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Link na peticiju: STOP ACTA!Na linku možete potpisati peticiju upućenu čelnicima EU-a koji podržavaju ACTA-u kojom tražimo da odbace ACTA-u zbog toga što se tim sporazumom krše naša prava na privatnost i slobodu izražavanja, građanska i digitalna prava, te pravo na poštenu uporabu.Izvor i link na peticiju: STOP ACTA!DODATNO:BAHREIN:Urgent Action: Abdulhadi Alkhawaja Collapses in PrisonMr. Alkhawaja has been in prison since April 9, 2011 and has been sentenced to life imprisonment after a grossly unfair trial. At the time of his arrest he was so badly beaten that he required a four hour operation in the military hospital. He was subsequently subjected to further torture. He was initially held incommunicado and denied access to his lawyer and family. He began his current open-ended hunger strike last week as his way of joining the escalating protests as the ongoing revolution reached its one-year mark. Mr. Alkhawaja's daughter, Zainab, was arrested on Sunday at a protest in the capital, and on Monday was sent for seven days' interrogation. Mr. Alkhawaja's younger brother, Salah Alkhawaja (sentenced to five years), has joined his hunger strike.Read more...
PALESTINA/IZRAEL:Urgent Appeal: Khader Adnan's Life at Risk as He Enters Day 59 of Hunger StrikeNakon 59 dana štrajka glađu ugrožen život palestinskog zarobljenika (14. veljača 2012.)Palestinac Khader Adnan već 59 dana štrajka glađu u izraelskom administrativnom pritvoru. Njegovo je zdravlje kritično i svaki bi trenutak mogao kolabirati. Adnan se žalio na odluku izraelskog vojnog suda da bude stavljen na 4 mjeseca u administrativni pritvor i odlučio je štrajkati glađu dok ga ne oslobode, prosvjedujući na taj način protiv nečovječnog i ponižavajućeg postupanja kojem je izložen od trenutka svog uhićenja 17. prosinca 2011. i protiv izraelske politike pritvaranja Palestinaca bez da su za išta optuženi ili osuđeni.Read more...Palestinian youth to France: “Stop financing the killing of our people” (photos, video)Prosvjed protiv trgovine oružjem između Francuske i Izraela (slike, video) (2. veljača 2012.)Desetci Palestinaca 2. su veljače ove godine prosvjedovali protiv francuske kupovine izraelskih bespilotnih letjelica u vrijednosti od 500 milijuna američkih dolara. Oko 30 ljudi prosvjedovalo je u Jeruzalemu ispred francuskog konzulata, te oko 50 njih u Ramalli ispred Francuskog kulturnog centra. Prosvjednici, koji smatraju da ovim potezom Francuska postaje suučesnica u ratnim zločinima izraelske vojske, pozvali su francusku vladu da Izraelu nametne embargo na oružje i uvede bojkot te zemlje. Jedan od aktivista je izjavio: „Okupili smo se ovdje kako bismo francuskoj vladi poručili da kupnjom bespilotnih letjelica pokazuje potpuno nepoštivanje međunarodnog prava i da treba smjesta prestati kupovati izraelsko oružje koje ubija palestinske građane. Kupnjom proizvoda izraelske vojne industrije francuska vlada podržava ubijanje Palestinaca: potrebno je odmah nametnuti potpuni i sveobuhvatni vojni embargo Izraelu!“ Francusko je ministarstvo obrane 20. srpnja 2011. odlučio od Izraela kupiti ratno oružje u vrijednosti većoj od 318 milijuna eura, a tu je odluku navodno sada potvrdio i francuski parlament. Aktivisti i organizacije solidarnosti s palestinskim narodom u Francuskoj pokrenuli su opsežnu kampanju protiv ove trgovine, a najavljeni su i daljnji prosvjedi ispred francuskih institucija u arapskim zemljama.Read more...BAHREIN:The US-Bahraini Exchange: Tear gas from us, kindness in returnFor those who haven't followed the struggle in Bahrain, the Pearl Roundabout was like Egypt's Tahrir Square, where Bahraini protesters had camped out for about a month before they were brutally evicted by the police. In an attempt to totally squash the protests, the government had bulldozed the entire square, including the iconic monument in the middle made up of six sails projecting up to the sky and coming together to hold a giant, shining pearl. The men, trying to protect the women from any police repression, set up a blockade to push the women onward toward the permitted march. Meanwhile, thousand of young men started sprinting towards the Pearl Roundabout. Although the protest was totally peaceful, the police (most of whom are not Bahraini and many of whom don't even