
Palestinian prisoners go on hunger strike
Palestinski zarobljenici štrajkaju glađu (4. listopad 2011.)
Palestinski zarobljenici pokrenuli su 27. rujna štrajk glađu, prosvjedujući protiv uvjeta u kojima su zatvoreni. 3. listopada u gradovima diljem Zapadne obale i Pojasa Gaze održani su prosvjedi solidarnosti sa zarobljenicima. Štrajk glađu i kampanju neposluha pokrenuli su 27. rujna članovi Narodnog fronta za oslobođenje Palestine (PFLP) nakon što je izraelska zatvorska služba pooštrila kaznene mjere protiv zatvorenika. Njima su se ubrzo pridružili i drugi zatvorenici. Neki od zarobljenika u potpunosti štrajkaju glađu, dok ostali djelomično štrajkaju glađu i odbijaju se pridržavati nekih zatvorskih pravila poput nošenja zatvorske uniforme i odazivanja prilikom prozivke.
“This is a national achievement” — over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners to be released
Najavljeno oslobađanje više od 1000 palestinskih zarobljenika iz izraelskih zatvora (12. listopad 2011.)
U zamjenu za oslobađanje zarobljenog izraelskog vojnika Shalita, Izrael je obećao osloboditi oko 1000 palestinskih zarobljenika. Ovo je dogovoreno na pregovorima koji su između Hamasa i Izraela posredstvom egipatskih obavještajnih službi pokrenuti u Kairu u četvrtak (6. listopada). Među zarobljenicima koji bi trebali biti oslobođeni nalaze se Palestinci različitih političkih uvjerenja. Oslobađanje bi se trebalo odvijati u 2 faze: najprije bi bilo oslobođeno 450 zarobljenika; 280 zarobljenika koji bi trebali biti oslobođeni osuđeni su na doživotne zatvorske kazne. Mnogi među njima su pripadnici Hamasa, no znatan je broj i pripadnika Fataha i drugih političkih stranaka. Drugi dio zarobljenika trebao bi biti oslobođen za 2 mjeseca. Koga će u ovoj drugoj rundi osloboditi, odabrat će Izrael. Za sada se zna da oslobođen neće biti Marwan Barghouti, pripadnik Fataha kojeg je Izrael 2002. osudio na 5 doživotnih zatvorskih kazni i palestinski političar koji uživa poštovanje i Fataha i Hamasa, te kultni status vođe nacionalnog pokreta otpora.
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David Shulman: “Sisyphus sets to work; he doesn't have to ask himself why”
Finally, with a wave of the hand, he shows the Palestinians: you can plow over there (on the hillside bordering on the highway), but not here, or in the next field, or in the wadi, or on the slope to the south, or on the slope to the east, or anywhere near the settlement, or where you have just plowed, or near the big well, or for that matter, in any place under the burning sun except for that one, small, rocky, insignificant field I've just shown you. I have to confess that I hate these moments. I've had my fill of them. It usually ends up with the Palestinians being pushed farther and farther away, into an ever-narrowing space, until they reach the dead end that was waiting for them all along. ... The truth is, I know why. The thief has his reasons. On the highway just under Avigail, a big sign reads: “We're expanding.” If you want–and if you're Jewish–you can probably already buy a house in Avigail's newest suburb.
Protest at Ofer Prison descends into chaos
Prosvjed pred zatvorom Ofer prerastao u nasilne sukobe (12. listopad 2011.)
