
Unsustainable Israeli Politics of Exclusion in Jerusalem
While the history of the world is moving decisively toward a culture of inclusion, diversity and pluralism, Israeli politics seems to challenge history by moving in the opposite direction of exclusion and unilateral self - righteous monopoly of geography, demography, history, archeology and culture, especially in Jerusalem, where Israelis are desperately trying to establish a “Jewish” capital for Israel and “the Jewish people” worldwide, excluding centuries old presence of Palestinian, Arab, Muslim and Christian deep-rooted existence and heritage, thus sowing the seeds of imminent conflict and foreseeable war by strangling a city that has historically been of diversified and pluralistic character and a flashpoint for human misery whenever exclusion becomes the rule of the day.
Israel's right-wing is trying to stifle the reality of Palestinian demographics
Demografski podaci za Palestinu/Izrael (3. siječanj 2012.)
U posljednjem tjednu 2011. Središnji ured za statistiku Palestinske samouprave je objavio svoj izvještaj za prošlu godinu. Prema tom izvještaju na palestinskom području živi oko 4,2 milijuna Palestinaca: 2,6 milijuna na Zapadnoj obali i 1,6 milijuna u Pojasu Gaze. U Izraelu živi 1,4 milijuna Palestinaca, dok ih se u arapskim zemljama i ostatku svijeta nalazi 5,6 milijuna. Prema izvještaju izraelskog Središnjeg ureda za statistiku, koji je objavljen 3 dana kasnije, ukupno ima 7,8 milijuna Izraelaca: od toga 5,9 milijuna Židova, 1,6 milijuna Arapa i 325 000 „ostalih“. Iz izvještaja se može zaključiti da je broj Židova i Palestinaca koji žive na prostoru između rijeke Jordan i Sredozemnog mora gotovo izjednačen. Prema palestinskim podacima trenutno ima oko 300 000 više Židova nego Palestinaca, dok prema izraelskim podacima ima 100 000 Židova više. Izvještaj Palestinske samouprave procjenjuje da će se, pod uvjetom da prirodni prirast stanovništva ostane isti, do kraja 2015. broj Palestinaca i Židova izjednačiti, a da će do 2020. broj Palestinaca koji žive u povijesnoj Palestini doseći 7,2 milijuna, dok će Židova biti 6,8 milijuna.
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2011 Successes of the Cultural Boycott of Apartheid Israel – BDS
Uspjesi kulturnog bojkota aparthejdskog Izraela u 2011. (1. siječanj 2012.)
Tijekom 2011. brojni su svjetski glazbenici otkazali svoje nastupe u Izraelu i/ili podržali kulturni bojkot te zemlje, između ostalih Vanessa Paradis, Pete Seeger, Marc Almond, Jello Biafra, Natacha Atlas, The Yardbirds, Macy Gray, Mireille Mathieu, Joker i mnogi drugi. U Švicarskoj je u studenom 150 umjetnika potpisalo izjavu u kojoj se obvezuju na bojkot aparthejdskog Izraela.
Report: Israel to build wall on Lebanon frontier
Izrael namjerava graditi zid na granici s Libanonom (3. siječanj 2012.)
Izraelski vojni dužnosnici namjeravaju graditi novi zid na izraelskoj sjevernoj granici na kojoj je uspostavljen prekid vatre s Libanonom. Zid bi trebao biti visok 5 metara i dug 1 kilometar, opremljen alarmnim uređajima i odvojio bi izraelski kibuc al-Matala i libanonsko selo Kafr Kala koji se nalaze jedno pored drugoga. Gradnja bi navodno trebala započeti za nekoliko tjedana. Izraelska je vojska od UN-ovih mirovnih snaga koje su raspoređene u zoni prekida vatre zatražila koordinaciju s Libanonom kako ne bi izbili sukobi. Pitanje granice između Izraela i Libanona još uvijek nije riješeno, a UN-ova „Plava linija“ pokriva tek dio granice, uspostavljene 2000. kako bi se utvrdilo je li se Izrael povukao iz Libanona nakon izraelske invazije na tu zemlju 1982. godine.
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Israel bill to force Palestinians to prove ownership over land used for West Bank outposts
The bill would only allow a military commander to order a settler off land if there is a final court order based on evidence issued by a court authorized to deal with land issues.