speak Arabic), responded with an overwhelming barrage of teargas, as well as birdshot and rubber bullets.Read more...Six US citizens arrested in Bahrain, to be deportedSix US Citizens were arrested by Bahraini security forces in Manama on Tuesday during a peaceful protest on the way to the Pearl Roundabout. Protesters had marched into the city center to reestablish a presence of nonviolent, peaceful protest on the one year anniversary of the Arab Spring uprising in Bahrain. ... The six US citizens were part of a peaceful protest marching towards the Pearl Roundabout – site of last year's peaceful round-the-clock protest in Bahrain, modeled after Egypt's Tahrir Square – when they were attacked. Bahraini authorities appear to have targeted the Witness Bahrain observers, as one volunteer was told that she was detained for reporting on the February 11th Manama protest. The six observers remain in Bahraini custory in the Naem Police Station in Manama. This group of internationals is the second to be deported by the Bahraini government. Attorneys Huwaida Arraf and Radhika Sainath were deported on Saturday, February 11th. The two were handcuffed for the duration of their flight from Bahrain to London. Several international observers remain on the ground.Read more...Radhika Sainath describes arrest and deportation from Bahrain (video)Day and Night in a Bahraini Jail – Part OneThen the police left the boy, and surrounded me. They were all Pakistani, mercenaries brought by the regime to put down protesters. “You can't photo,” one said. “I'm not. I couldn't get it to work,” I said putting the iPad away. They closed in and my back was against the wall. The women of the alley watched from balconies and corners. “You are lucky you are Indian,” said one of the policeman. “If you were from Bahrain we would arrest you.” My mind raced, how would Pakistani Sunni in a Bahraini police force feel towards an Indian Hindu at a mostly-Shia'a democracy march? There did seem to be a common South Asian bond, but I decided to air on the side of caution. “Oh I'm American,” I said. “But my parents are from India.” They started questioning me about my attendance at the protest how I go there and why I was present. Did I know they were saying bad things about the Bahraini regime, that they were chanting down with Hamad.” “Do they allow people to say bad things about the government in America?” asked one. The others nodded at his logic, certain that I would now understand the outrageousness of the protesters' actions. “Of course. People said bad things about George Bush all the time. They hated Bush. And now lots of people protest against Obama.” They were quiet, and I pressed on, telling them that I was in their country, Pakistan, a few years ago supporting the lawyer's democracy movement. “The people hated Musharraf, and they went to the street.” I hoped I played my cards right—what if these guys liked Musharraf? But nobody liked Musharraf. I watched their eyes blink in understanding. They hated their dictatorship, but were supporting another non-democratic regime.Read more...Occupied Bahrain one year after the uprisingIn the afternoon we attempted to make our way to Pearl Roundabout. There was a huge traffic jam because the police had put up roadblocks, and so many people were trying to get downtown. Today there was no permitted march like yesterday. People were simply planning to get as close to the Roundabout as they could. On the highway leading to the center of town, the streets were reverberating with the sounds of Down, Down, Hamad, Down Down, Hamad. Hamad is the King, and it's illegal to speak against the King, the Prime Minister or the royal family. Some of the cars were just honking their horns to the beat of Down, Down, Hamad. It was a traffic insurrection, an uprising on the highway. The police didn't know what to do. One young man in the lane next to us stuck his head out the roof of his car, yelling Down, down, Hamad. The police started running after his car, firing tear gas, as if he were some hardened criminal. In the car in front of us was the amazing human rights activist/organizer Nabeel Rajab. We saw him and some of his colleague get out of their car and start walking. We were still far away from the roundabout, but we jumped out of our cars to join the