Nenasilan prosvjed završio je u utorak (11. rujna) u kaosu nakon što je izraelska vojska među okupljene Palestince, uključujući žene i osobe starije dobi, bacila granate za omamljivanje. Prosvjed solidarnosti s palestinskim zarobljenicima koji štrajkaju glađu održavao se na ulazu u izraelski zatvor Ofer u okolici Ramalle. Oko 150 ljudi okupilo se u podne na vratima zatvora uzvikujući poruke, mašući zastavama i noseći slike zatvorenih Palestinaca. Bez ikakve provokacije izraelska je vojska među prosvjednike ispalila 2 granate za omamljivanje, nakon čega su se prosvjednici razbježali, a vojnici nastavili ispaljivati suzavac. Skupine mladih Palestinaca okupile su se na obronku brda iznad ceste i počele bacati kamenje. Prosvjednici su se pregrupirali, a nekoliko je muškaraca kamenjem i zapaljenim gumama blokiralo cestu. Ubrzo se pojavila izraelska pogranična policija, nakon čega je uslijedio sukob u trajanju od gotovo 4 sata, u kojem su vojnici na gomilu ispaljivali suzavac i gumene metke. Jedan je izraelski vojnik pogođen Molotovljevim koktelom no doimao se neozlijeđeno.
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Millionaire's March: Protesters Hit the Streets in NY and Visit the 1 Percent at Their Homes
Blessed by perfect weather, the march was upbeat, accompanied by a marching band that did a lively rendition of Twisted Sister's "We're Not Going to Take It!" In between songs, protestors chanted "What happens on Wall Street won't stay on Wall Street!" and "How do we end this de-fi-cit? End the wars and tax the rich!"
Inside Occupy Wall Street: Journalist-Participant Describes What Life Is Really Like (Complicated and Inspiring) at Zuccotti Park
Although it may appear chaotic to the outside observer, the decision-making process in Liberty Plaza is incredibly organized. The working groups are the subcultures of the larger movement, and within them like-minded individuals share ideas and use their own particular creativity. The working groups ensure that no ideas are lost, while the general assembly (GA) assures that none becomes tyrannical. That all opinions are considered is perhaps the best rebuttal to offer people who have yet to understand Occupy Wall St. If you are part of the 99 percent exploited by corporations and their government, but dislike Occupy Wall St., don't write off the demonstrators; join them and ask questions -- create your own change. Speaking for Occupy Wall St.'s dedication to inclusiveness and tolerance is that anyone can form a working group. To create one of these panels, designed for similarly knowledgeable or passionate persons to share their insight and creativity, any individual may announce at a general assembly that he or she would like to start a new group. Once established, the group holds meetings, the time and place of which are announced at the GA, and anyone is welcome to attend. Working groups are free to act in accordance with their own desires. They may problem-solve and ask for additional help -- the sanitation group, for example, often makes announcements asking people to help clean up after themselves. But should a working group wish to make a suggestion that may reach beyond itself to affect the whole group, a representative or facilitator, often someone who is either the most knowledgeable or long-term member (and they shift) presents the idea at the general assembly. There, a vote determines whether the initiative will go forward.
8 Activist Rappers Representing Occupy Wall Street and Other Progressive Causes (video)
Occupy Wall Street: People Power vs. the Police State
The periphery of Liberty Plaza, formally known as Zuccotti Park, resembles an armed camp with surveillance equipment, police vehicles, armed officers, and metal barricades ringing a city square filled with unarmed activists, who openly advocate non-violence.
Occupy Wall St. Prepares for Crackdown -- Will Bloomberg Try to Tear It All Down?
It's not just health care and free food that the occupiers are modeling in the park, it's everything from greener lifestyle techniques to support for arts and books.
Occupy Wall Street Showdown: Triumph and Tense Clashes
Reports circulated that the person targeted by the cops was arrested for jumping over a barrier. Another clash reportedly involved an older woman who was grabbed by the police. I witnessed a tense shouting match between a man attempting to cross the sidewalk and a policeman trying to herd him. Throughout all of this, the protestors remained non-violent. An assembly of protestors gathered in the middle of the park and cranked up the ‘human microphone’ (a system of repeating phrases of the speaker so that the crowd can hear). A young woman thanked the crowd for remaining calm despite the police, and a young man called for everyone with cell phones to send word to friends and family that people were needed and that the entrance on Trinity Street was now the only way into the park. Within ten to fifteen minutes, the park was once again full of people – too many for any raid the police might have thought to undertake with the smaller crowd. It appeared that at least for the moment technology had triumphed, and that if the cops became aggressive there would likely be a similar call and response.