Israel to resolve Palestinian house demolition orders by summer
Izrael namjerava riješiti naloge za rušenje palestinskih kuća do ljeta (1. siječanj 2012.)
Ured izraelskog državnog odvjetnika najavio je da će do kolovoza 2012. odgovoriti na sve žalbe Palestinaca protiv naloga za rušenje građevina izgrađenih bez dozvole. To u praksi znači da će se ubrzati rušenje mnogih takvih zgrada, uključujući škole. Prema podacima UN-a, izraelska je Civilna uprava u 2011. ubrzala ritam uklanjanja palestinskih objekata izgrađenih bez dozvola u „Zoni C“ na okupiranoj Zapadnoj obali i srušila oko 500 takvih objekata – uključujući ceste, bunare, te šatore za stanovanje i kolibe. Procjenjuje se da su ova rušenja pogodila 1000 Palestinaca. Prema tvrdnjama izraelskog ministarstva pravosuđa Visoki sud pravde je od 2008. godine izdao 162 sudska naloga kojima je spriječeno rušenje palestinskih zgrada od strane Civilne administracije. Među zgradama čije je rušenje Visoki sud odgodio tijekom proteklih nekoliko godina su i 32 palestinske škole. Prema podacima UN-a 24 škola još uvijek prijeti rušenje. Posljednja je nalog o rušenju 24. studenog 2011. primila škola u Susiyi. Ako se procedura rušenja kuća doista ubrza, kako to najavljuju u Uredu državnog odvjetnika, oko 1000 palestinske djece u siromašnim i zapuštenim zajednicama moglo bi ostati bez svojih škola. Neke od škola koje su osuđene na rušenje već su 2 ili čak 3 puta bile rušene i zatim ponovno izgrađene. Drugim školama ne prijeti rušenje, ali im je zabranjeno dograđivati nove učionice ili proširivati školska igrališta.
Saudi Arabia: Renewed Protests Defy Ban
Saudi reform advocates have staged several protests since mid-December, 2011, despite a categorical ban on protests issued last March, Human Rights Watch said today. In Riyadh, Buraida, and Qatif, security forces immediately arrested the protesters, who were peacefully protesting the detention without trial of hundreds of people held for long periods in intelligence prisons.
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Saudi Arabian State Terror
Annually, the State Department publishes human rights reports for over 190 countries. Its latest April 8, 2011 Saudi Arabia assessment discusses "significant human rights abuses and the inability of citizens to change its absolute monarchal rule. Abuses include:
"torture and physical abuse;
poor prison and detention center conditions;
arbitrary arrest and incommunicado detention;
denial of fair and public trials and lack of due process in the judicial system;
political prisoners;
restrictions on civil liberties such as freedom of speech (including the Internet);
assembly, association, movement, and severe restrictions on religious freedom; and
corruption and lack of transparency."
Also mentioned were inequality and violence against women, human trafficking, no labor rights, discrimination on the basis of gender, religion, sect and ethnicity, and violations of children's rights. Saudi's absolute monarchal rule is despotic, lawless and brutal. It's a police state practicing state terrorism internally and regionally. It's also Washington's main Middle East ally after Israel.
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Saudi Arabia: Only Women Can Work In Lingerie Stores
Saudi Arabia said Monday it will begin enforcing a law that allows only females to work in women's lingerie and apparel stores, despite disapproval from the country's top cleric. The 2006 law banning men from working in female apparel and cosmetic stores has never been put into effect, partly because of view of hard-liners in the religious establishment, who oppose the whole idea of women working where men and women congregate together, like malls. Saudi women – tired of having to deal with men when buying undergarments – have boycotted lingerie stores to pressure them to employ women.
Families of Egypt bombing victims blame Mubarak (video)
Ikhras Shoe Of The Month Award Winner – December 2011
Every month Ikhras awards the Muntadhar Zaidi "Shoe of the month" to the House Arab or Muslim individual or organization whose behavior that month best exemplifies the behavior of what Malcolm X described, in the language of his own time, as the "house negro" (see video). The award is named in honor of the brave Iraqi journalist Muntadhar Zaidi who threw his shoes at the war criminal George W. Bush at a time House Arabs and Muslims were dining with him at the White House and inviting him to their mosques. Arab dictators and puppets of the empire are also qualified to enter the shoe of the month competition based on their own subservience to U.S.-led global imperialism. Contest guidelines prohibit any one individual or organization from winning the award more than 3 times a year.
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