group. I put on my sign saying “Observer” and grabbed my gas mask. We, the observers, were declared illegal by the government, who wanted to keep all observers and most journalists out of the country so they wouldn't see the demonstrations. We hadn't walked for more than a few minutes when the police ran towards us. BOOM, BOOM. They started shooting tear gas canisters—not in the air to disperse us, but RIGHT AT US, like bullets. Most of us started running. I ran with Tighe and Billy (two of the other US observers) and others right into the highway, sprinting as fast as we could and hiding behind the cars. BOOM, BOOM. Two of the canisters feel right next to me. People in the cars, perfect strangers, starting opening their car doors and pulling all of us inside. “Get in, get in,” they shouted.Read more...What I Learned in the Airport in BahrainIn its efforts to keep people like me out – people who want to observe how the Bahrain government is responding to peaceful protests – the Bahrain government has adopted a policy of suspicion towards a much broader group of Westerners. And that's going to hurt the Bahrain government's image among a much broader group of people than just people like me. It will hurt the willingness of tourists and business people to come to Bahrain. I saw a bunch of very irate British people this morning who said they had been invited by Bahrain's oil company to give a marketing presentation. They said they were late to their meeting, because the Bahrain authorities would not let them out of the airport. One of them started saying, very loudly, “I don't even want to be here.” A saw an English woman say: I've been here before, it's never been like this. I saw a bunch of Spaniards who said they came for a conference, one of whom said he was supposed to make a presentation. They could not get out of the airport. They were also very irate. I also saw an AP journalist who could not get out of the airport.Read more...SIRIJA:Bombardment of Syrian city continuesSyrian troops have shelled the central city of Homs for a 10th day, opposition activists say, amid suggestions by the UN's human rights chief that the UN Security Council's failure to pass a resolution condemning Syria has encouraged the government to intensify its attacks on civilians. At least seven people were killed and more than 20 injured on Tuesday in the city's Bab Amr neighbourhood, which endured relentless barrage of heavy machinegun fire, tank shells, mortars and rocket-propelled granades, according to the activists. ... Tanks of government troops are also stationed in Inshaat. Many residents displaced from the neighbourhood report that their homes have been looted and sometimes occupied by government forces. Elsewhere in Syria, activists said on Tuesday that security forces stormed Taybeh in the southern province of Deraa after heavy shelling on the town. Amid the violence, Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, told the General Assembly on Monday that President Bashar al-Assad's crackdown on dissidents indicated crimes against humanity had taken place since March 2011 and were continuing. ... Pillay also said that "credible reports indicate that Syrian security forces killed well above 5,400 people last year, including civilians as well as military personnel who refused to shoot civilians".Read more...
Prosvjednici u Bahreinu danas obilježavaju prvu godišnjicu ustanka građana Bahreina za veća građanska i politička prava. Bahreinske su vlasti tijekom protekle godine protiv prosvjednika primjenjivale pretjeranu silu, a uhićeni prosvjednici izloženi su zlostavljanju i mučenju. Do danas nije poznato je li itko odgovarao za ova kršenja ljudskih prava. Stotine nenasilnih prosvjednika kazneno su gonjene, dok su drugi otpušteni ili izbačeni sa svojih studija zbog korištenja svog prava na slobodu izražavanja i okupljanja. Tijekom posljednjih tjedana vlasti u Bahreinu su eskalirale nasilno gušenje prosvjeda, a brojnim novinarima i aktivistima za ljudska prava onemogućen je ulaz u zemlju.Na poziv aktivista za ljudska prava u Bahreinu udruga građana „Witness Bahrain“ je u Bahrein poslala aktiviste - međunarodne promatrače, većinom iz SAD-a, koji zajedno s bahreinskim građanima sudjeluju u nenasilnim prosvjedima i vanjski svijet informiraju o onome što se u toj zemlji doista događa. Njihove izvještaje možete na engleskom pratiti na stranici Witness Bahrain.U nastavku linkovi na 2 peticije protiv kršenja ljudskih prava u Bahreinu:Peticija Obami protiv prodaje američkog oružja BahreinuNa linku možete potpisati peticiju američkom predsjedniku Baracku Obami kojom tražimo da se obustavi prodaja američkog oružja Bahreinu zbog kršenja ljudskih prava građana u toj zemlji, tako dugo dok vlada ne pristane na demokratske promjene i ne prestane koristiti nasilje protiv nenasilnih građana.Više informacija i link na peticiju: Stop any new arms deals with Bahrain
