Eight countries absent from OECD Tourism Conference
Osam zemalja bojkotiralo konferenciju o turizmu Organizacije za ekonomsku suradnju i razvoj (OECD) u Jeruzalemu (21. listopad 2010.)
Norveška, Kanada, Irska, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Švedska, Island, Turska i Južna Afrika nisu sudjelovale na konferenciji o turizmu OECD-a u Jeruzalemu potkraj listopada ove godine. Ostale države na konferenciju nisu poslale svoje ministre turizma, već niskorangirane predstavnike (npr. Grčka je poslala zaposlenika svog turističkog centra u Tel Avivu), a Češka je bila jedina zemlja koja je na konferenciju u Jeruzalem poslala političko predstavništvo. Bojkot konferencije, koji palestinsko civilno društvo smatra "jasnom osudom izraelskog etničkog čišćenja u Jeruzalemu", uslijedio je nakon izjave izraelskog ministra turizma Stasa Misezhnikova o tome kako održavanje ove konferencije u Jeruzalemu znači da OECD priznaje Jeruzalem kao "nepodijeljeni i glavni grad" Izraela. Neke su zemlje otvoreno izjavile da je razlog njihovog bojkota politički.
Czech public figures call on Václav Havel: "Do not use your name to whitewash Israeli war crimes, human rights violations..."
The boycott movement appeals to people of conscience around the world who feel it their duty not to stay silent towards evil in the form of war crimes and human rights violations. As such it constitutes a constructive effort by Palestinian civil society to achieve peace. It has become the only hope of a nation that is forced to live under a brutal military occupation, in an ever-widening system of apartheid or in the exile of refugee camps. Over 8,000 Palestinian political prisoners remain in Israeli jails, unnoticed by the international community, while Israel continues with the colonization of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, the confiscation of Palestinian land and the brutal suppression of any form of civil protests. It is time that the international community meet its obligations towards Palestinian civil society and its legitimate fight for justice. When in the past the Palestinians resorted to violence, the whole world condemned their actions and appealed to them to put down their weapons. Peaceful initiatives, however, have been marginalized by the world's political elites and media. Non-violent grassroots resistance has a long tradition in Palestinian civil society and it has many forms - from regular demonstrations against the illegal apartheid wall and Israeli colonies, strikes, through non-violent direct action (blocking bulldozers, setting up protest tents, planting olive trees, etc.) to activities aimed at boycotting Israel and companies that profit from the occupation.
The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories has had disastrous effects on access to education for Palestinians. While Palestinians are not able to access universities and schools, Israeli universities produce the research, technology, arguments and leaders for maintaining the occupation. BGU is no exception, by maintaining links to both the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and the arms industry BGU structurally supports and facilitates the Israeli occupation. An example of BGU’s complicity is its agreement with the IDF to provide full university qualification to army pilots within a special BGU programme. Furthermore, BGU is also complicit in the general discrimination at Israeli universities against Palestinians and Palestinian citizens of Israel.
PACBI Salutes Mike Leigh's Moral Courage
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) salutes the British writer and director, Mike Leigh, for his recent decision not to visit Israel to teach at the Sam Spiegel Film & Television School's "Great Masters" program. In his letter, Leigh cited the "Loyalty Oath" as the last straw, in addition to "the ongoing criminal blockade of Gaza, not to mention the endless shooting of innocent people there." [1] Leigh's position highlights the fact that collaborating with institutions of a state that practices occupation, colonization and apartheid, as Israel does, cannot be regarded as a neutral act in the name of academic freedom or cultural exchange. Regardless of intentions, such acts are a conscious form of complicity that is manipulated by Israel in its efforts to whitewash its persistent violations of international law and Palestinian rights. Collaborating with Israeli institutions that have not once spoken out against – let alone acted to end -- the occupation and apartheid policies of Israel sends a message to Palestinians that the world is not interested in human rights, equality and freedom. Leigh's decision, thus, reverberates positively among oppressed Palestinians and among conscience people around the world who are calling for peace based on justice and respect for international law.
Linkin Park, Cancel Apartheid Israel's Show!
Boycotts have proved effective in isolating apartheid South Africa and bringing about that regime's collapse. Inspired by the struggle of South Africa for its freedom, over 170 Palestinian civil society organizations have issued the BDS Call, which has already gained global recognition in a pace surpassing by far that of similar calls against apartheid South Africa. Many artists have canceled their performances and appearances in Israel, including Carlos Santana, Gil Scott Heron, the Pixies, Elvis Costello, Faithless, and most recently, film director Mike Leigh. Robert Del Naja of Massive Attack has recently stated he boycotts Israel, and so did 180 Irish artists, 500 Montreal artists and 100 Norwegian cultural and academic people. The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), which leads the cultural boycott, is supported by almost the entire community of Palestinian cultural workers. Are you willing to undermine such an important civil effort, while Israel remains on its racist and oppressive track with impunity?
