UN Fact-Finding Mission Says Israelis "Executed" US Citizen Furkan Dogan
The report of the fact-finding mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla released last week shows conclusively, for the first time, that US citizen Furkan Dogan and five Turkish citizens were murdered execution-style at point blank range by Israeli commandos, and that five other passengers were killed in similar circumstances. The report reveals that Dogan, the 19-year-old US citizen of Turkish descent, was filming with a small video camera on the top deck of the Mavi Marmara when he was shot twice in the head, once in the back and in the left leg and foot and that he was shot in the face at point blank range while lying on the ground.
Hungry In Gaza, More And More
Prema podacima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO) u Gazi je anemično 74% djece u dobi između 9 i 12 mjeseci, 32% djece u dobi od 7 do 15 godina, te 45% trudnica u prvim mjesecima trudnoće.
5th Viva Palestina convoy en route to Gaza
Viva Palestina aid convoy leaves Ankara
Free Gaza Movement: The IDF, the Major Terrorist in the Middle East
'ICC may probe Israel's flotilla attack'
"Međunarodni kazneni sud bi mogao istraživati izraelski napad na flotilu (28. rujan 2010.)
Brod Mavi Marmara koji su izraelski mornarički specijalci napali u svibnju 2010. u međunarodnim vodama i pri tome ubili 9 turskih aktivista, te ranili nekolicinu ostalih, plovio je pod zastavom Komorskih otoka, koji su članica suda, što Međunarodnom kaznenom sudu daje jurisdikciju u tom slučaju, ustvrdio je Desmond de Silva, član istražne misije UN-ovog Vijeća za ljudska prava (UNHRC). UN-ovo Vijeće za ljudska prava zaključilo je da postoje jasni dokazi koji terete Izrael za ubojstva i mučenje prilikom napada na humanitarne brodove. Istraga UN-ovog vijeća za ljudska prava je pokazala da je 6 od 9 žrtava izvansudski pogubljeno. UN-ovi stručnjaci su također izvijestili da je Izrael odbio predati fotografije i video snimke koje pripadaju novinarima i drugim aktivistima s brodova.
Adalah Appeals to Israeli Supreme Court to Cancel Deportation Order Against Nobel Prize Winner Mairead Maguire and Allow Her Entry into Israel
Ugledna irska mirovna nobelovka je već 6 dana u izraelskom pritvoru. (3. listopad 2010.)
Ms. Mairead Maguire was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976 for her extraordinary actions to end the sectarian violence in her native Northern Ireland. She shares the award with Betty Williams. In the 30 years since receiving the award, Mairead has dedicated her life to promoting peace, both in Northern Ireland and around the world. Her message is that nonviolence is the only way to achieve a peaceful and just society. Ms. Maguire works with inter-church and inter-faith organizations and is a member of the International Peace Council. She is a Patron of the Methodist Theological College, and the author of “The Vision of Peace: Faith and Hope in Northern Ireland,” published by Orbis Books. Most recently, in June 2010, Ms. Maguire and members of the Free Gaza Movement set sail on the 'Rachel Corrie Cargo Boat' to help break the blockade on Gaza and bring humanitarian aid to the children and people of Gaza. The boat was intercepted in international waters by the Israeli navy, and it was forced to sail to the Israeli port of Ashdod. Ms. Maguire was detained for two days and then deported from Israel. This is not the first time that Israel has denied entry to prominent academics and activists who are critical of Israeli policies toward Palestinians. For example, on 16 May 2010, Professor Noam Chomsky was held for several hours at the Allenby Bridge crossing from Jordan to the West Bank, questioned and ultimately denied entry into Israel. The professor, aged 81, was entering the West Bank in order to speak at Birzeit University. At the order of the Interior Ministry, the Border Police denied Prof. Richard Falk entry to Israel on 14 December 2008. Prof. Falk, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territories was on his way to the West Bank to carry out his official functions. He was deported from Ben-Gurion Airport on 15 December 2008.
Viva Palestina arrives in Syria after visiting Flotilla Martyrs Tombs
Jewish boat's captain says IDF used 'considerable, unprovoked and dangerous violence'
On the opposite side of the cockpit Yonatan Shapira and his brother Itamar had been identified by the IDF commander in charge. He sought to separate them from the others. Yonatan clasped Rami in a hug to prevent himself being removed. The senior officer then moved one side of Yonatan's lifejacket covering his left breast, placed a Tazer gun in contact with his clothing and fired it directly into his heart. Yonatan let out a dreadful scream and the force of the Tazer caused him to lose control of his muscles. He was pulled off Rami and across the cockpit to the middle. He was then hit twice more by the Tazer gun, screaming out again. Both he and Itamar were forcefully pulled off our boat onto the IDF rib on port side. ... I was taken to the Immigration and Boarder Authority where I experienced a truly Kafkaesque moment. We were presented with a form to sign which stated that I was due to be deported being suspected of residing in Israel illegally. When I pointed out that the only reason I was in Israel at all was that the IDF had kidnapped me and forcefully brought me into Israel on the orders of the government, the reply was that it did not matter who had brought me in, but that now I was there I was there without permission and so due for deportation. They were not amused by my laughter.