Peticija bahreinskom kralju protiv nasilnog gušenja nenasilnih prosvjedaNa linku možete potpisati peticiju Amnesty Internatinala upućenu bahreinskom kralju šeiku Hamadu bin 'Issi Al Khalifi kojom od bahreinskih vlasti tražimo da poštuju i zaštite ljudska prava na slobodu mišljenja i izražavanja, kao i na slobodu nenasilnog okupljanja i udruživanja bahreinskih građana, te da smjesta oslobode sve osobe koje su lišene slobode zbog korištenja svojih legitimnih prava na slobodu izražavanja i okupljanja, istraže sve navode o mučenju uhićenih prosvjednika, objave rezultate takvih istraga i privedu odgovorne pravdi, kao i da svi građani otpušteni ili izbačeni iz fakulteta zbog korištenja svog prava na slobodu izražavanja i okupljanja budu vraćeni na svoja radna mjesta i sveučilišta.Više informacija i link na peticiju: Tell Bahrain the World is Watching
Više informacija o stanju i prosvjedima u Bahreinu:WITNESS BAHRAINOn the Ground International Solidarity with Bahrain's RevolutionRead more...
Link na peticiju: Stop Syria's Deadly Assault on HomsNa linku možete potpisati peticiju Amnesty Internationala upućenu ministru vanjskih poslova Rusije Sergeiju Viktorovichu Lavrovu kojom od ruske vlade tražimo da iskoristi svoj međunarodni utjecaj kako bi se zaustavila teška kršenja ljudskih prava u Siriji i odgovorni za zločine priveli pravdi. Rusija je prošli vikend zajedno s Kinom, stavila veto na rezoluciju Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a o Siriji. U nasilju u Siriji od ožujka prošle godine ubijene su tisuće ljudi. Samo tijekom prošlog vikenda u napadima vladinih snaga na grad Homs ubijene su stotine ljudi, uključujući više od 12 djece. Rusija, koja snažno podupire Assadov režim, mogla bi odigrati ključu ulogu u zaustavljanju ubijanja i krvoprolića. Nakon stavljanja veta u Vijeću sigurnosti Rusija je najavila kako ima bolji plan za rješavanje krize, no veto je poslužio samo kao zeleno svjetlo Assadovom režimu da se u gušenju otpora nastavi služiti svim sredstvima. Zatražite od Rusije da poduzme javne i odlučne korake kojima će se suprotstaviti kršenjima ljudskih prava koja se odvijaju u Siriji.Izvor i link na peticiju: Stop Syria's Deadly Assault on HomsDODATNO:PALESTINA/IZRAEL:Palestinians' normalization debate has deep historical rootsBefore the rise of Nazi anti-Semitism, the Zionist project appealed to very limited segments of both Jewish and international public opinion. In fact, it was perceived either as a reactionary colonial project doomed to fail (by the General Jewish Labor Bund and famous philosopher Hannah Arendt, for example), or it was viewed as a romantic but unrealistic utopia (the majority of the Jewish bourgeoisie), or as a downright blasphemy (Orthodox Judaism). Until 1933, it seemed highly unlikely that the Zionists' modest colonial enterprise, revolving around collective farming communities, would become a full-fledged modern state. But Nazi anti-Semitism provided the opportunity to radically change the nature of the Zionist project. Hitler's rise saw a new wave of well-trained and highly educated Jewish immigrants coming to Palestine with modern technologies, know-how, and capital. In 1945, hundreds of thousands of survivors that no Western country wanted to host provided both the pretext and the human material for the fulfillment of the Zionist project: a Jewish State in Palestine. The indigenous Arab population of Palestine, a group that was not responsible for the Holocaust, was the victim of the Western decision to repair for the crime of genocide that occurred in Europe. No wonder the Arabs and Palestinians opposed the UN Partition Plan of 1947, which allocated a majority of the land to the new Jewish minority.Read more...
