Na linkovima se mogu downloadati dva predavanja na engleskom na kojima AIC-ov ekonomist Shir Hever i palestinsko-američki poduzetnik Sam Bahour govore o posljedicama 40-godišnje izraelske vojne okupacije i uništavanja palestinskog društva na palestinsku ekonomiju, te ulozi koju u propadanju i devastiranju palestinske ekonomije ima međunarodna humanitarna i razvojna pomoć, ali i postupci Palestinske „samouprave“. Predavanja su održana u Ramalli u svibnju 2008.
The Economics of Occupation and the Business of Development: A Critical Look at Economics, Business, and Palestinian Rights, Pt. I by Shir Hever (mp3, 33 min)
The Economics of Occupation and the Business of Development: A Critical Look at Economics, Business, and Palestinian Rights, Pt. II by Sam Bahour (mp3, 44:33)
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Izvor: AIC
Dodatni linkovi i vijesti Palestina/Izrael:
Just another Thursday in our Yamim Nora'im and their Ramadan
We immediately understood that Amid will be in jail for at least 96 hours before being brought to court. This is how it is, when you are an Occupied Palestinian. Israelis can be arrested only for 24 hours without trial. If you are Palestinian just before the weekend, and you have not been interrogated yet, they will extend your arrest by yet another 96 hours, because you are Palestinian and the Occupation law allows them to hold you for 8 whole days without any interrogation or arrest.
Ambassade britannique à Tel Aviv : un concert de protestations
Journalist discloses details of Israeli-PA security meeting
Nahum Barnea is a prominent Israeli journalist and regular columnist at the mass-circulation newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth. On Friday, 19 September, he revealed shocking details of a recent “security coordination” meeting between Israeli and Palestinian security commanders.
McCartney makes Bethlehem visit
Paul McCartney je nažalost, umjesto da se – kao svaki neovisni i nepristrani umjetnik koji drži do sebe, ljudskih prava, slobode, pravednosti, jednakosti i ostalih demokratskih vrijednosti - priključi kulturnom bojkotu izraelskog aparthejda i etničkog čišćenja i solidarizira s palestinskim umjetnicima, odlučio ignorirati i prešutjeti izraelski aparthejd, sociocid i ilegalnu 40-godišnju brutalnu vojnu okupaciju održavši koncert u Tel Avivu, u sklopu – iako to možda nije bilo izravno tako rečeno – proslava 60 godina cionističkog etničkog čišćenja Palestine.
Ostali linkovi:
DEATH PENALTY: No One Too Young in Iran
In Iran it is difficult to figure out when a person is considered an adult. According to Article 49 of the Islamic Penal Code the age of legal responsibility is nine years for girls and 15 for boys. Youngsters of both sexes, however, have to wait until they are 16 to vote in elections, and 18 to open a bank account, get a driver's license, or sell property in their names. They can be hanged at any age.
Five Countries Responsible for All Executions of Juvenile Offenders Since 2005
Iraq: Not our country to Return to
Broj iračkih žrtava američke agresije i okupacije u Iraku, najcenzuriranija tema 2008. godine u SAD-u prema web stranici Project Censored