, because it is beautiful. The Israelis actually used the bird on the design of an Israeli postage stamp in 1963, even though they wrote 'Palestine Sunbird' on it, which was quite ironic and paradoxical to me. I made the design, and I was worried that it would be another project that would happen and then disappear. I needed to give a life for this stamp, and I thought it should be in the official place for stamps – a passport. Then I started to ask my friends if I could stamp their passports, but they said, “Are you crazy?’ I said, “But they only have stamps for Israel, why not for Palestine– you were in Palestine!” The stereotype here is conflict, conflict, conflict and I want to show something beyond this, I want to show life. I started to ask people, and I could not find anybody who dared do it – then I found a French girl. She was sitting in a bar, and she gave me her passport. It was the first stamp. I started going and doing the performance [stamping passports] at Ramallah bus station and Qalandia checkpoint, and I found that people would like to do it but that I need to search for the right people. ... There was one girl who got the stamp, she was born in the United States and had an American passport. In 2008 she applied for the Jewish 'right to return'. She got an Israeli passport within 2 years. I stamped her American and Israeli passports [with the State of Palestine stamp]. She left but when she came back to Israel they asked her 'What is this?' She said 'A Palestinian State stamp'. When they said that 'this does not exist', she said 'the state of Palestine existed before the state of Israel'. They interrogated her for an hour and they cancelled her Israeli passport. She applied for a new passport and she said that she is waiting to see if she can get a new one.
Egypt's Women Protest Despite Brutal Military Attacks
"I am as old as your mother; have some respect for me," said Khadiga, a woman in her 60s who sat on the floor beside Seif. "The officer exploded when she said that. He kept slapping her over and over until she apologized," said Seif. "I thought they distinguished between younger and older women. They don't." "It's a planned strategy," she said. "... They want to scare off any girl thinking of joining a protest."
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