srijeda, 31. prosinca 2008.


S HAP bloga:

Zagreb - prosvjed solidarnosti s Palestinom 2. siječnja!

Pozivamo vas na prosvjed solidarnosti
s palestinskim narodom u Gazi

Posljednji brutalni napad Države Izrael na opkoljeni grad Gazu u okupiranoj Palestini rezultirao je stotinama mrtvih. Suprotno onome što tvrdi izraelska vojska, ne gađaju se i ne stradavaju "teroristi", nego obični ljudi i djeca u bolnicama, stambenim zgradama, na ulicama i sveučilištima. Svojim izjavama Izrael je još jednom pokazao kako svakog Palestinca smatra "teroristom" i opravdanim ciljem.

Ovo bombardiranje tek je zadnja epizoda tragedije koja već šezdeset godina čini svakodnevicu života na Bliskom istoku. Nakon što je stvorena jednonacionalna država Izrael na palestinskom teritoriju uz potporu zapadnih sila, palestinski narod izložen je ubojstvima, apartheidu, izbjeglištvu i životu u logorima.

Niti jedan narod ne može biti slobodan dok tlači drugi narod!

Pridružimo se prosvjedu protiv masakra u Gazi, za mir i stabilnost na Bliskom istoku i u svijetu u petak, 2.1.2009. u 13:30h ispred džamije u zagrebačkom Folnegovićevom naselju (Gavelina BB).

Društvo hrvatsko-palestinskog prijateljstva
Crvena akcija

Nekoliko linkova o Gazi:
'The injured were lying there asking God to let them die'
There were mothers, fathers looking for children, looking for relatives. Everyone was confused and seeking support. Mothers were crying, people were asking about relatives, the medical team was confused. Some people were just lying there, some were screaming, some were very, very angry. There were a lot of injured arriving, ambulances coming in and out. The injured were coming by private cars and they were being left wherever. You could see blood here and there. There is talk [the Israeli air strikes] were targeting the police and security forces but in Shifa hospital, I saw many, many civilians, some dead, some injured, some were children, some were women, some were elderly people. There are people without their legs in very severe pain. The doctors and nurses were trying to give them painkillers and to keep them alive. Patients are lying there knowing they've lost their legs. Some were asking God if they could die. ... There's no gauze so they are using cotton, which sticks to the wounds. They can't sterilise clothes for the operating theatre. They're using wrong sized syringes. They're working 24 hours. They're referring cases from one hospital to the next. One hospital was running out of anaesthesia. They're also drawing blood and there's no alcohol. This is a disaster.

Gaza: where civilians become targets
Gaza's hospitals were at a breaking point long ago. After months of collective punishment and the denial of the most mundane and most essential, it is near impossible to treat the hundreds of injured streaming in to the emergency wards. The situation today for hospitals – just like for all Gazans – is like being slowly starved, strangled and deprived of oxygen, then having your head plunged and held underwater. Our medical sources in the hospitals report that of the injured from yesterday's attacks alone, more than 100 will likely die in the coming hours and days. Injuries are severe, and the hospital wards are not only overwhelmed by the numbers, but have less resources – such as alcohol, morphine, plastic gloves – to treat the wounded.

UN: Israel committing "wanton aggression" in the Gaza Strip

US Veto Blocks UN Anti-Israel Resolution
Od 1972. do danas SAD je stavio veto na 40 rezolucija Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a u kojima se kritizirao Izrael. Od 2004. Washington je spriječio prihvaćanje 4 rezolucija koje su Izrael pozivale da obustavi svoje operacije u Pojasu Gaze.

Iran Jews stage pro-Palestinian rally near UN offices in Tehran
"We are here to express out support and sympathy for the Palestinian nation," he said, adding that Muslim nations could rise up as a single large force against Israel. He also said that the victors of the current conflict were the residents of Gaza.