nedjelja, 27. ožujka 2011.

Linkovi – prosvjedi u Hrvatskoj, Libija...

Prosvjedi u Hrvatskoj:
Prosvjednici pred Mimarom viču da neće odustati: "Krpelji kad se napiju krvi sami padnu, zar ne?"
Prosvjednici su, napustivši Mimaru, krenuli prema redakciji Večernjeg lista. Tijekom marša nisu zaboravili pozdraviti ni Todorića ni Mudrinića nazvavši ih lopovima. Pred redakcijom Večernjaka izrazili su podršku novinarima u štrajku poručivši im da su uz njih. Novi prosvjed najavljen je za subotu na Cvjetnom trgu u 18 sati.

Prosvjed obilježio incident s Pernarom, novi zakazan za subotu
Uz povike "Jaco lopove, kradeš tuđe stanove" dio prosvjednika zauzeo je svoje pozicije pred Mimarom pozirajući za novinare. Žele se slikati pred zgradom imitirajući kako se HDZ-ovci i čelnici EU skupno slikaju. Skandiraju "HDZ u ćelije", "Hoćemo izbore", "Ne damo Hrvatsku", "Iskaznice nećemo".

Kronologija prosvjeda: "Jaco lopove, kradeš tuđe stanove"
Oko pet stotina ljudi stiglo je na Cvjetni trg. Imaju zastave "Ne u EU", te razne natpise protiv HDZ-ove vlasti, neki od njih su: "HDZ zapalite vaše partijske knjižice", "Progon za sve HDZ-ove kukavice pretvorbe", "Duo Šeks Friščić - od Martinja do kolinja pijani smo mi", "Gadafi će uskoro pasti, učite na njemu, mirno siđite s vlasti", "Podrška umirovljenicima - mladi su uz vas".

VIDEO: 'HDZ, krpelji, krv ste nam popili'
Prosvjednici su stigli do zgrade Večernjeg lista koju čuva osam pripadnika temeljne policije. "Mi smo uz vas!" viču pružajući podršku novinarima Večernjeg lista, koji su u štrajku.

Dubrovčani prosvjednom šetnjom tražili pad Kosoričine vlade
Prosvjed je započeo u 18 sati na Pilama, a nastavljen je šetnjom Stradunom. Prosvjednici su se zaustavili kod Gradskog vijeća, te kod središnjica gradskog i županijskog HDZ-a, gdje su zapalili svijeće.

'Jaco, bolja si u engleskom nego u politici!'
Izvikujući ''Jaco odlazi'', ''Bando lopovska'', ''Mafijo odlazi'' zadarskim ulicama u subotu ujutro prošla je kolona sa stotinjak prosvjednika naoružanih transparentima i zviždaljkama.

HDZ čuvala dvadesetorica pod kacigama i sa štitovima, SDP dva temeljna policajca
"HRT HDZ-u, RTL Todoriću, SD Paviću, Večernji Styriji, Novi list Adrisu. Mediji strankama i kapitalu. Laž narodu", "Jedan svijet, jedna borba", "Želimo raditi i svojim radom upravljati", "Jednakost, zaposlenost, samoupravljanje" nove su poruke prosvjednika koji su danas izašli na zagrebačke ulice i koji sve više naglašavaju potrebu za stvaranjem socijalne države.

'Nećemo odustati', poručeno s najslabijeg vikend-prosvjeda
Prosvjednici po stotisućiti put skandiraju 'Jaco, odlazi' te se glasaju kao Indijanci. Potom su održali minutu šutnje za 'sve žrtve HDZ-a'. 'Organizirat ćemo referendum za prijevremene izbore, past ćete prije ljeta', viču pred strankom.

Kronologija prosvjeda: "Mediji strankama i kapitalu. Laž narodu"
Prosvjednici iz studentskog pokreta razvili su veliki transparent na kojem piše: "HRT HDZ-u, RTL Todoriću, SD Paviću, Večernji Styriji, Novi list Adrisu. Mediji strankama i kapitalu. Laž narodu."

"Ne lajkam ovu Vladu" + FOTOGALERIJA!
"Mediji strankama i kapitalu, laž narodu", poruka je s najnovijeg transparenta kojeg su studenti napravili za petnaesti po redu zagrebački antivladin prosvjed dodavši ga već brojnoj zbirci poruka. "Generalni štrajk", "Direktna demokracija", "Protiv privatizacije, protiv kapitalizma i EU", "Jedan svijet jedna borba. Akademska solidarnost" još su jednom prošetali Zagrebom.

Prosvjednika u ostatku Hrvatske jedva 500
U Zadru i Đakovu gdje se prosvjed održao u podne bilo je 50-tak prosvjednika. U Zadru osim ispred HDZ-a prosvjednici su se u svojoj šetnju zaustavili i ispred prostorija HNS-a, te katedrale Svete Stošije. "Gradite dvorove, a nas bi u torove", stajalo je na transparentu. Prosvjedovalo se i u Labinu.