I Do Not Understand Why the U.S. Government Is Deaf
"Up to this moment, I still do not understand why the United States government is deaf to what has been done to my son, an American citizen. I urge the U.S government to act to defend the rights of my son. I also would like to know why the US voted against the Gaza Flotilla Report of the UN Fact Finding Mission at the Human Rights Council last week, as that report included information about the execution of my son."
Viva Palestina Activists appeal to Egypt to allow Gaza aid
Viva Palestina
(4. listopad 2010.) Konvoj iz Alžira, Tunisa i Maroka, te jordanski konvoj spojili su se u Siriji u jedan veliki međunarodni humanitarni konvoj s europskim konvojem koji je do Sirije putovao iz Londona. Aktivisti sad već dulje od tjedan dana čekaju da im egipatske vlasti dopuste da konvoj uđe u Egipat.
Viva Palestina 5 in Lattakia [Press TV]
Israeli soldiers to testify behind screen in Corrie Case
In asking for the highly unusual protective measures, state attorneys argued that they were necessary to protect the soldiers' safety and prevent their images from being circulated. They based the request on an overbroad security certificate issued by Defense Minister Ehud Barak in 2008, but did not provide concrete evidence to substantiate their concerns for the soldiers' safety or security. Corrie attorneys opposed the motion, arguing that allowing the soldiers to testify behind a screen infringes upon the right to an open, fair and transparent trial. They asked to dismiss the request, filed just 48 hours before the first soldier's testimony. Alternatively, the lawyers asked the court to allow the family to see the witnesses even if the public could not, but their request was denied. Lawyers for the Corrie family plan to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court of Israel. "While Rachel stood in front of a wall to protect the two families huddled behind it, the state is now making the soldiers hide behind a wall that denies us the opportunity to see them," said Cindy Corrie, Rachel's mother. "The State of Israel has been hiding for over seven years. Where is the justice?"
Freedom Flotilla Coalition Expands in Geneva
Aktivisti u nekoliko zemalja pripremaju humanitarne brodove za Gazu (11. listopad 2010.)
Koaliciji Flotila slobode priključila se i inicijativa švicarskih aktivista koji žele svojim brodom sudjelovati u flotili. 14. listopada 2010. aktivisti Eurospke kampanje za okončanje opsade Gaze će u Haagu tužitelju Međunarodnog kaznenog suda prijaviti izraelske zločine počinjene na brodu Mavi Marmara, a za manje od 2 tjedna, odvjetnici iz više od 20 zemalja će se sastati kako bi raspravljali o podizanju tužbi protiv Izraela i već postojećim naporima da se izdaju optužnice za izraelske ratne zločince. Aktivisti iz Švicarske, Italije, Nizozemske, Malezije, Irske, Norveške i Sjedinjenih Država rade na organiziranju po jednog humanitarnog broda iz svake od tih zemlja, a koji će u sklopu međunarodne humanitarne flotile ploviti u Gazu. Europska kampanja za okončanje opsade Gaze najavljuje da će u proljeće 2011. u Pojas Gaze ploviti humanitarni brodovi s 3 kontinenta - Afrike, Azije i Europe.
“Why Is the U.S. Government Deaf to What Has Been Done to My Son?” Asks Father of an American Murdered on the Gaza Flotilla
Several of the videos that were released by the Israeli Foreign Ministry and IDF on the Internet and on media broadcasts to support its version of events were found to have been digitally enhanced, computer-manufactured or fraudulent. The report provides screen shots of examples of the computer-generated segments within videos released by the Israeli government, several of which, although already exposed as false, were integrated into the Israeli military report "Eiland Team's Flotilla Incident Timeline."
Hundreds of Syrians begin visit from occupied Golan
Stotine Sirijaca s Golanske visoravni posjetile Siriju (17. rujan 2010.)
697 Sirijaca, uključujući starije osobe i oko 200 žena, koji žive na okupiranoj Golanskoj visoravni, 16. su rujna 2010. započeli svoj 5-dnevni posjet Siriji. Većini njih to je bilo prvi puta u više od 40 godina da mogu posjetiti ostatak Sirije. Do sada su im onemogućavale izraelske okupacijske snage. Izrael je Golansku visoravan okupirao 1967. i anektirao je 1981, međutim međunarodna zajednica ne priznaje ni ovu ilegalnu izraelsku aneksiju. Unatoč primirju sklopljenom 1949. godine Izrael i Sirija su i dalje tehnički u ratu. Od ukupno 150 000 Sirijaca, koliko ih je tamo živjelo prije izraelske okupacije, danas ih je na Golanskoj visoravni ostalo samo 18 000, uglavnom Druzijaca. Većina sirijskih Druzijaca koji žive na Golanskoj visoravni odbija prihvatiti izraelsko državljanstvo.
House Republicans pal around with anti-Muslim, anti-Black racist David Yerushalmi
House Republicans are openly associating themselves with a "Jewish fascist" who has called “blacks…the most murderous of peoples” and advocates for the criminalization of Islam.