IN PHOTOS: Palestinian village squeezed by Israeli expansionThe Bedouin community of Umm Al Khair is located in the West Bank's South Hebron Hills. Because Umm Al Khair falls into Area C, which is under Israeli control, residents face restricted water access, no public services, little freedom of movement, and severe building limitations. In general, the Israeli Civil Administration does not issue construction permits for Palestinians. Villages are unable to expand and Israeli forces frequently demolish existing structures. This photo essay tells the story of one Palestinian village that has been squeezed by Israeli policies.Read more...Who Profits Special Update: Israeli High Court of Justice legalizes the exploitation of natural resources in the OPTIzraelski Visoki sud pravde legalizirao eksploataciju prirodnih bogatstava na okupiranim palestinskim područjima (1. siječanj 2012.)Izraelski Visoki sud pravde je u ponedjeljak 26. prosinca 2011. odbacio peticiju organizacije Yesh Din koja je dovodila u pitanje legalnost iskorištavanja prirodnih bogatstava koja 11 kompanija izvlači iz kamenoloma i rudnika na okupiranoj Zapadnoj obali. 94% sirovina koje izvlače kompanije aktivne u "Zoni C" pod izraelskom kontrolom prodaje se u Izraelu, a kompanije dio profita daju izraelskoj civilnoj upravi na okupiranom palestinskom području. Samo djelić sirovina prodaje se Palestincima. U suprotnosti s izraelskim obvezama prema međunarodnom humanitarnom pravu da štiti javnu imovinu na okupiranim područjima, uključujući prirodna bogatstva, ovom je presudom legalizirana ekonomska eksploatacija, a kompanijama je dopušteno da neometano nastave svoje djelatnosti. Izrael prirodna bogatstva na okupiranom području izrabljuje u svoju korist već više od 40 godina. Palestinci i dalje pate zbog izvlašćivanja zemlje, nestašice vode i drugih osnovnih potrepština, dok izraelska država i privatne kompanije zgrću korist od krađe prirodnih bogatstava na okupiranim područjima, teško kršeći međunarodno humanitarno pravo, međunarodne standarde ljudskih prava i korporativne društveno odgovorne kodekse ponašanja.Read more...WATCH Hilltop youth: “Burn down Al-Aqsa Mosque? Of course!” (video)Border Police train Israeli teens to detain illegal Palestinian workersThe initiative is financed by the Public Security Minister of Israel and the Modi'in Regional Council, without any knowledge on the part of Ministry of Education. Approximately 36 teenagers between the ages of 16-18 take part in the project. In their spare time, they help catch “illegal residents”, or stand at checkpoints and help guard the neighboring settlements.
Read more...In Gaza: 2008-2009 Israeli massacre of Gaza, not forgotten (photos)Slike izraelskog pokolja u Gazi 2008-200931 December 2008: The Abu Areeda familySince he lost his mother, thinking of the future makes Majd anxious. "I am afraid of losing someone else who is close to me. Now my father is the closest one and I am afraid something will happen to him. After the death of my mother I feel like I have a dead heart. When I laugh I feel as if I do something wrong, I cannot laugh when my mother is dead."Read more...1 January 2009: The Nasla familyOn 1 January 2009 at around 15:00, Israeli military planes targeted a water tower across from the home of the Nasla family in North Beit Lahiya. The family were making lunch when the first bomb hit. As the family were trying to escape the smoke filled house, a second and third bomb struck the area, killing Ayoun Nasla, 6, and M'uz Nasla, 2.Read more...2 January 2009: Eyad al-AstalOn 2 January 2009 at around 14:30 an Israeli drone fired a missile at an open area in Qarara village, close to Khan Yunis. The missile struck and killed two brothers, Mohammed (12) and Abed Rabbo (9) al-Astal, and their cousin, Abdul Sattar Walid al-Astal (11) while they were playing and eating sugar canes in the land.Read more...Amira Hass: On anniversary of Gaza war, we will remember IDF soldiers who destroyed Palestinian familiesWe will remember the soldiers who turned the Abu Eida