Israel passes law against mourning its existence
U Izraelu donesen tzv. „zakon o Nakbi“ (22. ožujak 2011.)
Izraelski je parlament u utorak (22. ožujka) s 37 glasova za i 25 protiv usvojio zakon koji će omogućiti uskraćivanje isplate državnih sredstava institucijama koje kritiziraju i dovode u pitanje postojanje Izraela kao „židovske i demokratske“ države. Tzv. zakon o Nakbi građanske su udruge osudile kao mjeru kojom se želi ograničiti sloboda izražavanja palestinskih građana Izraela, koji trenutno čine 1/5 stanovništva te zemlje i koji, kao i ostali Palestinci, osnutak Izraela i protjerivanje stotina tisuća Palestinaca iz njihove domovine doživljavaju kao katastrofu i nepravdu. Palestinci koji žive u Izraelu imaju pravo glasa, za razliku od Palestinaca koji žive na području koje je Izrael okupirao 1967. i nekoliko milijuna palestinskih izbjeglica protjeranih iz Izraela, no žale se na diskriminaciju.

Libyan council forms government (video)

Libya Live Blog - March 23
2:15pm More on that shooting at the clinic in rebel-held Misurata. A resident named Saadoun told the agency: "It started half an hour ago. The snipers are ... shooting at the hospital and its two entrances are under heavy attack. No one can get in or out ... We have lost all communication with people inside. The last thing we knew is that three are killed and three are critically wounded."
2:07pm In Misurata, "snipers" belonging to forces loyal to Gaddafi are shooting at people, killing at least three, a resident of the town tells Reuters.
1:46pm Gaddafi's troops have resumed their shelling of the rebel-held town of Zintan, about 90km south-west of the capital, a resident named Abdulrahman told Reuters by phone. "Gaddafi's brigades started bombardment from the northern area half an hour ago. The bombardment is taking place now. The town is completely surrounded. The situation is very bad. They are getting reinforcements. Troops backed with tanks and vehicles are coming. We appeal to the allied forces to come and protect civilians."

Libya: it wasn't supposed to be like this in free Benghazi
"They were beaten on their feet and the woman was slapped around the face until she admitted planning an attack on the mosque," said Basim Mohamed, muezzin at Quiche mosque. ... The rebel's interim government is made up of professionals academics, businessmen and lawyers often educated in the UK or US who make all the right noises about democracy, human rights and the rule of law. But they are far removed from the excitable volunteers who man roadblocks through the night, stopping cars they believe may have been stolen or dragging suspected Gaddafi loyalists into the street. Mustafa Gerhiani, the urbane spokesman for the rebels' provisional government in the east, said there were several hundred government supporters in the city who had formed sleeper cells. "We know where they live and many have been rounded up. There are people looking for them. A lot have been caught and killed," he said. However, he added that some had been detained for their own protection and that the revolutionary council did not condone mob justice.

Libya Live Blog - March 24
4:57pm Detained government soldiers and suspected mercenaries are kept in a former military prison near Benghazi, now taken over by rebels. Some of the men admit to serving with Gaddafi's forces, but say they had no other choice, but to fire at rebels and civilians during battles for cities in the east of the country: Abul Majid Mohammed, who served in the Al Fadila Battalion of the army, told Reuters news agency: „If anybody refused to open fire they would kill them, or burn them alive and on our eyes they killed soldiers who refused to fight.“
8:01am More than 290,000 people have fled Libya due to the conflict there, and another 600,000 still inside the country are in need of humanitarian assistance, the International Medical Corps said in a statement released on Tuesday. Libya's border with Tunisia remains closed, but IMC is sending supplies through. In the east, IMC is still trying to reach Ajdabiya, south of Benghazi, the scene of fighting for the past week.

Battle for Benghazi (video)

Benghazi family victims of Libya conflict (video)

Photo Essay: All the Colonel's Kings
How Qaddafi bought friends and influence on the African continent
Qaddafi's most destructive legacy in Africa, however, may be the wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone, which started on New Year's Day 1990, and didn't end until 2003. The warlords who led those bloody and destructive civil conflicts, Charles Taylor and Foday Sankoh, were trained and armed by Libya. In Liberia, Taylor slashed and burned an entire country -- and recruited an army of child soldiers to join him. In Sierra Leone, Sankoh's Revolutionary United Front soldiers savagely chopped off limbs and raped their way through villages. So integral was the Libyan leader's involvement that the Special Court for Sierra Leone reportedly considered indicting him.

Woman cries for help, says abused by Gaddafi men
A weeping Libyan woman made a desperate plea for help on Saturday, slipping into a Tripoli hotel full of foreign journalists to show bruises and scars she said had been inflicted on her by Muammar Gaddafi's militiamen. As reporters gathered to hear her story, security guards grabbed the woman, bundled her into a car and drove her away following a brawl in which several journalists were beaten. The woman, Eman al-Obaidi, said she was arrested at a checkpoint in Tripoli because she is from the city of Benghazi, the bastion of a rebel insurgency against Gaddafi's rule. "They swore at me and they filmed me. I was alone. There was whiskey. I was tied up," she said, weeping and stretching out her arms to show scars. Her face was heavily bruised and her upper right thigh had blood on it. "They peed on me. They violated my honour," said Obaidi. Obaidi, wearing a loose black coat and slippers, said she had been raped by 15 men and held for two days at the checkpoint. ... International human rights groups say Gaddafi loyalists have been enforcing their rule by arresting thousands of people.

Bahrain's Foreign Police Add to Tensions
The Al Khalifa family, Sunni Muslims who rule over a Shiite-majority population, have long relied on recruits from Sunni-majority countries such as Pakistan, Jordan and Yemen to fill the ranks of their police forces. As antigovernment protests have flared in Bahrain, culminating in a violent crackdown last week, the monarchy has turned again to Pakistan military-linked foundations to find recruits for its security forces.