Occupy Wall Street's Remarkable Success
What struck me immediately is how thoughtful they are. They want to make a different kind of protest. Time and again, they make clear their devotion to this principle of inclusiveness and horizontal organization. And they are right now gathering strength around the world. There is no pressing reason for them to come up with a formal agenda. They have voice. Even Washington has to listen.
Occupy Wall Street Legal Observer Arrested After Being Run Over by Police Scooter (video)
The Occupy Wall Street Anthem (video)
SSSH: Obrazovanje je pravo – ne privilegija (bogatih)
Stoga upornost hrvatskih studenata zaslužuje punu podršku javnosti. Ovi mladi ljudi preuzeli su na svoja leđa težak teret – da budu savjest svih nas, pa i onih od nas koji su se besplatno školovali, a danas njima i njihovim roditeljima uvjetuju dostupnost obrazovanja financijskom (ne)moći. Čini se da Hrvatska kao „zemlja znanja“ živi samo u parolama političara.
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'Ovo je izopačen sustav, gadi nam se' (video)
Manifest za promjenu režima u korist cijelog čovječanstva
Ujedinjeni za #GlobalDemocracy 15. listopada 2011, ujedinjeni u različitosti, ujedinjeni za globalne promjene, zahtijevamo globalnu demokraciju: globalno upravljanje naroda, za dobrobit naroda. Inspirirani svojim sestrama i braćom u Tunisu, Egiptu, Libiji, Siriji, Bahreinu, New Yorku, Palestini-Izraelu, Španjolskoj i Grčkoj, mi također tražimo promjenu režima: promjenu globalnog režima. Riječima Vandane Shive, indijske aktivistice, danas tražimo da se G8 zamijeni cijelim čovječanstvom – G7 000 000 000. Nedemokratske međunarodne institucije su naš globalni Mubarak, naš globalni Asad, naš globalni Gadafi. Među njima su: MMF, WTO, svjetska tržišta, multinacionalne banke, G8/G20, Europska središnja banka i Vijeće sigurnosti UN-a. Kao ni Mubaraku i Asadu, ni tim institucijama se ne smije dopustiti da upravljaju ljudskim životima bez njihova pristanka. Svi se rađamo jednaki, bogati ili siromašni, žene ili muški. Svaki je Afrikanac i Azijac jednak svakom Europljaninu i Amerikancu. Naše globalne institucije moraju to odražavati, ili ih se mora svrgnuti. Danas, više nego ikada u povijesti, globalne sile upravljaju ljudskim životima. Naše poslove, zdravlje, stanovanje, obrazovanje i mirovine kontroliraju globalne banke, tržišta, porezni rajevi, korporacije i financijske krize. Naš okoliš se uništava kroz onečišćenje ostalih kontinenata. Međunarodni ratovi i međunarodna trgovina oružjem, drogom i prirodnim resursima utječu na našu sigurnost. Gubimo kontrolu nad svojim životima. To mora prestati. To i hoće prestati. Ljudi širom svijeta moraju dobiti kontrolu nad odlukama koje utječu na njih na svim razinama – od globalne do lokalne. To je globalna demokracija. To je ono što danas zahtijevamo. Danas, kao meksički zapatisti, govorimo: "¡Ya basta! Aquí el pueblo manda y el gobierno obedece": Dosta! Ovdje zapovijeda narod, a globalne institucije slušaju! Kao i španjolski pokret Tomalaplaza kažemo "Democracia Real Ya": Želimo stvarnu globalnu demokraciju odmah!" Danas pozivamo sve ljude na svijetu: učinimo od svijeta Tahrir! Učinimo od svijeta Puerta del Sol!
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