family home in eastern Jabalya into a base and place from which to shoot, and confined in one room an elderly invalid, a blind woman and two older women. We will remember how these soldiers did not allow these four persons to go to the restroom for nine days. We will remember the soldiers who herded members of the Samouni family into one house and were themselves positioned 80 meters from it when it was shelled, with all its residents inside, under orders from brigade commander Ilan Malka - someone else whom we will remember, of course.Read more...31 December 2011: Chicago honors Gaza's children (photos)31. prosinac 2011: Građani Chicaga prisjećaju se više od 300 ubijene palestinske djece u izraelskom napadu na Gazu prije 3 godine (slike)Official statistics record 4,500 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisonsPrema službenim statističkim podacima 4500 palestinskih zarobljenika još se uvijek nalazi u izraelskim zatvorima (2. siječanj 2012.)Prema podacima koje je objavio Odjel za statistiku Ministarstva zarobljenika i bivših zarobljenika Palestinske samouprave, u izraelskim se zatvorima početkom 2012. nalazilo 4500 Palestinaca, uključujući 6 žena. Uz njih, u izraelskim se zatvorima nalaze i desetci Arapa različitih nacionalnosti, ponajprije iz Jordana, Sirije i Egipta. Broj zatvorenika stalno se mijenja zbog svakodnevnih uhićenja Palestinaca od strane izraelskih okupacijskih snaga. Tijekom 2011. uhićeno je više od 3300 osoba, u prosjeku 9 na dan. Prema službenim podacima među zarobljenicima je i 130 maloljetnika mlađih od 18 godina, te stotine zarobljenika koji su uhićeni dok su bili maloljetni i koji su punoljetni postali u zatvoru. 240 zarobljenika nalazi se u "administrativnom pritvoru", bez da su za išta optuženi i bez suđenja. Među zarobljenicima su i 24 izabranih zakonodavaca, bivših ministara i političkih čelnika, te stotine bolesnih zarobljenika i zarobljenika s invaliditetom koji pate od raznih bolesti, uključujući rak. 532 zarobljenika izdržavaju jednu ili više doživotnih kazni, a 122 ih je lišeno slobode prije Sporazuma iz Osla i uspostave Palestinske samouprave u svibnju 1994.Read more...Israeli travel firm markets West Bank as tourist hotspot (video)Major Israeli businesses helped quadruple donations to right-wing Im Tirtzu movementAside from the Azrieli Group and Leo Schachter Diamonds, the group mentions three other bodies from which it received donations in 2010 exceeding NIS 20,000, the maximum amount for a donation whose source needn't be listed. Keren Segal Leyisrael − a fund whose declared objective is "to establish, develop and manage educational and cultural projects about Israel's heritage and the Jewish community in Jerusalem and Israel," and which is headed by Jerusalem businessman Yotam Bar-Hama − donated NIS 77,000 to Im Tirtzu last year. In 2008, it donated NIS 190,000 to Im Tirtzu. ... Another organization called The Forum for Religious Zionism donated NIS 74,000 to the movement last year. ... Since its founding, Im Tirtzu has also been supported by the Central Israel Fund, a U.S.-based NPO. The fund, which according to its latest U.S. income tax return, raised nearly $10.5 million in 2010, says that it aids the needy and supports various educational and community projects. Central Israel, which transferred NIS 95,000 to Im Tirtzu last year, raises money for strongly right-wing organizations like Women in Green, and the Hananu organization, which provides legal aid to rightists and in the past even gave money to Yigal Amir. Some of the contributors to Im Tirtzu have been revealed in the past. In 2008, the organization received a donation of NIS 374,000 from the American organization Christians United for Israel, and in 2009 it received the same sum from them. This organization is headed by Father John Hagee, who once said that “God sent Hitler as a hunter to force the Jews to move to Israel in anticipation of Judgment Day.” This money, by the way, was not transferred directly to Im Tirtzu, but rather via the Jewish Agency.Read more...