Cancel Israel trip, Tutu tells performers
"Just as we said during apartheid that it was inappropriate for international artists to perform in South Africa in a society founded on discriminatory laws and racial exclusivity, so it would be wrong for Cape Town Opera to perform in Israel," Tutu said in a statement on Tuesday. "Cape Town Opera should postpone its proposed tour next month until both Israeli and Palestinian opera lovers of the region have equal opportunity and unfettered access to attend performances." "Only the thickest-skinned South Africans would be comfortable performing before an audience that excluded residents living, for example, in an occupied West Bank village 30 minutes from Tel Aviv, who would not be allowed to travel to Tel Aviv, while including his Jewish neighbours from an illegal settlement on occupied Palestinian territory." Tutu said the Tel Aviv Opera House was state sponsored, and by "luring" international artists to perform there, "it advances Israel's fallacious claim to being a civilised democracy". He said millions of people were denied the rights to educational and cultural opportunities in Israel every day.
Zionism? To hell with all that, says film director
Mike Leigh, the film-maker and playwright who has cancelled a planned trip to Israel next month, has backed a cultural boycott of the country, calling its policies "suicidal". In an exclusive and personal outspoken interview in which he justified his decision not to teach a masterclass at a Jerusalem film school, the 67-year-old, Salford-born author said he was now "implicitly part" of the boycott.
Justice, Israeli style
"Does anyone know the Hebrew word for 'occupation'?" A question from the state assigned Hebrew translator to the packed out courtroom. And that kicked off the trial into the killing of US activist Rachel Corrie, which took her family seven years to secure. Today, several months later, we were back at Haifa District Court to hear from the Israeli soldier who was driving the bulldozer that killed Rachel whilst she was peacefully protesting against Palestinian home demolitions in Gaza in 2003. And hear is all we could do – thanks to an unusual request filed by the state, and accepted by the judge, the driver and other soldiers testifying in this case have done so behind a dark screen to protect their identity (for “security” reasons). I can't tell you the driver's name (there is a gag order) but I can say that he is a Russian immigrant to Israel that, ironically, shares the same birthday as Rachel. It was a long and painful testimony, the driver answering the questions with variations of the phrase: "I don't remember." He couldn't even recall the time of day Rachel was killed and claimed he did not realize when he knocked Rachel down and drove over her with his four-tonne Caterpillar bulldozer. Presumably, he also didn't realize when he then backed up over her a second time crushing her body with his blade.
Israeli Military's negligence exposes schoolchildren to Israeli settler threats
Izraelska vojska iz nemara izložila školsku djecu prijetnjama izraelskih kolonista (27. listopad 2010.)
U ponedjeljak 25. listopada poslije podne palestinskoj školskoj djeci u dobi između 6 i 13 godina iz sela Tuba i Maghayir al Abeed prijetila su na njihovom putu iz škole 4 odraslih izraelskih kolonista iz divljeg ilegalnog izraelskog naselja Havat Ma'on. Djeca su se već drugi dan za redom kući vraćala bez uobičajene pratnje izraelske vojske čiji se pripadnici nisu pojavili kako bi pratili djecu kući. Nakon što su vojnike čekala više od sat vremena djeca su se morala kući vratiti duljim putem na kojem su u protekla 2 tjedna maskirani izraelski kolonisti u 3 navrata napadali Palestince i međunarodne aktiviste. Djecu su kući pratili međunarodni aktivisti kršćanske mirovne organizacije Christian Peacemaker Teams. Izraelski Knesset zadužio je izraelsku vojsku da ovu djecu prati na putu u i iz škole svaki dan jer su izraelski kolonisti iz ilegalnog naselja Ma'on i divljeg ilegalnog naselja Havat Ma'on opetovano napadali školarce. 24. i 25. listopada međunarodni aktivisti organizacija Operation Dove i Christian Peacemaker Teams u nekoliko su navrata zvali izraelsku vojsku kako bi je obavijestili da djeca čekaju na pratnju, no vojska se nije pojavila. Ovo je treći puta ovaj mjesec da vojska nije pratila djecu na putu u i iz škole.
Weekly Demonstrations: Friday, 29 October 2010
Prosvjedi na Zapadnoj obali, 29. listopad 2010.
Tijekom prosvjeda protiv izraelske okupacije u selu An Nabi Saleh na Zapadnoj obali izraelska je pogranična policija u petak suzavcem i gumom presvučenim metcima ozlijedila 22 ljudi, uključujući 2 novinara i 1 djevojčicu. Tijekom tjednog prosvjeda protiv ilegalnih naselja i Zida, održanog u petak u selu Ni'lin, prosvjednici su uspjeli odrezati dio električne ograde koja palestinsku zemlju pripaja obližnjem ilegalnom izraelskom naselju Modi'in Ilit. Ova je akcija uspjela zahvaljujući tome što je vjetar natrag vraćao suzavac koji su izraelski vojnici ispaljivali na prosvjednike, što je otežalo djelovanje vojnika. Na prosvjedu je sudjelovalo oko 100 palestinskih, izraelskih i međunarodnih aktivista.
Debunking pro-Israeli arguments against boycott
With regards to Iran, the author is misinformed because there already is a boycott of Iran that has been in place by some countries for decades, and has been further upgraded this year. Iran, Brown can be reassured, is already boycotted by much of the world community. However, for the sake of argument, even had there not been a boycott on Iran there would still be a need to address any grievances we may have with that country through different means. This is primarily because Iran is not being singled out by the world superpower for multi-billion dollar aid packages and other special treatment, nor do its artistic and filmmaking institutions benefit from such treatment and joint international programs. Still, if an international filmmaker, such as Mike Leigh, feels deep down that his conscience cannot allow him to teach at Iranian institutions that are supporting Iran's government then he could choose not to teach there.